Black Summoner

Chapter 353


―――― Dokutria Kingdom, Temporary Base


When Gallia, who had become unwell, returned to the castle with the demons under his control, the transfer gate was fully verified. I decided to add Stra as an assistant. The two who graduated from the school city Lumiest and Yara with the youngest chief. I do n’t think it ’s going to be convenient, but I still expect it. Would you like me to show you the power of the Gold Sage and the Silver Saint? I don’t really know what the school city is!


“Let’s see the transition gate”


“Colette-chan, take the cloth ….”


“It’s too big for Stra. Which one will grandfather take?


Gerrard strips off a large cloth that covers one side of the transfer gate, along with an enthusiasm. What appeared from under the cloth is the same as the transition gate we have seen. To be strong, is the pedestal for reading user information and the gate that expands the gate lying on the soil? A complex coat of arms was embedded in the cross section of the fence that touched the ground. I wonder if there are multiple layers of different types of magic circles. Each has its own meaning, but it’s refreshing to me.


“If you think about it, it’s the first time to investigate the existing metastatic gates. The reason why the study of the metastatic gates didn’t progress at all was that all countries were concerned only about the surface because they feared damage. It was the biggest cause. “


“Your brother, can I disassemble it for a moment? I think this is the only opportunity!”


Stra, don’t beg with that crushing face. Even if it is not Gérard, it must be allowed.


“Is it all right?”


“Isn’t it good? There are two things”


“Really !? Collet-chan, permission has been granted!”


“Kervin is a great foresight, Kelvin. This seems to be a great experiment of the century …”


Nh? It’s only my imagination. Does it change from analysis of metastases to experiments?


“First of all, let’s examine it from the point of view. This overlapping symbol, here only five kinds of forces are engraved. Fixed, distributed, displacement in progress-”


“It also has a joint and shortening system. Collet-chan misses the concealment that is secretly drawn in the corner”


“What I did … I wouldn’t be an enemy of Straa-chan”


As early as possible, the two of them left for an unknown world. It seems that the two can understand the meaning of the symbol while pointing at the complex magic circle. What is it, cryptanalysis?


“Oh, is it really heraldry? Nostalgic?”


“Do you know Sera-san?”


“I learned when I was little. The emblem drawn by my teacher, Reinhard, was very beautiful and I’ve been addicted to it for a while. I’m not good at memorization, but it’s hard to draw precisely without looking at a sample. Ah, it’s an emblem, but it’s not a dispersal but a magical power and a variation. The land of abyss ( Abyssland ) Maybe only]




Strala and Collet are surprised, but I am more surprised than that. Why is Sera naturally mixed in with genius conversations? You weren’t the type tomorrow’s wind blowing tomorrow with all the senses.


“Oh my sister, where are you?”


“It looks like three rings, but this line is different in width.”


“I see. Then, there is a possibility of combining with this to become another kind of mark —”


Yeah, I remembered. It’s easy to forget because of the instinct and intuition, but Sera had a genius brain in Sera. There are a lot of things that can be advised with the idea at the top, such as when assisting my golem, which is my hobby, and mental calculations are faster than anyone, such as when Efil fills in the household account book. Gustav’s gifted education can’t speak. Can this be expressed in a single word?


―――― Sera joined the research team!


However, when I look around the face again, it is a masterpiece. Joined here is Saint Collet, the secret priest of God, perhaps the best wisdom of humanity, and the brains of the Devil. Isn’t this supposedly done?


“Yeah, yeah … if this … Kelvin-sama!”


“Well !?”


Don’t talk suddenly. I’m an unlearned person and I won’t get mixed up.


“Please wait only for 3 or 3 days! Then we will unravel the mechanism of the transfer gate!”


“Please brother! We will do our best!”


“Kelvin, wait!”


“O, oh, do your best”


Permission was pushed by three people. No, the reverse. If you’re going to make a great century discovery in a few days, you should do this. What should you do if you have successfully installed and activated the transition gate? Will it be installed in the basement of the mansion?


“My master. If it’s been 3 days, it’s a bit of work outside …”


“That’s right, I wonder if I should make a decent room. Wait, I’m renovating part of the temporary base. Krot puts the transition gate in the storage and puts it back in the new laboratory. Give me


“Oh! Kuroto, wait a little more! That’s good now!”


“Kroto, house! Wait!”


A blackish slime-shaped mouth rests just before it wraps around the transition gate. I felt like Kuro, who couldn’t express his face, looked at me to be confused. Oh, I don’t know what to do.




—- Dokutria Kingdom / Border


Now, while I was analyzing the research team, I was stuck, but I don’t want to waste time. More specifically, you die in your spare time. Melfina and Mudfallak are about to go on a devil ’s country-walking tour, saying it ’s ugly, but it ’s suicide that follows it. My stomach is not made of iron, the universe, or another dimension.


“Kelvin, over here!”


“There is time, so hurry so much. Even just Wind gods ( Sonic Accelerate ] [ It ’s faster than me who gave … ”


ANGEL, who wore the power of the wind and moved forward seriously, responded with a smile and a smile. He doesn’t wear any sweat, and he’s hesitating an obstacle in his spare time. It’s been a long time since I left Doctria, and it’s a strange situation where we talked while facing each other. It ’s really fast. The difference doesn’t shrink even though I’m pulling out my hand from how to run.


We are heading to the Grell Barrelka Empire, our immediate destination, and the last remaining territory capital. I’m currently scouting with Angers to try a little more if I have time. It will stand out if there are too many people, and it is this number of people because there is a summoning technique when it comes.


“Because it’s been a long time since we acted alone, it’s been a long time ago. I’m really looking forward to it. It’s like a date, right?”


Spy activity ( Dating ) ? Oh, was there such a way of reading …! Oh, no, I was a little conscious.


“… Spy activity ( Dating ) Dana!”


“You’re right?”


Anger who crawls the neck of a monster that has been assaulted from behind with a grinning face. Monster. Unfortunately, it ’s not a blind spot. It ’s a kill zone for her.


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