Black Summoner

Chapter 412


―――― Devil’s Castle / Congress Hall


Celebrating Sylvia from the father-in-law’s transfer gate and gathering at the castle’s parliament where he previously spoke with Bell. Because the content was spoken, the only face was Sylvia, Emma, ​​and Sena. For some reason Nagua was furiously protesting, did you care so much? Well, it is also about the purpose of our trip, and of course it is natural. This side is collet with me and Stra.


“Mr. Kelvin, our leader is Toya, but why is it …”


“I’m the most trusted of the four disciples because it’s a moment. Toya is a little better, but she’s still hateful, Miya is disliked, and Nana is too funny


Although there is my dogma and prejudice that the moment is the most competitive among the four. The moment when I fought with Lion seemed to blossom, and there was something to watch. Because I always watch out for Toya, my head turns around, and at this stage, the disciple who pushes is momentum.


“Is it okay …”


“That’s the first thing I’d like to see, but isn’t this the Demon Castle …? You were saying Grell Barrelka?”


Emma immediately hurts where it hurts. I’m back to my normal mood, whether I’m calm.


“I can’t help concealing now. Emma’s indication is right.”


“If my knowledge is correct, Grell Barrelka was the home of the former Demon King Army. Apparently there were many demons in the castle and they died long ago. Was that a false story? ”


“No, I’m sure I’ve passed away? But that’s all, the Demon King Gustav and the Demon Four Heavenly Kings have revived–”


“Isn’t it a big incident!”


“Older brother, I’m overdoing the story …”


I was amazed by Straa on my lap. There are too many stories to explain and my brother is not confident that he can talk well. Collet-san, Strau-san are on the turn! S Eye contact casually.


“This is a matter that we are deeply involved in. We will explain from me while Banetsu”


“If I don’t understand, I’ll explain it. Feel free to ask a question.”


An explanatory meeting was started by two reliable gold wise women and silver saints.




“Sera is the Demon King’s daughter, Mel is the goddess, and her mother is the Delamis maiden and apostle.”


Even though Strats talked about it, Emma went into her world as she groaned because of too much important information. This seems to take time to sort out.


“… n”


On the other hand, Sylvia’s reaction is weak. Is this okay?


“Well, that’s why our goal was to defeat Ereari’s Apostle and Acting Agent–defeat Sister Ellen and prevent Ereari’s resurrection. It has not been decided. “


“But that is the most likely?”


“… Oh”


“Yes, I understand”


When Sylvia put it in his mouth, he moved to the work of returning to the real world while shaking the Emma in the transformer state. Is understanding faster than Emma?


“Stra, aren’t you using the unique skills of Retaliation?”


“I can’t use it for friends! Even if used, Renoa and Ashley will have little effect!


angry …


Stra has evolved into a sage and has acquired a new unique skill, Retaliation. This skill is used at the time of negotiations, and it is a terrible thing to persuade the opponent with persuasive persuasion, even if you know that it is an unfavorable condition, even if you are angry. Since it is less effective for friendly people and great for rebellious people, it can be said that it is a skill that should be used against hostile opponents. The opponent loses his own interest if the reason included in the words of Stratra is appropriate.


The notable thing about retaliation is not to do so against intention, but to convince the other person. Once the Demon King Zel was brainwashing the people with “King’s Life”, forced action creates unnaturalness. On the other hand, the strength of Stra is limited version, but it is an enhanced version that controls the opponent’s mind in a more natural way. Isn’t it the strongest cheat skill in diplomacy with other countries? It also works for the Devil Four Heavenly King Begalzeld.


“… Thank you Sylvia. I managed to swallow it.”


“No, normal heart is important”


Emma seems to have returned in the meantime. He is still holding his head, but he managed to keep his reason by stroking his head with Sylvia.


“Well, what kind of person was Sister Ellen? It may not be a story to ask at this time, but I would like to hear it if possible”


“What kind of person is it? It’s hard to put it in words …” Our mother, teacher, benefactor — someone who respects more than anyone and is the goal in life We picked up us who were orphans who were not familiar with us, and brought them up with a lot of affection.While we were professed to be sick, we were fine, and there were some strong and frustrating places.


“Swordsmanship, magic, and all the knowledge necessary to live”

“I’m nostalgic. At that time, even two people did not get any teeth and they were crying well …”


“It’s a good memory to get caught in a booby trap”


“Yes, I escaped from the deep pitfalls in a day — I was such a person who was full of wisdom.”


… That? Something different from my imagination. It’s not at least like a sister, and it’s not like teaching an orphan child. The impression is different from the current agent who heard from Angers and Bell.


“Yes, yes. What is the origin of Sylvia and Emma’s strength?”


“Yes, we are with mother’s education. I was good at teaching other students difficult studies and flowering their talents. The older brother who left first from Rifril Orphanage. Edward is now a politician in the Lyzer Empire. “


“Mr. Edward of Lyzea? That person is also famous for Delamis. A pacifist who governs the domestic situation that had been fighting until then and seeks ways to sympathize with each other. Mr. Edward takes office. Since then, the devastating relationship between Delamis and Rizea has also softened. “


Do you know collet? Another big person came out. Sylvia, the S-class adventurer, became a general of Trisen, and the orphanage seems to be an educational institution. But is it meaningful to produce such human resources in the world that is going to be purified? Or are you mistaking the meaning of purification?


“I know Ellen is awesome, but our policy hasn’t changed. As soon as Mudo and Boga are chasing the survivors, we’re in the evil god that’s their home. I ’m heading to the heart, what are you doing? “What ’s the moment?”


“… We want to help Mr. Kelvin, the goddess. I don’t know how much I can help, but I would like you to take me if you can.”


This is a reaction as expected. However, Tatsuna’s power is still developing and sweet fruit before ripening. This may be the time of the Demon Death March.


“Yeah, I see. What are Sylvia and Emma?”


“I want to go together and see for myself”


“Are you sure?”


“No, sometimes there will be times when cruel judgments must be made, but I will not stop. Think and keep thinking. That’s because my mom teaches me.”


Sylvia’s eyes are not lost. Emma seems to agree, although there is some dismay. However, if mothers are evil that makes a trap in the world, can they really swing their swords? I can’t judge. In the worst case, there is the possibility of being on that side and hostile.


“… I understand. Well then, let’s talk more about the decision”


It’s delicious with that, no, at that time let’s convince with everything.


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