Black Summoner

Chapter 373


―――― Grell Barreka Empire


25 guards carrying gasshagasha and a large shield build up a defense team to block the struggle between Stra and Begalzeld. The collet behind it sits sideways on the back of a Mystic Cougar, and Stratra gets on Georgius’ shoulder. Now the battle is ready.


“Oh, wait a moment. I will move my lunch and seat now.”




Melfina, who had eaten the lunch box that was replaced, had the edge of the seat and moved smoothly. When you leave a certain distance, you sit straight on the seat. Have a lunch from Kroto again, and pour tea from the water bottle into the cup.


“Thank you for waiting. Please start.”


The goddess who drinks tea gracefully took a breath and finally prompted me to start the battle. The three who were waiting for the ritual received the word of Melfina and prepared it.


(I can’t tighten it …)


(That’s right, let’s defeat it with our own power. That’s right, Melfina unnie. Like once you challenged Rion.)


(Ruseki is Melfina-sama, always in a natural state. Whatever the clogging is, you must not lose sight of yourself … I received a oracle!)


(Oh? Is this fried egg with soy sauce? The seasoning was different for each bento box, Efill …!)


Each person’s thoughts intersect. Well, Tsukumo Kakuno — Now we are ready for battle.


“Do you need to come together? Isn’t it enough to watch?”


“That’s true. If Mel-needle lends me a hand, this kind of conflict can be easily solved. This is our problem.


Colorless magic thread starts to move from Strato’s fingertips. The guard is operated in no time due to the behavior of the finger, and the Gatling cannon continues to fire through the gap between the large shields.


— Burst, blaze, blaze. The secret of the Kuroto’s small body secretly inside the lance is automatically replenished with magical power, so the magic bullets will not run out. Instead, the barrel needs to be cooled, but there is no inconvenience if you keep shooting at different times with different firing times. The only way to stop clogging guards is to move forward in the rain of countless magic bullets and block them, or break them with a similar long-range attack.


(… tsu! One shot is poor, but this blaze is terrible. I was scolding, tactics for quantity. But I–)


The means chosen by Begalzeld are moving forward. Two of the four arms were crossed forward to protect the face, and the remaining two were solidified.


“Thousands of fires with this level of firepower, far away from Gustav’s blow!”


screamed, Begarzeldo ran ahead. The strong body blows away the magic bullets delivered from the Gatling gun from the side of contact, and moves forward with a flat expression. Just as if you were bitten by a bug that fired an A-class monster into a beehive, if you are not good enough, you may not have received less damage.


(It’s faster than I thought!)


Although it was a large body, it was Stra who stepped on if the start was slow, but Begalzeld was several steps faster than that estimate. Begalzeldo reached the maximum speed from the start and reached the guard’s eyes in front of him in an instant. Shake up the rigid arm.


“What did you do first? You?”




拳 Strike the fist to the line of high-level shields created by Kelvin. The guard hit at the end of the line was the first hit. The guards were crushed together with the large shields, and the second, third, and Tekken that were standing next to them crush the knights one after another. While the guard shield was greatly depressed for the fourth time, the fist stopped and the half-broken shield suddenly fell from the guard’s hand. Despite being dropped ( ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ) 19459034] and three Strato handpieces were buried.


As a matter of fact, collets had a simple boundary with the guards at the forefront. Speaking of luxury, I wanted to use the boundary using the witch’s secret, but considering the remaining amount of magic, heavy use is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, you can only see the miserable future with a seven-colored rainbow. Although it was broken as a result, the barriers on the individual guards were indeed effective. But that’s not the only factor that weakened Begarzeld’s attack.


(What time is it?)


At the moment of waving a fist, Strau entangled the armor and legs of Begalzeld with a magic thread created by magical power, greatly reducing the power of the fist attack. Strath’s “Mage of the Goddess” is a magic item rather than a weapon created by Melfina. The more you give up the magic, the more elastic the thread becomes, the stronger it becomes, and the stronger it becomes before you cut the monster. At this time, Strala was seriously pouring magical power, but the thread digs deep into the skin of Begarzeld, but it seems that she could not do it until she cut it off.


“It’s rugged, doctor’s uncle”


“Trimame! This is this thread more effective than a bean gun !?”


: Begarzeldo begins to move without force, without the thread wrapped around both hands and feet. The lance released by the five guards at the same time was caught with a log-like arm, and the tightened muscles made the blade stiff at one thin skin. Gatling guns that can be fired at close range will only slightly burn the surface of the skin and are unlikely to be effective.


“It’s useless! It’s useless!”


Next, three more guards are destroyed in the Vegalzeld fist that was driven in. Interference by Strau’s maneuver and collet auxiliary magic continue. However, the Demon Four Heavenly Kings were approaching them steadily while defeating the guardian knights.


“Oh, wasn’t it that we weren’t wasting our resources !? What are we going to do?”


“–I don’t waste it!”


“An? —!”


Begarzold’s body stops with being pressed. The eyes of Begalzeld who glanced at his body were a strange sight where a large amount of thread overflowed from the crushed guard. As if to reinforce the Straw manipulator, the spear guard, who was unable to re-start, released one after another.


“This golem is my specification. The contents are filled with my kneaded wool and will fight in any state without waste and function without waste.


Along with the tangled thread, crushed guard pieces of knight armor stick to Begalzeld.


“Git …! This bastard is behind the armor …”


Begarzeldo was agonized for the first time here. That spear, too, was a sharp splinter inside the guard’s knight armor. All the big thorns are just one dish with the highest penetration that Kelvin trained. The disassembled parts gather together in one place by the thread is very similar to a torture tool that can be seen from a different perspective.


“I don’t want you to forget me”


A collet riding on a summoned Mystic Cougar jumps out from behind the guards who are blind spots. The stone statue of the lion saw the prey and cut off the neck of Vegalzeld, who had been given up with his fangs in his mouth.


“… That! I hurt you, isn’t that gargoyle normal?”


“If an invincible shield turns, it will turn into an invincible match. Isn’t I without an attacker?”


Collet is one of the virtuosity of a shrine maiden, and cannot be destroyed unless it is a Kelvin scythe Basilica sanctuary ]) was only put on the fangs of Mystic Cougar. It is difficult to adjust the size of the boundary, and that alone requires skilled skills. This was also used for the S-class equivalent barrier, which is particularly difficult to control. It was a skill only because of the gift of extraordinary talent and effort, such as making it fit in the shape of the fangs. However, once embodied, it becomes an unbreakable sword that will never be destroyed.


“I see, I see … Cook, yeah, I’ll admit, you Soldiers ( Tsukimono [19459030 ] It’s very popular, but I’ll let you use my back! “


The third of Begarzeldo glows suspiciously, and the same radiance swirls in the four fists.


Morphology release ( Transformer ) Tsu!”


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