Black Summoner

Chapter 308


―――― Heroes underground cemetery, 8th layer


“… Hey, what joke is this?”


Kelvin was overwhelmed. Serge who is ahead of the line of sight answers.


“What is the planned harmony? It seems that the bugs were too good to run away with the sister. Ah, Kyu-Ohashi ( ] Cruz Bridge ) I thought I could go to


“No, what I want to ask is why you didn’t do everything. You really die?”


Serge received all the countless swords released by Kelvin. A sharp, polished sword penetrates Serge, who stopped defending, and she sits in the form of being trapped on the wall. Sister Atla grabbed Serge’s arm alongside the magical effect. It looks like a real saint, as if she was working hard on the injured person, unlike her usual rough girlfriend.


“Wow, that’s right. If you keep it, I’m sure I’ll die”


Contrary to Kelvin, Serge had a pleasant expression while spitting blood.


“Why didn’t you prevent my attack? You should have enough room to escape a fatal wound. And that white shield is not used.”


“Oh, did you see it? Ah, I’m awake, Melfina’s apostle … Well, I think this is more sure. I couldn’t take her back as a sheath. It’s a shame, but would you have done a minimum of work? “


Serge looks at the Atla grabbing his arm.


“… the pod of the sacrament Eclipse,”


“What did you know?”


Seiseki Eclipse. Kelvin had heard from Melfina that this was the caress of the former god Elearis and was sealed in the underground graveyard of the spirit, with power lost. The only way to regain that power is to include it in the legitimate lineage of the Deramis successor. Sister Atla, who was clogged and contained the sacrament, is the real daughter of Pope Philippe Delamirius, a sister who is half-bodied from Collette. In fact, it seems that there are other children who draw blood, and Collet who inherited the power of the most powerful priestess took over. Atla was quickly removed from the candidate because of her mother’s blood, and was sent to an orphanage as a baby. Of course, I don’t know that I am the Pope’s daughter.


“No, I knew as a result that Sister Atla was drawing blood of Delamis. Communion Eclipse ( ) That’s what it means to be a sheath for ? “


In fact, Melfina did not know that Atla was. I noticed the presence of the sacrament in her when I removed the magic on the Atla, but then Serge appeared. Philip would have wanted to keep this secret. The Linneism, who believes in God, and the Pope, the head of Delamis, made a number of women and children. Such a story may be caught in some taboo and may be related to the public reputation. However, the power of the shrine maiden is also related to the power of the later hero. If no compromise can be made, it seems that there will be troublesome circumstances only for projects involving political factors.


“The shrine maiden collet was actually ideal, but over there it ’s hard to protect”


“I wonder why it was such a large-scale kidnapping. But there was Iris Deramirius, who was a real maiden long ago?”


“A substitute? Hmm. Somehow the substitute doesn’t seem to function as a sheath. Is it a half-god?”


This hero often speaks for his fullness. The fact that Kelvin interrogated as a test was also exposed.


“Looks like it’s almost the limit. Assassin, what kind of poison did you put in?”


Serge, who laughs and laughs, doesn’t look like a person who will ever die. However, a large amount of blood drip from the blade that pierced her body, creating a blood clot on the floor. There is no doubt that the limit is close to the amount of blood flowing out.


“Hey —”


“The last one”


Serge shouted in an unusually strong tone, blocking Kelvin’s words.


“The gift I received from the agent, the unique skill is the name” New departure “. It takes one month to cool down. Kusu, unless the hero is dead. Well, this too It ’s good to hear from the rebels, so now… See you again ( ・ ・ ・ ) ] ]


The brave sacred sword penetrates the chest. Serge, who pierced her heart, disappeared with the light that came out of herself, with an unchanging smile.




— Delamis Palace


After we finished, we returned to Delamis Palace and faced Pope Philip, Cardinal Sai, and Collette. This is to report what happened in the underground spirit graveyard.


“Huh, I see. I understand most of the events.”


“Yes. So the Communion Eclipse was probably taken away …”


Serge disappeared, but Sister Atla was able to remain on the spot and rescue it safely. But Atla’s body no longer had the sacrament, but had been extracted. The gift “new departure” that Serge said. When I asked Estria, who had captured the power, he answered quickly.


Serge is able to return to the so-called death by specifying the place with his ability. Just think that my “Rebirth of the Reincarnation God” has a function that allows you to set the place of life. It will have arrived at the headquarters now. It seems that the reason for leaving an atla that can take on the role of a scabbard is that only oneself could be the target of ability. What the cooldown said was probably a threat that if you don’t come early, you will come back to life. However, depending on your thoughts, you can fight indefinitely if you protect your usage capacity. , Again and again, again and again —


“Oh, Kelvin-kun”


“Sorry, I’m sorry. With the regret that I missed the enemy I see, I’m just”


Yeah, you may not have to hurry separately.


“What are you talking about? Isn’t it the result of the Great War! Captured one of them against the Elias-like apostle. Opponents were annihilated and all the children who were hostages were safe. In addition, he also brought back the dragon king Murmur who was the guardian dragon of Delamis, and it would be amazing to become a guardian dragon again! ”


“Yes! The results of Mer and Kelvin are amazing!”


It’s light … Oh, it seems that my nobleman who fought against me in the dungeon will settle down as a guardian dragon in this area. I feel like I was talking about such annoying pleasures or thanks for bringing me back to life. To be exact, it’s no longer a dragon king, but it’s still a top dragon.


“And up to Solondeel and Ragat who were my friends with Sai and Ragat … Why is it soaked in ice?”

“The Pope, it doesn’t matter what the little things are! Don’t hesitate to help even the old heroes!”

“There were a lot of things. If you put it on the outside day, it will melt.”


“Eh …”


Yes, I brought about two ice blocks on my way home. It was an old hero who had a party with Serge and Pope Philip who was frozen in the ice block. I don’t know who he is because I haven’t talked to him yet, but he looks like an elven uncle and a muscle knight. Unfortunately, I didn’t feel that strong.


“Efill, melt with moderate heat and heat”


“I understand”


“I’ll save you, so next time I’d like to ask you about the captured apostle. Oh, rest assured that I will leave the treatment to Mr. Merfina.”


Pope sends wink to Gerard. Although it is decided only to be a boy, this Gerard is confused as “Why is it?” Probably it is proof that I heard the report properly.


“The Pope is more than that. What does it mean that Sister Atla is a child of the Pope?”


“Co, collet. The story is now …”


“What do you mean? Can you tell me without wrapping it in detail and accuracy?”


Parent-child fight seems to have a walk in Collet. The excellent collet made a reassuring promise that the gratitude that bothered us was surely torn away from the Pope. Well, after such a long report, we leave the Pope’s room. Just before trying to return to the assigned room, he was stopped by Cardinal Sai.


“It’s strange to ask Kelvin who fought this thing … Was that Serge looked good?”


‘I was fine enough to play with all of us. I couldn’t say that, so I answered that I was fine.


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