Black Summoner

Chapter 433


―――― The heart of the evil god


誤 っ I came down to this world by mistake from the mythical world. On the eastern side of the heart of the evil god, creatures that were so distant were in opposition. Leading the old gods, the sacred dragon, Sakhaka, the god of religion Lange, and the snake, Anra, are the tenth Apostle “Commander” Tristan Fase. The opposites are Fire Dragon King Boga and Light Dragon King Mud Falak, and —


“It’s been a long time, General Tristan. I don’t remember it now, but it looks like I was taken care of”


“This is this. If you thought that a cute child appeared, wasn’t it Stratra? Sorry, unfortunately, this Tristan. It was a little late to see through.”


A black knight-type golem, a monster remodeling Schwartzstilt modified “Royal Guard” with 10 planes appeared on the back of the mud. All the Royal Guards are equipped with a lot of wind-generating stones on their backs and soles, and it seems that they flew with Stra to the empty space.


“Stra, you didn’t need any other support? It ’s easy to get rid of it just by the front!


Boga confesses with a tale, thinking that he couldn’t get on his back. It must be a Boga appeal, but this is what Stra had to wait for.


“Stop. Boga, think about the defeat order. If you defeat that bug and snake first, Ryu will get stronger because of the characteristics of the gods. Is it worst if you get away at that point?


“What if we miss it?”


“The possibility isn’t zero? Actually you guys and the survivor Nito have escaped


“U …”


Two dragon kings hurt and squeaky.


“If you’re overwhelming the enemy as reported in advance, the best thing is to defeat Tristan, the summoner, first. If you miss the first of the apostles, you’ll be a troublesome kind of person,


“But … I wonder if Kelvin’s big brother would be disillusioned with defeating such a weak guy?” [After the other party fought with full power, destroy it. That’s our policy?


“Yeah. The Lord surely says so


“I can’t say! Kelvin brother is certainly such a foolish place, but he enjoys hobbies as long as his friends are not in danger! Or there are other circumstances! Do n’t get me wrong!


“Ha ha yes …”


Today’s Strauss is a little scared. Mudo and Boga were heart-pounding.


“As I said earlier, defeat Tristan or Ryu with top priority. If the summoner dies, your contract with him will cease. If that happens, the other side will be disbanded, and if you do it well, you won’t have to fight everything in vain. Unless the bond with the caster has deepened, the subordinates will not think of trying to kill the enemy. At least, Tristan when he was serving Trisen was supremacy of humans and was not that way. So the answer is easy?


“No, no, I understand the reason …”

“Stra, are you really good?” Even if you can’t do anything defeated by an enemy general? [After all, if it ’s the Lord, I think it ’s unnecessarily stretched until the other person gets serious]

“Good! I forgive you! If I raise Tristan’s head, I will explain to my brother Kelvin. Take responsibility. Follow my life with the whole spirit in the name of Strathresen!


Štra who raises his hand to the sky and shakes the dignity of a princess who doesn’t say it. Although the appearance was a young child, the prestige was equipped with the spirit to take over the country. The young dragon kings who received a great taste that is not a girl will follow the name in a word.


“Ha ha!




Since the conversations so far have been through tales, it would have seemed as if Sutra had suddenly held his hand as a facing Tristan. However, Tristan is also a summoner, who can communicate. Even if the opponent moves unexpectedly, this also makes it possible to give orders all at once. Shrine Rengelange, the snake serpent Anla, stood up to protect Tristan.


“I’m attracting two people in the foreground, so I moved forward at full speed! That can be ignored!


“Ryo, I understand!


“Well, what was Stra-sama like this?


“I feel a bit mixed with Sera-san”


“Oh, children are more susceptible to their parents …”


“Both of them are useless!




At the same time that Strara manipulates the thread and pushes the Royal Guard in front of the gods and snakes, Boga and Mudfaak pass alongside them at maximum speed. While manipulating the Royal Guard, Stratra ’s gaze was looking at Tristan in front of him.


“Are you aiming at me again? As usual, there is no waste for Straa. But if there is some play, life will be boring?”


Tristan’s full-bodied expression did not change, even though he retired the sacred dragon Sakhaka on his own. He is also good at speaking. Straa, who confirmed the situation, slightly loosened his mouth.


“General Tristan, the more you can trust, the better you are. It’s better not to let yourself be harmed, but to make effective use of it alive.

“…? Yeah, is that right?”


Tristan intended to return to the casual words of Stra in plain words. However, it could have been a fatal wound against the current Stra.


(Yeah, confirming affirmation. Invoking “Retaliation”.


At this time, Strara was doing reasoning using his own skills and retaliation. However, this is a story that anyone can cry with just a general statement. However, if you sing even once during the operation of the ability, the world cannot be overturned for that person reason ) As a result, Tristan cannot self-destruct the gods at any time, and the gods cannot be strengthened by rough means of reducing the number of heads.


Kelvin evaluated Stratra’s power to be active diplomatically violently, but the reality also works in combat. Anyway, the choices are reduced during the conversation. If you know Strato’s power in advance, there is also a specification for dealing with it, but if you do not know it, you will be naked without knowing it and you will seal all your hands. And that person doesn’t wonder at all. Mudfaak and Boga who knew the situation were cold sweats, although they were friends.


“That ’s General Tristan. You’re the cause of the fall of Trisen, and it’s like killing your father, albeit indirectly. You’re a hateful father’s nephew. Then you would have been saying “Self-destructive” here. Even people who know they have betrayed the country will think so. General Tristan, don’t you think you have the work to choose death?




If you affirm Stratra’s words here, Tristan will choose death without hesitation. Strato’s words are a weapon that can be a death sentence if you make a mistake.


“Today, I’m just a stubborn person, Strato, let’s talk to you with all my heart! I don’t think so at all! Life is easy, that is, the one who enjoys it. It’s natural that people who live now are given priority over those who mourn.I’m going to die to consider other people, who tastes life to the bones? “An interesting joke!”


Tristan is hungry, laughing from the bottom of his heart. Although this was a struggle that had been disappointing from the beginning, this reaction raised some eyebrows. And her expression is more ruthless.


“… Stra, by the way, you, your memory is back?”


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