Black Summoner

Chapter 313


* Note


This is not a story but a character introduction from Chapter 6 to Chapter 7.


Who is this guy? Please use it at any time.


Watch out for spoilers.


There is no problem even if you skip reading.



◇ Kelvin party


[Kelvin Celsius]


The main character of this work. The two names are “Shinigami”. The race evolves from humans and becomes a demon, but the feelings are complex. Despite being a summoner, he participated in the Beast King Festival held in the gown and monopolized the championship and runner-up with Serra. The heroic name is only getting higher as the pretaire and Leonhard who won the previous tournament are overwhelmed. Developed in love in the fight with Angers who was trying to kill himself as an assassin. It ’s just crazy. Predating the maturity of the Delamis hero — as a teacher, he is patiently watching. Don’t be fun. Going to find a battle with the legendary existence of legendary heroes such as the dragon king and the apostle of God to the old heroes, I will go today.


[Mel (Melfina)]


One of the main heroines. An angel used by Kelvin. Their two names are “smile”. Enjoy a meal mainly in meat in a gown, and enjoy palace cuisine in Delamis. Besides that, there is a lot of sighting information of the goddess who goes around the gourmet, whether he is heading to the street stall if he has time. Just as Serra can make a name as a mysterious beauty angler, Melfina is also becoming a hero in the neighborhood as a mysterious eater. Is that okay, God? With the help of Colette who is a fanatic of himself, one person runs a wedding practice with Kelvin. A ring was put on the ring finger of the left hand.




Slime used by Kelvin. Their two names are “Junkane”. She is busy in the shade, spreading her body to each member to assist in communication, manage items in the storage, and sometimes suck up magic from the enemy. Perhaps I usually do the amount of work after Efil. The main body often floats in the water, but it does work.




Jet-black knight used by Kelvin. Their two names are “Kenbuchi”. It has evolved into the King of Emperor Knights, and its ability as the key to its forefront is also being polished. HP is over 10,000 with a margin, and it resembles Kelvin’s MP stupidity. Even if your opponent is good, you will not fall down in most cases. Private life becomes more tense as a new grandson joins the party. Isn’t this grandmother the biggest barrier when the grandson goes to the bride? Just for the wall.




One of the main heroines. Kelvin slave and maid head of Kelvin House. The two names are “Battle Princess”. It evolves into a high elf, and the misfortune so far turns and becomes a lucky owner. Mastering not only cooking skills, but also the spirit of cooking washing and sewing and the skills required for maids. As long as the conditions were taken care of, the party became the party’s biggest fire engineer in order to bring out more powerful than Melfina and Gerard. Nevertheless, the attack range and accuracy are also the best, so it’s out of hand if you try to make it an enemy. A bombing princess.




One of the main heroines. A beautiful devil that Kelvin uses. The two are “Empress”. Participated in the Beast King Festival held in the gown and monopolized the championship and runner-up with Kelvin. The exhibition match held at the naming ceremony was a great excitement. Sera’s memory seems to have met two sisters (excluding style) Belle Baal who seem to be sisters. Still, it seems that it is a definite matter in her that she is a sister, and I can’t stop being excited about becoming a sister.


[Lion Celsius]


One of the main heroines. Brave who reincarnated from modern Japan. Kelvin’s sister-in-law. Their two names are “black meteor”. Participated in the Beast King Festival held in the gown and defeated the Beast King Leonhard Gown in the quarterfinals. Feel the sweetness of the battle, and then receive training from the beast king. Due to the unrelenting training of the beast king, he came down unwillingly in battle. It is the words of the Deramis heroes that the unchanging smile, on the other hand, enhances the fear of the opponent. Still, Rion is always kind. Deviant communication with Kelvin has not changed. Kiss the morning greeting? It ’s normal because it ’s my sister!




Black black wolf used by Kelvin. Lion partner. The two names are “Kagetsu”. Alex’s skills are surprisingly convenient, such as putting people or things in the shadows or moving them as they are. However, recently I have been worried that it will not evolve soon because of the difference in ability with Rion. Well, I ca n’t help worrying about it, and I ’m tired of researching the combined technique with Lion.




A jet black dragon used by Kelvin. He is also the son of the Dark Dragon King. Participated in the Beast King Festival held in the gown, defeated Gordiana Pritiana, who fell in love in the quarterfinals. After that, he spent a sweet time in the medical office and became friends with Grostina Bourgeona, who had misunderstood his foes. The man polishing continues, and the current goal is to become a dragon king. How to read? Isn’t it decided?




A giant rock dragon used by Kelvin. Gerard’s love dragon. As for the status, it was inferior in the party, but its durability was only after Gerard. Although it is still inferior to Dahak, he is in charge of plowing Dahak Farm using his submarine skills. I am waking up to the deliciousness of vegetables.




A three-necked dragon served by Kelvin. The middle neck is the Japanese confectionery group, and the left and right necks are the Western confectionery group. Well, I’ll be happy with any confection made by Efil, so it’s a slight difference. In the middle of evolution to overthrow the light dragon King Murmur in the form of fishermen’s interest and become a new light dragon king.




One of the main heroines. He worked as a receptionist for the Paz Adventurer’s Guild, but behind the scenes, he was a member of God’s Apostle. Aiming to kill Kelvin in the middle of the Beast King Festival, she developed in love by spitting out emotions. He died from the apostle of God and became a member of the Kelvin family to become a Kelvin slave to clear doubts. Whether it feels high when it comes to battle, the behavior is a little dangerous. I don’t feel like someone else. I’m an older sister, but I’m worried that I can’t do anything because I’m new. Neck fetish.


[Stra Trisen]


Sub-heroine of this work?ト ラ イ Trisen’s only princess and Shogun Abebe. However, it was decided to live in the Kelvin House with the flow that had lost my memory. Because the spiritual side has become young, the body is changed according to the spirit level by using the fake hair clip. At the request of Stra, he became a member of the party of Kelvin et al., And began to take a special battle method of manipulating stuffed toys and golems with thread. The girl’s hobby, which loves extremely high intelligence and cute stuffed toys, has not changed at all. Tsukkomi does not stop as the only common sense person of the party.


◇ Kelvin House




Apprentice maid at Kelvin House. Ellie’s daughter. Trial of betting on the participation of the Beast King Festival that challenged comfort travel. Ryca kills a second against a soldier in a strong gown. It seems that some soldiers have felt uncomfortable pleasure in the terrible apprentice maid, but it has nothing to do with the story. After Angers became a friend, she looked at her as a teacher and seemed to learn assassination. What about the main maid?




Kelvin House maid. Ryuka’s mother. He dislikes being conspicuous and has a powerful presence under the edge that supports the mansion. However, the battle method is very conspicuous because it gives off the flashy flames of Efil. He is good at red magic through the bracelet, and actually uses it while adjusting. It is different from some redhead that creates dark matter.




Kelvin’s maid and Strato escort. Beautiful white silver dragon. Although he was a junior of Ryuka, it seems that he was promoted sometime. The work as a maid other than cooking is more than Luca, so it is inevitable, but it is a mystery what a dragon is. I have come to like this job unexpectedly.


[Hoover Rockway]


Kervin’s house apprentice maid and escort for Stra. Although it is driven by the urge to get rid of harsh maid work, it can’t be skipped because of Rosalia’s eyes. As a result, it seems to be doing a decent job. Recently, he has been questioning the significance of his existence as an escort. How is it weaker than the object of escort? ……When.


◇ Silver Street Parse




The newly appointed guild head of the Purse Adventurer Guild. His predecessor Rio was an old friend, but he doesn’t seem to know the cause of his loss. He seems to like social stories and romance stories. Note that the talk will become longer if you approach while saying “Oh, oh ok”.


◇ Summer Kingdom Traj


[Tsubaki Fujiwara]


King of Traj. Solicit Kelvin by letter at the naming ceremony. It would be as much as camellia to bite so far against an S-class adventurer.




The newly appointed guild head of the adventure adventure guild. In fact, it appeared once in the early days.


◇ Deramis, the Emperor Kingdom


[Philip Delamilius]


The Pope who is the highest power of Delamis and one of the old heroes. Appearance can only be seen by a young boy, but he has lived since the days of the Demon King Gustav and is also the brother of Iris, a member of God’s Apostle. Although the behavior is an innocent child, there is always a passage that looks ahead. He liked the Serge Floor, the former hero, but now he is the only person in the party to get married and make a child. Because it was discovered that the atla was a hidden child, there may be more than one.


[Collet de la Millius]


DeLamis Miko, the second most powerful person after the Pope, and a fanatic who was enthusiastic about Melfina and Kelvin. For that reason, it is advantageous to move things forward, satisfy yourself as the supreme joy, and become the next driving force. A wonderful permanent organization. There is no way to complain because it is a high-performance transformation. Cooperate with Mel’s plan and practice wedding rehearsals. Although she was a priest, she was n’t able to stop Sue Soo ’s heart-throbbing haha. It’s safe if you don’t know.


[Cliff Stragaf]


The head of the Holy Knights and the teachers of Toya. Although he is said to be the strongest of Delamis, he continues to work hard on martial arts, even if his actual Sai Cardinal is not yet enemies.


[Takya Kanzaki]


A hero summoned from Japan. A two-sword-style user. Will own a pendant from the Holy Sword Will, Kelvin. Toya who returned from the western continent grew greatly. Ability surpasses even the maiden parents and children of the mage, Ryuka and Ellie, and is also stronger mentally. Although it did not reach Lion, it can be expected to play an active role in the future. Kelvin, the teacher, also watches with warm eyes.


[Shiga Reina]


A hero summoned from Japan. A user of extraction techniques. Owns a pendant from Kelvin. Although it is a constant momentum, it seems to be less troubled by Toya’s troubles recently. The cause was immediately understood. This is because there are many monsters that are more fortunate than Tonya. She is happy, but she leaks a terrifying and subtle impression. However, the ability seems to have steadily increased, and it may be the best for combat in character. Kelvin, the teacher, also watches with clear eyes.


[Nana Mizuoka]


A hero summoned from Japan. Owns a pendant from Kelvin. Recently, the size of the bra has been reduced. Although she was first defeated by Lion in a mock match, she shows her strength just before leaving. Nana who has overcome her weaknesses through the Death March proposed by Sera. There will be more growth in the future. Kelvin, the teacher, also watches with straight eyes.


[Masato Kuromiya]


A hero summoned from Japan. Owns a pendant from Kelvin. Oguro Revenge ( Graves Death Ogre Revenger ) Produced but crushed by Lion. However, Rion is cute, so the point of grudge goes back to Kelvin again, according to the original theory of OK. Masa who gained the black power continues to seek further power. Kelvin, the teacher, also watches with a gentle eye.




A fire dragon used by Nana. Mun, who has reached the ancient dragon, is definitely a top-class monster. However, the opponent was too bad in the mock match. Although it is a huge body, it seems to fit in Nana’s backpack for some reason.


[Marcel Gottes]


Red Cardinal. An old man who has a good smile. He was a representative cardinal who obeyed the teachings of Linneism, but in order to bring his deceased daughter back to life, he signed up with anti-souls and tried to dip Kelvin and others.


[Sai Dill]


One of the old heroes. A green cardinal with black hair and beautiful appearance. He is also the head of the previous Holy Knights. A rare but decent person for Delamis. Although it seems that he was a prince of a dead country, the circumstances have not been revealed, but it seems that he still thinks of Serge after several hundred years. What is the ideal woman image?


[Solon Deal]


One of the old heroes. Their two names are “Ginbow”. Although he died of his life, he was revived by the ability to revive the dead of anti-souls. Self-proclaimed high elf, but actually an elf. It seemed to be a pretty soft personality, and when she found a beautiful girl, a beautiful woman, and eventually a beautiful girl, she called out. But it looks like a lolicon. He likes the Serge floor of the previous hero. The ideal female figure is a young Serge.


[Ragat Titan]


One of the old heroes. Their two names are “Silence”. In the past, he was killed by monster subjugation, but was revived by the ability to revive the dead of anti-souls. A quiet and nihilistic samurai as the two names. However, it is quite talkative in my heart, and the true identity is like Mazakhon. He likes the Serge floor of the previous hero. The ideal female figure is Serge full of maternity.


[Sister Ellen]


The first sister of Rifril Orphanage. According to Mulligan, Bunmu is also a good-natured owner who is drowning even when viewed from a woman. A teacher who taught Sylvia and Emma swordsmanship and magic. It seems that she is suffering from illness and is resting somewhere, but she is missing.


[Sister Mulligan]


Sister who manages the refill orphanage. I’ve been doing charity here for a long time, and I know when I was a child of Sylvia and Emma. Existence like the mother of orphans.


[Sister Lier]


Refill Orphanage Sister. A newcomer who recently started working and a junior of Atla. He often makes a lot of mistakes and often fails, shaking his plump breasts well. However, the true identity is the mastermind of the kidnapping case, the vampire king Estria Kranvelz. He kidnapped the Atla, the sheath of the sacrament Eclipse, and disturbed Kelvin and others by bringing the dead back to life. After the incident, restrictions were imposed and the Atlas were escorted at the Refill Orphanage. I’m in love with Gerard. Mad love attacks the grandfather.


[Sister Atla]


Refill Orphanage Sister. A little girl who talks to her sister. She was an orphan who grew up at this orphanage, but she started working as a sister. Although she is a hideout of Pope Philip, she does not know that. It is a sister who is half-bodied with Collette, a shrine maiden.




The predecessor of the Light Dragon. I am sublime. The place buried in the underground spirit graveyard is revived by the power of anti-souls. Defeated by Kelvin and surrendered to Mudfarak. I am no longer sublime, but I still have enough power. It seems to watch over this country as a guardian dragon of Delamis.


◇ Beast Country Gown


[Leonhard Gown]


Gown beast king and S-class adventurer. You can transform yourself into a different person with your unique skills. It seems that Leonhard’s possession (?) Is only a woman. Rather, it is probably a hobby. To win, it is a personality that doesn’t take any means, and it’s tough against children who are princes and princesses of gowns. A nurturing policy that allows arrows to fall on top of the valley. At the Beast King Festival, the stance remained the same, and the strategy was held to grasp the opponent’s weakness. Even without it, it is troublesome because it has the power of an S-class adventurer. It has evolved to the top of the beast and seems to have lived since the Great War, and has lived longer than it looks.


[Jereol Gown]


Leonhard’s son and elder brother. Gown country captain who is called the hero of the gown. He was considered a strong candidate at the Beast King Festival, but was defeated by Kelvin. My wife doesn’t seem to have a head up and lays on her buttocks.


[Eugere Gown]


Leonhard’s son, second brother. Gown country leader. It is a strong man who has remained until the end among the princes, but he abstains from the game itself by the beast king. Women are not good at speaking and can speak normally, but when they approach, they become extremely nervous.


[Quilt Gown]


Leonhard’s son, third son. Gown country leader. He did not participate in the Beast King Festival, and formed a combination with Ronowe as a commentator. The burst of hot sister talk harassed Ronowe. On the other hand, from Kelvin, it will be regarded as a selfish one. He is also good at creating magic items and will show off part of it at the Beast King Festival.


[Sabat Gown]


Leonhard’s son, the fourth son. After the Beast King Festival, he gained the name of the gown and became the captain of the national gown of the gown. Even though he was defeated by Lion in the second round of the Beast King Festival, he seems to have been successfully recognized. Even though he devotees himself to training gown soldiers, he has an inevitable day when his blood as an adventurer hurts and wants to go on a journey.


[Sesame Gown]


Leonhard’s daughter, the eldest daughter. After the Beast King Festival, he gained the name of the gown and became the captain of the national gown of the gown. Even though he was defeated by Gordiana in the second round of the Beast King Festival, he seemed to have been successfully recognized. He has been working with Jereol, a martial arts teacher, and has been improving himself.




Gown Centurion Captain. When he was annihilated in the second round of the Beast King Festival, he was chilled, but he is relieved that Sabat and Sesame were successfully put on the naming ceremony.




Captain of the 100th Gown Country. Perhaps because he tried to do something indecent against Serra in the first round of the Beast King Festival, he was beaten and blown away by a mysterious wall. amen.




Tiger Wolf swordsmanship teacher. A user of extraction techniques. Although it appeared with a strong atmosphere, it was instantly killed by Kelvin in the first round. However, he seemed to be a good person, lent out a dojo to Sera and Goldiana, and pushed the opposition of the students, giving them to Sera.




Gown General Arena announcer. He cheered the Beast King Festival while explaining the color assortment with a light tone. Satisfied and satisfied with the development of the beast king festival filled with disturbance.




Gown stage craftsman. Although he is often fooled by reaction entertainers, the stage he makes is really gown. However, only those who use it are abnormal. Good luck, Mr. Caesar, it’s up to you tomorrow at the Gown Arena.


◇ Military country Trysen


[Asgrad Trisen]


The first prince of Trisen and the leader of the Dragon Cavalry Corps. However, he took over as the king of Trisen. I sincerely hope that you will return to the memory of Stra, sending you unfamiliar stamping days. When Stra is inaugurated as King Trisen, he plans to lead a subordinate to make a monster subjugation trip. Isn’t it just an expedition?


[Dan Dalba]


Steel Knight General. Trysen’s strongest warrior. In order to make up for the lack of human resources, I am working as a broken bone. Sometimes assisting Azgrad, sometimes training troops, sometimes subjugating monsters. Until the day when Stra returns, Dan will be devoted to Trysen. Without heart, it is more alive than in the past.


◇ Han woman


[Goldiana Pretiana]


S-class adventurer on the western continent. The two names are Momoki ( Touki ) He was the winner of last year ’s Beast King Festival, and this time he also shook that rage. In the semi-finals, Sela is defeated by a small margin, but many people analyze that their ability is still higher. An armored (?) Showing off his male figure to Gerard. The girl’s ability is immeasurable, such as going to Dahaku’s visit quickly and cutting an exquisite apple. I don’t want to know. After the tournament, he handed down Gordia to his best friend, Sera, and called him the Red Aura.


[Grostina Bourgeoisna]


A-class adventurer on the western continent. Gordiana’s sister apprentice. It looks like a bald-headed Date man, but in battle it exhibits a metamorphosis with different tastes, such as direct use of pure white tights. The poison can be stored in the body with its unique skills and exert its effects. At the Beast King Festival, Kelvin was tormented in combination with Gordia. Dahaku misunderstands that he is a Goldiana lover, but later misunderstood and became a good friendship.


◇ Sylvia Party


[Sylvia (Renoir Victoria)]


Sister Ellen picked up and grew up at Rifril Orphanage. Learn swordsmanship and magic from Ellen and go up to the top of the list. I’ve been eating a lot from a long time ago. This includes Sister Mulligan. It seems that he is currently looking for the missing sister Ellen, the first sister in the orphanage.


[Emma (Ashley Blythe)]


Sister Ellen picked up and grew up at Rifril Orphanage. Learn swordsmanship and magic from Ellen and go up to the top of the list. Considering the danger of the orphans’ lives, they were intentionally removed from the cooking duty. It seems that he is currently looking for the missing sister Ellen, the first sister in the orphanage.


◇ Pre-Reincarnation God and his Apostles




Former reincarnation god, Melfina’s predecessor. It should have been sealed now, but it seems to be reviving as long as the apostles hear it. It seems that she gave reincarnation to Iris Delamilius, her own shrine maiden, but details are still unknown.


[Iris Delamilius]


First pillar of God’s Apostle. Deramis shrine maiden who summoned Serge, the former hero. Summons limitedly from Elearis and becomes a half-god. When Melfina became a reincarnation god before life, he was raped and executed. He told him that he would move on to the final stage of the revival of Elearis.




Second pillar of the Apostle of God. details unknown.


[Creator (Jilldora)]


The third pillar of God’s Apostles. A researcher who has continued to change his body using his unique skills and has lived for a long time. The present body is from Jins Dalba, Deputy Officer of the Steel Knights of Trisen. Although he is tempted by anti-souls, he makes remarks that even sexual activity is considered only part of his research.


[Guardian (Serge Floor)]


The fourth pillar of God’s Apostles. The former hero of Delamis who defeated the Demon King Gustav. A beautiful girl with a long black hair dressed in the exterior. Its ability is considered the strongest of the apostles, and when it appears in the underground graveyard of the spirit, it surprises the former colleague Angers. With her unique skills, she was lucky enough to be transcendental and put her knees on Melfina without having to drop her hand. Judging that it is impossible to continue running away with an atla, the sword is finally pushed into the heart and self-harmful. However, she seems to be alive with her unique skills similar to the protection of the reincarnation god.


[Analyst (Riord)]


The fifth pillar of the apostle of God. Rio’s identity, who was the guild head of the Paz Adventurer Guild. It is currently hiding in the clouds and crossing the western continent.


[Bell Baal]


Sixth Apostle of God. She looks like a sera as a child, and at the Beast King Festival, she competed with Sera through various leg skills. Also handles techniques similar to Sera’s black magic. It was basically a displeased face, but it seemed that the relationship was not bad, and it seemed that he was a talker (just listening) of Angers in the assassin era. I have a bad relationship with anti-souls.


[Antisoul (Estoria Kranvelz)]


Seventh Apostle of God. The vampire king with a blonde and plump style. I have a bad relationship with the convict. For details, please refer to Sister Lier.


[Assassin (Ange)]


Eighth pillar of God’s Apostles. However, it is now vacant. For details, see Angers.




Ninth Apostle of God. The identity of a mysterious swordsman who participated in the Beast King Festival. A relatively new face among the apostles. He had the ability to immortalize even if he died many times, and did not step back against Gerard and others. Even though he tries to show off his swords, he is killed by Efil. I was resurrected, but my uncle was sad.


[Commander (Tristan Fase)]


Tenth Apostle of God. Trisen summoner who became an apostle after reincarnation. As usual, the gesture is awkward, and it is considered a kind of fight between convicts and anti-souls.


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