Black Summoner

Chapter 106


―――― Kelvin House, Dining Room


On the morning of the day after returning to the mansion, we decided to gather everyone in the cafeteria and talk about the promotion notice.


“That meant you had a mock match with an S-class adventurer three days later.”


“Oh, isn’t it a good opportunity to fight the strong man without worrying? It was good, king.”


“Please don’t hesitate to tell me. Your opponent doesn’t know who you are and your ability is unknown.”


“You, your mouth is loose for that,”


Melfina looks at me with the eyes.


“That’s not true. I’m serious.”


The battle with Clive in the Crest of the Forest was a regrettable result, even though it was interrupted. I can no longer see such an unnatural appearance. Therefore, you have to acquire the power to control and control the S-class magic. There is no time to surpass the present in simulated games with S-class adventurers. That’s why everyone doesn’t see me with such eyes.


“No, I’m in Kell, and it’s not persuasive to say it while polishing the cane with such a relaxed face”


“… Huh, in the meantime?”


Unconsciously polishing equipment with a cloth in one hand.


“If you look like that, you weren’t able to sleep because of excitement yesterday? Huh, I’m so young!”


“That’s not true. I slept well.”


I don’t want to be told by Sera who self-destructed with a cup of sake that didn’t follow it.


“Last night I was able to fall asleep for about 30 minutes later than usual.

“Efil !?”


I was upset by the betrayal of Efilaka Efil.


“Well, Efil, hey, do you know that?”


“It is impossible for a servant to sleep before the Lord. It is the duty of the maid to take care of the health of the master. This alone cannot be entrusted to Ellie or Luca …”


Efil, I’m happy to beat me, but sometimes I’m more happy to show my sleeping face. No, the problem is not there.


“That wasn’t true! Think about the burden of Efil!”


“Efil, you can’t just get your best done. That role, I’ll do it too!”


“But Mel has fallen asleep …”


“I’m fine with sleep! Alex,”




“Mom, what are your husbands talking about?”


“It’s a little bit faster for Ryuka. Listen.”


“I understand, so let’s get away from it! The main subject, the main subject!”


What are you saying from the morning?


“Huh … so that’s the subject, but I’d like to be able to master S-class magic as much as possible in the last 3 days. In other words, the training period is the one.”


“Hum, training. What are you going to do specifically?”


The Great Wind Demon Sword ( Boreas Death Size ) It ’s strength! ”


muscular strength is the worst in my status. The prime number is 189. Even considering the recently gained strength (class B) boost, even the weakest efiller of allies loses. If you look at it as a general adventurer, you can do it well as an avant-garde, but you have consolidated the S-class magic power into a single spot. Oze no Majinkama Boreas Deathsize ) It is unsuitable to handle . The trajectory shifts while moving the enormous magic power.


“Isn’t it more right now?”


“Well, it wouldn’t have been a problem if you made that tornado-like magic from the beginning. Did you bother to learn the skill of sickle to handle it?”


“Yes, there is no longer an enemy of the master in mowing!”


Efil, that’s not to say proudly.


“At least, Kell Niino Crazy Sword ( Vortex Edge ) and I Sword of the Samurai ( Generated Edge ) I used it widely, but I can’t use a scythe for me … “


“S-class magic has few people to deal with, so there is no basic magic. Oze no Majinkama ( Boreas Deathsize ) is your original magic, why did you create such magic?]


Somehow it seems to be said today that it is violent. I’ll cry for the end.


“Because a scythe is a romantic … And in my statistics, it’s easier to learn new magic with things that are easy to imagine. That’s a lot of work.”


“Oh, I don’t understand that. I also think of my ideals when I make an original, and motivation is important!”


“I don’t usually make pompoms like Kelvin or Lion …”


“I understand why. So how do you make up for it?”


“Well, not all muscle strength is all right, but this is the solution”


Poyon. Put Kroto on the dining room table.


“Kroto is the solution?”


“Oh, I borrow Kroto’s unique skill” Burning “”


Blowing is a skill that captures a part of the status of the target being eaten. Although it has been incorporated into Kroto in various ways so far, it has been found that it is more efficient to cook deliciously than raw, and those with higher status are more effective. On the other hand, even if you take in a guy who is below the current status, the effect is weak.


“I see, Evil eater ( Skill eater ) You use it? ]

“Yes, are there more monsters than my muscular strength?”


I’m getting a little sad to say!


“Efil. How much food do you store now than the A-class monsters?”


“Yes. If it’s class A that seems to be used as an ingredient, there are 3 calamiti rabbits, 1 gel prince, and 2 blood bears that Serra defeated in the heraldry forest. Giant King ( Gigant Road )


Well, humanoid King of Giants ( Gigant Road ) wants to eat No. It seems that some kind of man-eating or strange title will be attached. Calamity Rabbit and Blood Bear seem to be fine. The rest is Gel Prince …


King of the Giants ( Gigant Road ) Let’s stop it. Is Gel Prince like that bunchy liquid? ”




Yes, bunibuni. It’s not a punipuni like Kuroto, it’s a bunibuni.


“Is it an ingredient that can be cooked?”


“There was a cooking method in the books I saw at Traj Castle. It seems to be a high-class ingredient that is rarely available.”


“What kind of dish is it …”


“Let me know. The recipe is in my head”


“Ah, do your best, go to Kell”


“You, please give me a little too”


No, I believe in Efil. I believe. Efil will surely make any ingredient into the best dish!




— Kelvin House, Underground Training Center


“Well, why don’t you come out to desserts immediately …”


Immediately after that, Efil disappeared into the cooking area, but after a few minutes of breakfast, he carried desserts for the number of people. What was on the plate was agar cut into uniform squares. It was so transparent that the tip could be seen through, with black honey on top.


Surprisingly, I was surprised to see something that seemed more decent and better than I imagined. Delicious, too delicious. The exquisite sweetness of black honey really matches the refreshing feeling of the agar throat. Is this really that gel prince? ”We had already eaten before raising such a question.


“I’m grateful to Efil’s arm, but it feels like the power is overflowing from this body … It seems to have been effective”


Check the status screen. Yeah, I’m naturally lost.


Suppose that muscle strength is going to increase in this way, and that we will start the next task.


Great Wind Demon Sword ( Boreas Deathsize )


“Black Cane Disaster”, a new partner in place of the wand of the old wicked tree, has magical power and becomes a scythe.


“Well, it’s still not perfect”


If you look at the sickle, you can see that the magical power is wasted. This will disappear in a few attacks.


“First of all, we need to manage the fuel economy. Magic construction, reconstruction-”


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