Black Summoner

Chapter 102


— Heraldry Forest, Elf’s Village


In the early morning of the next day, we say goodbye to the elven village and leave for Perth. Elders and village elves told me to stay more slowly, but I can’t always leave Pars’s mansion. I don’t want to worry about Ellie and Luca waiting for a return home.


The elves seemed to be handed over the money collected from Satonaka, but they refused it. Don’t accept the money that fluctuates the village finance. Instead, they agreed to have some of the special products in the forest repaired. Get the fruit that Efil likes.


Leonhard and the elders in the elf form see off at the front of the village.


“Leave the guard of the village to the gown. And now, come to the gown using the transfer gate. Let’s welcome.”


“Yes, please be real in that time”


“Ha ha ha! Good, I promise. Well, I’ll be busy with the S-class promotion for a while”


“Is there anything?”


“If it is the birth of a new S-class adventurer, it will be a city-wide festival. It’s because it’s only once every few years in the world.”


“I don’t want to be too big …”


“Oh, don’t say it. You can get a profit by selling your name. And the festival is one of the biggest pleasures of the people. ――― Oh, it was when Silvia was a year ago, and he was promoted with Tonton as well as Kelvin, so the recent newcomer is excellent. He was embarrassed and didn’t attend! ”


It’s just that the person was able to escape … The feeling of doing it in the absence of the main character is also amazing.


“Efil, go to Kelvin.”


“Thank you elders yesterday”


“No, it’s a small thank you that I can do together.


Elders and elves bow their heads deeply against Efil, who greets like a maid. On the other hand, if you can bow your head to this number of people, you will not be calm.


“Please come here whenever you think this village is a real home. All the villagers are waiting. Oops, I forgot.”


The elder offers a small jewelry box to Efill.


“Efil, take this”


“Um, what is this?”


“Your mother, Rumil’s keepsake. Please bring Efil-san, Lumill will be pleased.”


“Mother’s keepsake …”


Efil receives the jewel box, gently opens the lid and looks inside.


“Is this a barrette?”


“It was what she wore when Rumil was discovered. Because it was only the haircut that was intact …”


“The emerald decorated is not very beautiful. It was good, Efil!”


Sera stares seriously and haircut from the side of Efil. I also flicker with the appraisal eye from the side.


“Magic jewelry hair clip”. The decoration is also spectacular, but it is processed while taking advantage of the magical gemstones. Rather, it is more effective than when it was rough. It is definitely a product of a well-known craftsman. The hair ornament imitates a small flower, and emerald is embedded in the part that hits the petal. It is not flashy but elegant and beautiful.


“Efil, why don’t you keep your hair on?”


“Are you sure?”


“This is Efil-san’s already. I don’t have to decline with you.”


“Well then, my husband, please …”




«Efilal’s hair bundled behind is untied once, and then carefully bundled again with a magic gemstone barrette. When I got up early in the morning, I was combing Efil’s hair. I can somehow tie hair.


“What about?”


Efil asks while looking back at his face.


“Oh … well, no, it looks very good”


“Yeah! Efil’s blonde shines green!”


“Yes, it’s very nice”


As everyone says, they looked like they had made haircuts exclusively for Efil from the beginning. The elders who know Efil’s mother may be looking at it again.


Éfill is happy, but I’m interested in seeing this. I must say it well.


“Efill, looks good”


“Thank you. I am very happy”


Two people staring at each other. And a sweet space begins to drift around …


“Yes, yes, Kell, Efil, no, that’s when I got home”


Panpan and Rion returned to the air while clapping their hands. Recently, I feel my sister has become steadfast. I’m happy, but I wanted you to wait a little longer if possible.


— No, the elves behind the gate and the gown soldiers on the barrier are watching this and paying attention. It may be the correct answer to withdraw early.


“Hello! Well then, Beast King, Elder, We’re sorry for this.”


“Yeah, I will continue to do my best”


“Thank you so much, I wish you good luck in your trip”


Just like the trip, the return trip is a run. Now let’s fly to get home today.


“King, I want to go out soon!”


“Gérard, you’re a genius in my magic for a week”


I fool you at the banquet yesterday, I have not forgotten. I think how hard it was for me and Efil after getting off the barrier. Gerard was the main cause of the curiosity. Above all, your sins that exposed my lines are so embarrassing that if you listen to them, you are heavy. It is a perception.


“No, I don’t think it’s because of an eagle”


“Gera, I understand my feelings, but I can’t do it”


“Mu, there is no way to stand if I was told by Lion”


“But I’m also responsible for being out of the office. I ’ll refrain from changing for a week. ”


“” “” “Yes! ? “” “” “”


melafina tells me outrageous, and all of them run upside down.


“Me, Melfina, don’t get up early!”


“Yes! It’s not very much, but I don’t have a Mel body for a week!


“Princess! There ’s no need to go out with an eagle!


“Mel, I can’t do such a cruel thing …”


“I was in trouble. I bought food based on Melfina’s consumption … If I couldn’t eat Melfina, I would eat it for Kuro-chan, but I would give it to Claire … “


□ Try to persuade with full power. I’m usually showing off that exciting food. I can’t calm down looking at Melfina ’s appetite. I’m worried that I’m sick.


“Look, everyone …! I understand. I will do my best!


While we had such a silly conversation, we returned to Perz.


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