Black Summoner

Chapter 142


— The Great Red Canyon and the Gokoku Fortress


“I ’m sorry, my husband.”


¡When he was enthusiastic about remodeling the golem with Sera, Efil entered the temporary development room door. If Efil calls me, it’s always a meal time. I just worshiped the Asahi just a while ago. Apparently, I was overdone again.


“It’s already time for rice. Wait a minute. I’ll make a break now.”


If you complete this last one, you will reach the target number for the time being. Well, somehow it was in time for the scheduled date. Installation of mass-produced gatling guns is quite a bone that can handle this many.


“Efil, what is the lunch menu?”


“We had another request from Lion, so we tried to make a hamburger with the white wolf meat that Kuro-chan kept”


When I’m working in the room as I am now, I have the meals for me and Serra the same as Lion. Lion loves things that are likely to appear in children’s lunch as usual. No, I do n’t hate it. I rather like it. I like everything Efir makes.


“One more thing, Sabat-sama has just arrived. Now he is taking a bath.”


“Oh I finally arrived. It was so slow”


“It was like the meal was already taken. Do you see me after the meal?”


“That’s right … If so, let’s wait in the guest room. The Sabats will be a little tired”


“I understand”


Even though it is a guest room, there are only simple sofas and fake ornaments. I think you should be careful when inviting, but let’s release the trap once set. Well, in the meantime we are going to get a hamburger slowly. Slowly and the last remodeling work was finished, we headed to the room used as a cafeteria in the fort.




“Ha ha ha! I was just surprised by Kelvin! I wouldn’t be able to make such a bath! Thanks to that, I feel refreshed and I haven’t been refreshed for a long time!”


As soon as he met, Sabat spoke of his thoughts on the bath. She seems to like the fortress bath. Compared to the tub of the house with repeated improvements, there is a difference between an open-air bath at a long-established ryokan and a bathtub at a general household. Oh, isn’t it rare in this world to have a bath? I haven’t had that feeling lately because I have a mansion and use it regularly.


“I’m glad you like it”


“That’s Kelvin, I want to ask you a little …”


“What, what?”


Certainly he said Guin. Was it the youngest among Sabat’s friends?


“Is it really true that you’re taking a bath with Lion-chan?”




“You have to make sure of this! Nine Suites!”


Guin blows off the wall of the fortress by the right straight of sesame. Mum, I’ve always thought about her martial arts. There is no useless movement until it starts moving.


“I ’m sorry, Kelvin, do n’t worry.”


“Oh …”


What did Guin want to confirm? It ’s normal for a brother and sister to take a bath, and it ’s not going to be confirmed.


“My husband, the time is about …”


“That’s right. I just came here, but I’d like to talk about the interception strategy”


Gokoku Fortress ( Adamant Fortress ) Operated in the center of the room Generate a small model of the Great Canyon. From the fortress that closes the canyon to the desert of the Trisen territory, it has been elaborately three-dimensionalized. If we are alone, we will be able to communicate without going so far, but we would like to share information with the Sabats as much as possible.


“First of all, it is expected that Trisen’s Dragon Cavalry will arrive here, but tomorrow evening, it will probably be around 16:00 to 17:00”


Develop multiple dragon-like pieces on the desert side.


“I heard from Mr. Lion on the way, but why do we know the exact time?”


“Our Efil is a master of the bow. The eyes are special.”


Efil’s Clairvoy has already captured the enemy group. Me too Bad eater ( Skill eater ) With the skill of Efil, a vast desert And confirm the appearance of those who fly in the sky.


“Is my eye? Is it really confirmed from here !?”



“Elves are often said to have good eyes, but I also met the first person with that vision …”


“… No, I can only see the desert horizon!”


Sabat opens his eyes and stares at the Trisen desert, but the result does not seem to shake. Because this is not gonna be manageable with guts. I ’m scared.


“Well, that’s why. According to Efil’s report, the number of dragons we have confirmed is about 3000.”


“3000 …!”


“By category, the sub-dragons and young dragons are about 2500, and the adult dragons are about 500. Four people who seem to be commanders were riding on the old dragons.”


Because I used the appraisal eye further through the senile eye. That’s a big deal, but the opponent’s strength will be correct.


“Well, wait a moment! Are there four dragons in the S-class subjugation class !? The country is seriously destroyed!”


Oh, Guin has revived.


“Yeah, no matter how much I continued to expand my army, I would like to have enough dragons …” The dragon should have been brilliant, and an old dragon has never been confirmed. “


“And even the Dragon Cavalry is only part of Trisen. Was Trisen concealing his ability so far?”


“Haha, I can’t laugh … but it’s just that you’re still calm in such a situation. Is there any solution?”


Sabato makes a face, I know. No, it’s not a measure, but … It’s a problem even if you look at strange expectations.


“… Well. First, the Sabats will move as a riot squad to the extent that they don’t overdo it, but they will wait until there is a signal. So I want to decide on the first strike in the form of a complete surprise. Be careful here. ”


“I understand. After that, I’m going to be flexible. Sabat, refrain from acting freely.”


“You are the one”


“Efil supports the fortress from the fortress, and this Gérard also comes to the guard of the gate. Please cooperate with each other.”


“Geral, I’ll ask you”


“Thank you again, my name is Efil”


greet each other lightly. There will also be fully armed golems. Gerard, who owns the “corporate command” skill, asks the Golems to conduct. Well, I think that the dragon that can reach here is about the same as the ancient dragon.


“By the way, what does Kelvin do?”


“Is it? Well, I greet the enemy general”




After finishing several tens of minutes, each team decided to move freely until the operation time. I’ve finished all the tricks, and after that I just rest my body. The Sabats also assigned a room to each person so there would be no inconvenience. The two beast men who were behind the sesame, did not say a word until the end. Is there something wrong?


“Well, maybe it’s a princess escort or something”


“Yeah, you were in Kell, did you say anything?

“Nothing. Next, I’ll wash Rion’s hair.”


“Yeah, please ~”


That’s why I’m Rion and bath time as well. Gently wash with gentle black hair of Shaka Shaka and Lion and wash it gently. My hair grew a little. It seems to be on the shoulder soon.


“No … I still feel good when I get Kell to wash it. It seems to sleep …”


“I’m going to sleep.


I’ll pour hot water for sleepiness. Rion is meditating on her eyes as if she is not good at seeing hot water.




“Yes yes”


“N, thank you. Anyway, I’m in Kell, isn’t that strategy absolutely a stop?”


“It’s a stop, in a way. I’m proud that it’s a good use of Rion’s unique skills”


“I’m so tired. The amount of work will be sweetened! Next, take a bath!”


Soak slowly in the bathtub. Fuhee, the bath is essential for the Japanese.


Compared to the house, the bathtub here is a little narrow. Is it big enough for 3 people? Well, no matter what, Rion tries to sit on my lap. When Lion just came, there was some resistance, but now this is natural. What really was the first resistance? I am a mystery.


“I don’t feel like the night before the decisive battle”


“Because I’m really relaxed. If you make this castle more compact, it may be used as a base for your trip.”


“That’s fine. Wow …”


We had a very relaxed time like this.


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