Black Summoner

Chapter 330


— Fire Dragon King’s Trap


A shadow suddenly covering the earth of the volcanic group. If you are dull, you may be wondering if the black smoke from the volcano has increased. But if you live in the wild, you won’t make a mistake that can be called such folly. This is because exposing yourself to the shadow itself leads to suicide. All of the powerful monsters that were actually territory in the volcanic area were hiding, disappearing, breathing, and waiting for the threat to escape from the sky.




If a threat is released, the air will vibrate and the ground will shake. As the threat progresses, the black smoke that covers the sky is cut off, and the brilliant sunlight falls down. The unquestionable appearance of the majestic sky is ours and is a symbol of fear.


The crimson dragon scales that cover the whole body do not know the wounds, and remove the power of physical or magical attacks. Sharp fangs and claws cut through steel like butter, and a powerful tail crushes everything. Breath ( Breath ) of the purgatory generated in the body That breath will turn into hell. Everything that makes up the body is a weapon, and the threat to life is the incarnation of fire.


— Fire Dragon King. After finishing the hunt, the great dragon goes to the active volcano that is its bed.


“… ??”


Suddenly, Fire Dragon King felt uncomfortable. This place, which is dominated by flames that are just aggressive, smelled uncomfortable. Even if it is a monster that likes fire, it does not burn like a nose, with a burning flame that burns mercilessly. It was a fragrant thing that all would gather when intelligent people cooked meat. Saliva leaks unconsciously from Fire Dragon King’s mouth.


“The source of this odor — is it over there?”


The tip of the line of sight that can kill the target with eyesight alone. An unfamiliar structure of Fire Dragon King is built at the foot of the volcano, the bed. I couldn’t figure out what the jet black covered with ice traps opposite to the volcanic area was. However, as long as you see a little smoke coming out of the gaps in the building, you can be sure that this is the source of this mellow fragrance. The fire dragon who saw it threw away the prey he had just caught with his strong legs, and drove down to a new target.




“Isn’t it too thick to cut? Is it okay? Is the fire going to the inside?”


Melfina makes repeated confirmations, even though she understands that it’s okay. Saliva leaks from the edge of the lovely pink lips, and as usual, the dignity of the goddess is fine.


“Do n’t worry. I’m doing well today.”


Efill, who baked ingredients one after another in front of a lava plate, is confident. Cut the tail of the giant dragon prepared for Melfina thickly and bake it as steak. The lava plate allows the heat to penetrate into the interior, so you can cook the meat without getting burnt. It’s something that can be done without Efil’s arm, but I want to keep it here because of my hard work. However, I can admired the godly whispers that have the same number of people as the seasoning and baking. And I feel the power of some cooking cartoon.


“Efil Sae, the hot cake feels good”


“Wait 5 more seconds”




However, I wonder how to bake a hot cake for waste at the corner of the plate … If the direction of the barbecue is not good, that’s fine. Dahaku is also healthy, even though it is an unbalanced diet. The dragon body is strange!




“What did you do?”


Sera and Angers who were eating yakisoba raise their faces. There is a lunch box on the cheek. Not rice but noodles.


“I feel like something will come over there.”


“Yeah. Well, it’s like something, isn’t it something that has been confirmed?”


A large red circle is marked on the subordinate network map. It cannot be seen with the naked eye yet, but seems to be heading straight in this direction. This volcano is the ruler’s trap. There were no monsters approaching such a danger zone, and even more, it was almost destroyed during the race. Then, there is only one perception.




The moment I called the name of Efil, the flames that heated the lava plate burned high. The flame floats into the air with the plate, and the ingredients that were cooked also emerge. During this moment when the ingredients emerged, the splendid perfect maid seasoned everything with cooking tools held in both hands, and distributed it to each dish at an unstoppable speed. It is acrobatics that the dish goes to the plate exactly like an arrow. Mud hot cakes are three-tiered with honey butter. I’ve only seen this perfection in a hot cake mix package. The dragon steak is well completed on the mel plate. And it has already decreased by about one third.


“My husband, I will go”


“Oh, I’m as happy as possible”


With a smile and love bow as usual, Efil went up to the roof of the barbecue space.


“Kell, can Efil fill me alone?”


Rion said as if chewing the same hot cake as Mud, as soon as it was dessert time.


“It’s okay. To be honest, I want to do it with this hand. But it’s okay. This is what Efil should do.”


“”? “”


Dahaku and Strau who don’t know the situation lean their heads, but this is not something I should talk about. It ’s not a fun story to know.


“Look carefully. The serious Efil battles are rarely seen.”


I looked up at the sky while biting a spare rib made by Efil.




“It looks delicious. It smells delicious. It’s probably the best offering to devote myself to the fragrance. Eat, eat. Let’s eat. As for the prey “


The fire dragon king’s heart was completely headed to that location. The field of vision reflects only the whispers and rushes to that one point. Expose the wildness of the proud dragon king. The drifting fragrance was so effective.


“Now, Rare, Medium, Weldan–What should we do with the filing?”


“Of course, it’s all burned. Burning is supreme– !?”


An arrowhead that reflexively responded to a word that was unexpectedly struck, suddenly a terrible shock hit the head. Resonating explosions. The fire dragon falls down just as if it had collided with a meteorite.


“I understand. It’s rare to prefer more than Veri Weldan, but I swear to cook with integrity.”


“You are so!”


Fire dragon king who was prepared in the air, before falling into the earth where magma boiled, came to voice Breath ( Breath [ 19459013] ) Exhales . When the crimson lotus headed at high speed, the explosion sounded again over there. Immediately after, countless explosions occurred between the two, completely eradicating the sound of volcanic eruptions.


“Burning is not allowed. For cooks, it’s good for half-serving ingredients to be innocent. Fire Dragon King, I will show you the ingredients as the best food for your husband.


“If it’s my food …?”


Fire Dragon King looks up. A beautiful maid riding a dragon wearing a flame is pulling a bow toward himself.


(If you have such a small weapon, you want to be the dragon king?)


The battle is challenged. Fire Dragon King has been confused by the feeling that he has forgotten for a long time. Because those reckless people should have been gone long ago. However, Efil, the maid chief of Kelvin’s mansion, who is enshrined as a devil.


“We will start cooking”


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