Black Summoner

Chapter 340


―――― Trazy Red Company’s Dragon Road


Red and blue trajectory flutters over the lake. Emma repeats the fierce sword sword fighting constantly, and camellia that is thrown away with a sword that skillfully manipulates while retreating. Occasionally the offense and defense are reversed and then reversed again. Every time the flame and water mix, a terrible vapor spreads around and closes the field of view, but for the two, it’s trivial. I can’t see how the two-colored sparkling in the white smoke stops.


During the battle, Emma, ​​who was angry but calm, felt uncomfortable. The king camellia is fighting with himself, who has the same power as the S-class adventurer, Sylvia. It’s easy to say in words, but this fighting at a speed that isn’t visible to the human eye is unusual.


Emma, ​​who is categorized as a chemical class from a general perspective, is also good at identifying human abilities. Until now Emma has had several occasions to meet with camellia, but at that time, camellia did not feel pressure. However, what I felt on my skin at this time was clearly strange and obviously strange.


(Hiding his ability …? Yeah. Tsubaki-sama had a personality as a king, but it wasn’t a fierce warrior.


The explosion from the big sword is blocked by a thick water bullet and counteracted. The same is true for close combat, but even the blue magic that is used is the top. Furthermore, there is even a margin that has not yet gone out of sight.


— Gin!


A sound is heard when blades are struck apart. Next, when the white mist cleared, they were still at a distance.


“It’s something that wields a terrible product. It can be easily dissolved by ordinary weapons, even its heavy swords. It would be a dangerous place if it wasn’t deflected again. “


“Tsubaki-sama is a bad person. My sword, which has the characteristics of both water and blades. ( Solform ) 』I’m trying to pass through.






Two people laughing weirdly. The laughter was not so loud, but it reverberated well in the space of the closed underground lake. Both Sylvia and King Siryu, who are fighting over the battle, are conspicuous enough to see the side at the same time.


“Good and good. I like the strong man, but I like the better one. I guess when you are wondering why the moth has this power?”


“Yes, well, that’s right”


“That’s Amami who made me entertained. Let me tell you specially. Is it better to make a cheerful apology?”


“None of that changes …”


“Is that right? … Well, that’s right. Either way!”


ツ Camellia’s mood seems to be very good, as he speaks out stories he had never heard.


“One of the abilities of Ryujin is to confer its power to the bloodline. Where it comes to now, the strength of the dragon god is present. A maiden who is only a maiden is transformed into a warrior who is unjustified like this. Like this? ”


When camellia raised the sword, the surrounding area began to fill with magic.


The Great Flood of the Dragon Kingdom ( Drown Deluge )


Along with a roaring sound that makes you want to close your dogans and ears, a large amount of water rushes into the lake. The ruthless waters reminiscent of a disaster quickly filled the inside of the cave and tried to sink all this area into the water.


“Kut …!”


“Of course, this blue magic is also S-class. It’s difficult to become horizontal characters, but if you take countermeasures quickly, you’ll be scolded —”


Defoaming water ( Floss )


Sylvia, who was behind Emma, ​​chanted the magic without knowing if she had moved on the waves, and a huge soap bubble wrapped her whole body. Soap bubbles bounce away the rushing water and do not try to fill it.


“–It doesn’t seem to be a problem. Willn’t this be a problem? Ryujin-sama, you’ll be in trouble if you don’t have a firm partner”


“The water that the Lord has evoked has boosted Sylvia ’s mobility. This water is not only advantageous, it ’s camellia.”


“No, I’m good at water”


“Hmm, it’s a hard road for Emma. Flames and water are too incompatible”




The cave is filled with water.


“Well, I’m looking forward to seeing how to capture it. In this water world!”


The nest of the water dragon king who was completely submerged by making a final noise. There is no problem with breathing thanks to the bubbles made by Sylvia, but in the water the tornado is still swirling and creating a fierce water flow. If you get caught by mistake, there is no way to escape Emma. Both of these bubbles, which prevent water from entering, will turn into underwater dust.


“Sylvia will leave it to Dragon God … Emma, ​​what are you going to do?”


Camellia that appeared before Emma. However, the appearance has changed completely. Instead of two legs, the lower body has a fish tail. It looks like a mermaid, except that the outfit is a kimono and a water sword in hand.


“Is this figure? Fuufu, isn’t it like a mermaid who is an allied fox?” This is also an application of Ryujin’s transformation ability. But … If you are not a mermaid, you will not be able to tell them, so there will be no problem. “


“I can talk in the water. Indeed Strange ( Kitetsu ) ]


“Well, I can’t afford it. As I said in advance, the strength of sharks in the water is not the ratio of the previous one? 19459002]



Shielding the camellia words, Emma stabbed a red sword into the water. There is no appearance of bubbles bursting.


“Sure, your power is real, but in any case it’s not suitable for battles.


The red of the big sword increases its color.


“…?, What …?”


“It’s okay. For Sylvia, it’s only natural to feel hot water and a bath”


“Jara …! Oh, no way !?”


The camellia who realized something turned his face blue like the color of Ryuo.


“Yes, please rest assured. The whole body hot water will boil until all the water is dry!”


“No, no–”


Emma’s magic sword, Scrap of the sun ( Solform ) . An iron lump that radiates the sun heats a large pot called a cave.




“Kyu …”


A camellia laid on the ground of a dried up cave raised a voice of suffering. Sylvia, Emma, ​​and King of Water Dragons watch over the situation. The three people who turned their eyes but confirmed that they were safe took their eyes off the camellia.


“This is also mysterious. I thought that the amount of heat, the other camellia and the camellia would be severely burned. I just fainted and there was no particular trauma.”


Camellia has reddish skin, but it has also been bathed in a bath. King Sui Ryu, who has been hit by such a disaster and wonders what has been done to this extent.


“No, that’s Emma’s unique skill” The Devil’s Chain “——


“Yes, Sylvia also talks too much and gives no information. Will it look like camellia?”


“… I don’t like fainting”


“I hope I understand”


Emma seems to be satisfied if she is somewhat refreshed. He usually smiles like the sun, which is not so common.


“But is it really good? We still don’t beat Water Dragon King …”


Emma, ​​swing with a big sword.


“Oh, isn’t it cool, isn’t it? Well, they helped the camellia caught and neutralized them intact. Just enough to know the fact I understand, because it is your strength and bond, so let’s open “Tengu Hisen.”


The water dragons under their control began to speak out to honor the two. The singing voice of the dragon that won the victory, it was a rare thing that even the camellia of the present King Traj had never heard.


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