Black Summoner

Chapter 149


— The Great Valley of Zhu


In the air of the Great Valley, intense metal sounds continued to sound. Kuroto, who appeared from my robe, turned the slime body into a number of spears and pierced it toward the black dragon. Since the tip is hardened with the “metallization” skill only at the time of contact, the trajectory is free. By including the characteristics of slime, it bends like a whip and coats itself with adamant ore, the hardest metal Kroto can have.


However, the black dragon’s defensive power was considerable. When Kroto launches an adamant spear, the black dragon scales make a high-pitched metallic sound and scatters sparks on the surface. Although it has been beaten shallowly, it hasn’t caused any decisive damage. It seems to have more troublesome armor than that rock dragon. My Gokoku Black Sword ( Obsidan Edge ) I tried, but the result is the same. Maybe they have resistance skills too. In any case, these attacks are not compatible. Kuro is slowly sucking magical powers.


Not just Black Dragon and Azgrad. The black dragon flutters its huge wings and closes the distance without hesitating Kuroto’s stab. With me who doesn’t have “flying” skills, there’s a lot of air mobility over there. The black giant dragon running through heaven at a tremendous speed is quite intimidating, but his sense of crisis is great. Great Wind Demon Sword ( Boreas Death Size ) Always watch out for Retreat.


―――― Goooo!


During the battle, Azgrad released a flame from a conical lance that resembled a dragon breath. Although it was a short distance, he immediately manipulated the wind and diverted to the side.


“Well, avoid this at first glance! Don’t do it!”


I thought that the lance had a strangely complex structure, but is it a mechanism that puts out a flame from the hole in the side? But there seems to be something still. Gokoku Black Sword ( Obsidan Edge ) That lance that can withstand that attack should also be a fairly high rank weapon.


“But it’s too fast to rest assured!”




Appears from a flame with a strong tail covered with jet black up to the tip. We were slammed against the walls of the canyon by a sudden blow. Spiral breezes ( Heelix barrier )


“Koo … I should have practiced how to fly a little more”


As it was Flight ( Fly ) I was still getting used to it, but still Isn’t it an enemy of flying monsters? If I was Sera or Melfina, I avoided it. Yes, this is a matter to consider


“… I mistakenly damaged the black dragon, so I just took a blow and wasn’t hurt. It’s a monster more than a rumor, Kelvin”


Asglad sees a bloody black dragon tail.


Well, the result is all right? Spiral breezes ( Heelix barrier ) has now disappeared, but the tail of the black dragon I succeeded in tearing it apart. By the way, the blow-type attack is not effective at all due to Kuroto’s “no-blow” skill. Kroto, who is hiding in my robe now, doesn’t have any features such as the body of the battle that brought the status together, and instantly becoming my shield.


Get out of the side hole with dust. It was confirmed that there were no Dragon Cavalry in the back, and all the enemy units headed to the top. Me and enemy general Asglad face up again in the sky above the valley. The eyes of each other collided violently, and an overheated battle was about to begin. ―――― It was like that, but the tales from Sera and Melfina were sent in a timely manner.


“Hey Kelvin. All the enemies flew up, can I pursue them?


“No, there is Rion’s” Slashing Mark “on top. I’ll come back if I leave it alone. ”


“That was a problem. I and Sera’s shoot down scores are lined up … ”


“Help me on the ground until I come back?


“Sorry, Sera. This is over “




“The old dragon in front of the fortress has already been captured. After that, Efil is … ”


“This will end soon. Melfina-sama will come to other helpers. Excuse me once


“Efiler too? Mel, it ’s hard! There is no opponent to defeat!


“I can’t help it. Let’s wait and watch over here as a watch to avoid getting in the way ”


“That’s right … Well, that’s it!” Well then, Kelvin, do your best!


The story is interrupted. It was a conversation that was everyday and without any tension. Well, Kuroto, who was hiding in my robe in the meantime, is ready. That black dragon is ruining us, and we’re about to return to the battle.


“… what is it?”


“What have you seen before? It’s my strength”


Saying that, I’ll ride the Fly ( Fly ) Kroto increased body volume and swelled to a size comparable to that of the black dragon, changing the body into the appearance of a living creature.


“Hey, isn’t it exactly the same as this black dragon! It’s fallen!”


Yes, what changed was the appearance of the opposing black dragon. Just by imitating the slime body like a dragon, the color and texture are not reproduced, but if it is so big, I do not mind the details. Either way, the threat remains the same.


“Good! Encounter with unknown enemies is exciting! Attacking like that Kenzan is the same, but it’s the first time you’ve been fighting a strong slime so far!




“Ha ha ha! Do you think so too?”


…… What is it? Asgrad is strangely high in tension, but Black Dragon has been silent for a while. The head is intense. Is this a conversation? Is it a skill like our communication?


“Oops, I’m sorry. It looks like I’ve been waiting. Well, do you want to start soon?”


“We don’t have any problem.

“Yes, then … I’ll go!”


The black dragon shows a breathing behavior resonating with Azgrad’s cry. The madness that overflows from his mouth utterly said that it was dangerous.


“Kuroto, intercepted”


Well, it doesn’t matter if you turn to the back. Kroto reads my commands instantly and moves to action with no comma error. Kuroto, which looks like a dragon, is very similar to a black dragon, and converges on an opening that mimics the magical power. Super magic beam [194590007] ( Motority beam ) is black After colliding with the dragon’s green bracelet, each other attacked in the middle of the two bodies and became stagnant.


Scraped by impact Super magic beam ( Motority beam ) and green A part of the breath comes to the walls of the Great Valley. The compressed rays of magic power leave scars so deep that the bottom is not visible on the wall, and Breath melts the rock wall and gives off a strange odor.


Will the rock wall be melted in an instant? This smell of irritating nose seems to be a kind of extremely poisonous. If you touch it, you will not wait for any abnormalities, and it will be a crisis of life before that. Both Breath shoots ended without giving up, and only the scars of the valley that became tragic and the silence of the bunch remained.


“… No, it’s not like this”


Asgrad has a lance.


“That ’s Tristan. I was silent about the disadvantages of the collar …”


What was in front of you. It was a collar on the black dragon’s neck. As Grad cut it off himself. King of the Giants ( Gigant Road ) What was confirmed with the eye when Lion fought But if the memory is correct, the collar is for submitting the monster. If you remove it, you will not be able to control the Black Dragon.


“… What are you going to do?”


Oh, Black Dragon spoke a word.


“This is the first time you’ve heard your voice, Kuro Ryu. What did you solve? What was your power when you fought with me? Wasn’t the power limited by the collar? ”




Saying that, Azgrad burns a collar that pierces the lance with a flame.


“After all, this way doesn’t suit your gender. The Dragon Cavalry is recognized only by the dragon and you let your heart go. I will use my own strength to make you a buddy and make you my partner! ”


It ’s an atmosphere that you should n’t attack.


“You’re stupid, you, what do you do by increasing the enemies in the middle of the battlefield. Well, but … I don’t hate that. “Dahaku!” We will cooperate with you only while fighting that black robe! “


“No, fight with me”


“… you”


Yeah, that’s a very honest opinion.


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