Black Summoner

Chapter 414


— Heart of the Evil God Holy Grail Sanctuary ( Holy Chalice )


Abyss Land ( Abysland ) The heart of the god of gods Large cavity. The entrance to the sanctuary created by the agent is hidden in a complicated place inside the labyrinth. It is an area created by the shrine maiden Holy Grail sanctuary ( Holy Chalice ) An ultra-scale border that imitates the shape of a temple, purifying all poisons and all curses. As a result, there is no evil inside the temple, but rather the place is filled with sacred power.


The agent, Iris, is set up in the deepest part of the temple. A room formed with majestic walls on all sides that can’t get a sense of distance. The central temple fluctuates like a phantom, and everything is pure white, so it is not even more realistic. Inside the temple is a small, baby bed. By the side, Iris was constantly putting her smile on the bed.


“Oh. Ah, after all, the convict has left the apostle.


Serge, lying on the roof of the temple, spills bitches while sharpening his mouth. This space is where the apostles once gathered. Serge is very human, whether it was painful because there were fewer people gathering, or if there were no friends who could speak freely. However, Iris spoke to such words in a melodious tone without changing his expression.


“The convict has fulfilled his mission, and fortunately she has survived. This is joy and not sadness?” The good deeds we can pray for her happiness, It is to fulfill the alleged agreement. “


“But the chances of talking with a few girls have drastically decreased? Is it the only entertainment for me? I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that this is a serious situation.”


“If you want to use your time beneficially, look at this supreme smile. A baby is always a precious treasure of life. You will realize that your worries are ridiculous.” [19459010 ]

“No, I want to do it in the mountains, but the child can only be seen by an agent? Is it a little more difficult for me?”


“Oh, that’s right. Then, let me suppose I’m alone. Oh, I’m really happy today. I’m happy.”


“Oh, I’d like to help the lost lamb here”


Iris was devoted to watching the contents of the bed. Even if you want to have a conversation, it won’t last long if you don’t like it. Serge feels nostalgic for the assassin who was able to have a friendly conversation, the anti-soul who swelled in the lower story that can only be done between girls, the convict who silently listens to the story even though it seems displeased, and does not shine Stare at the white scenery.


(The agent has changed … In the old days, I’ve been talking about sneaky and obscene stories —)


Serge recalls the past. Occasional miracle when Iris ruled the country as a maiden of Delamis.


“–You haven’t done it now or in the past?”


“Ah, did you get it ?? I decided in a serious way, but the agent can’t be deceived. It’s easy to read my heart.”


“Why do you think you’ve been with each other for a while? You can see it in a little atmosphere. And it’s only now that you can fully enjoy your spare time. In other words, it refers to bringing those who make a trap to Elearis, and it is a great opportunity for Elearis to descend as a true God.


“Guide for survivors …”


Although I am not neglecting the power of survivors, Melfina and the like step here, regardless of the presence or absence of such guidance. Serge thought so whether it was a hero’s intuition.


“Well, there is enough magical power thanks to the convicts. After that, it’s a matter of a surrogate, and I still have time to spare”


“If you have time, Holy key ( Seken ) I’m sure you’ll be lucky and have a convenient time-killing tool. “


“Well, that’s why it won’t get stuck in harmony with the schedule …”





“A substitute?”


The agent was suddenly silent, not loving the bed. What happened, Serge jumped off the roof, landed on the floor and turned around there. Exactly, Iris and eyes collided.


“… I will put the final mission on you, the guardian. You must pass only the goddess Merfina and the god of death Kelvin in the sanctuary of the cradle. Be sure to prevent the invasion of others.” Promise these two, can you? “


The last mission, the supreme order imposed on the apostles. Demonstrate for Bell and lead to sanctuary for Nito-Although the contents differ depending on the apostle, fulfilling it will fulfill the promise promised during the pledge. This is the last apostle job for Serge.


“Can you say that at this timing? I’ll ask you if the agent asks me. But I’m proud to say that I no longer need to protect” Shuri-an “before this time. It ’s a little embarrassing to reappear, ”


“You can do it?”


“Yes, I can do it! Don’t get angry so much, agent. Don’t be intimidated by laughing because it’s so scary!”


“Let’s do a good job, Fufu”


After laughing all the way, Iris lifted up one hand and lifted the baby’s bed gently into the air.


“So is this mission likely to be achieved?”


“How about? Delamis has done it brilliantly and now it’s getting stronger … If you think about it, including your skills, you’ve had the power of Merfina at that time. Is it possible to limit the number of people at the same time? ”I want to escape more than that”


“Suffice. Others will be thinned out by the Creator and Commander. At the time of destiny, Elias will reunite with Melfina without being interrupted by anyone or anyone. Serge Floor, I believe in my best friend I trust. ”


“… Yeah, get on the Ofuna!”


When Iris saw Serge hitting her heart, she smiled and disappeared into the temple. As you follow, the floating bed disappears as well.


“Serge floor, ne …”


When Serge sings with a voice that disappears and no one can hear, a sound reverberating from the ground is heard, as if linked to it.


“Mu, is there no substitute?”


The one behind the mechanical voice was a stone monument drawn with Ⅲ in different world characters.


“It comes out at a strange timing, creator. If you’re an agent, you’re now in the wild. What happened?”


“What a little contact. With two survivors and two giant dragons approaching this area, I’d like to tell you that it’s about half a day away. 19459010]

“Well, you’ve finally come. Well, survivor, were you crumbling somewhere in the middle?

“Fleeing against two dragon kings? Isn’t it a good result based on his specs? It’s your bad habit to judge things by guardian standards”


“Yes, there are already many sermons, and I’ll tell you the deputy. So I’ll go over there soon. Siss!”


“Hum, let’s do that. I will contact you again if there is progress.”


When the voice disappeared, the monument sank into the ground, making another sound. Serge jumps lightly and returns to a fixed position on the roof without confirming that. The white landscape that did not appear as a substitute continued.


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