Black Summoner

Chapter 455


―――― The heart of the evil god


WHEN THE WHITE ARK IS FLYING TO THE heaven, I, who is holding Angers, has begun evacuation while eating the aftermath of the wind. Flying ( Fly ) as if the storm was approaching from all directions It is a difficult task. Angers is light, so there is no problem, but it is different from flying alone.


Great Recovery ( Light Heels ) , ( Benedict Cure )


chanting recovery magic to awaken fainted Angers.


“No, no …”


Fortunately, the wounds received from Chromel seemed shallow, and Angers immediately spoke out.


— Hy!


Prevents dagger knives that would later come to the neck reflectively. The remnants of the assassin days seem to be deeply rooted, and after letting go of their consciousness unintentionally, they are forced to input their bodies so that they can take off their necks. It’s quite difficult, and Angers is unlikely to return to a normal girl. No, I’m responsible because I’m in trouble when I get back.


However, it is still a sharp knife. If I don’t know in advance that an attack will come to my neck, I will receive it at my current level. The chromel guy defeated Angers who attacked at this speed …


“That is Kelvin? I am sure …”


“It’s bad to wake up in such a storm. Angers was fainted after attacking Chromel. Do you remember?”


“… Yeah, I thought I couldn’t lose the speed, but it wasn’t cool, but I knew Kelvin was safe”


“It’s actually helped by Angers. Thank you”


I tried stroking the head of Angers in a good atmosphere, but it was drastically rough due to the bad wind. Oh, chromel.


“Oh, it’s okay. I’m fine! Rather, let’s change seats, Mr. Kelvin!”


“Eh … Oops !?”


Talking about that, the angel of the niece that I was holding stopped as if it was a rope, and I was held in the next moment. What kind of fast work?


“I think that those who ran using Amami will arrive steadily and quickly? The barrier is gone, and Kelvin is not going to gather with a tale. Oh, ] The Wind God Leg ( Sonic Accelerate ) Will you grant me? “


Leave it to your sister! Just like that, Angers is excited. Yeah, Angers is a few steps higher in status and agility, and this is probably the right form. But I want to say a word.


“The princess hug is a little …”


“This is the most stable. No one sees it. I’ll fly!”


“Oh, wait a minute. The barrier of windbreak is still–”


I had no time to decide, and I experienced a world of over 10,000 agility on that day.




Angers run, fly, jump. We know that all of them are optimized movements to avoid the wind and follow the shortest route. The shame by the princess’s cuddle was not already in me, and now I could afford to look into the large cavity in the distance. No, it ’s not. If you didn’t look into the distance, you were drawn back to reality and seemed to be collet’s second dance. So fast, so bad weather. I understand that I’m still too much …


However, there was also a fact that I had a panoramic view of the large cavity. The evil land called the heart of the evil god was transformed into a green space so that it could be mistaken. The sight of the blossoming blossoms scattered by the storm and soaring so far is truly fantastic. In some places, Dahaku used to look like an enhanced version of the ferocious plants. If I skipped my thoughts, the expected Dahak came back.


Dahaku, who successfully evolved into the King of Earth Dragon, joined Strals and repelled Tristan. After that, it seems that the entire cavity has been remodeled. It ’s not like afforestation. The forbidden land has become beautiful like a memorial park without leaving any remnants. Inevitably, Dahaku is also responsible for the disappearance of poison. Dahaku might have gained ridiculous power in this easy reconfiguration of the bad environment. As long as Dahaku is present, this world is likely to be free from destruction of nature.


“Beyond the big cavity, because it is northwest … Is that over there?


It is a way to gather outside the large cavity with everyone else. The dragon stuffed toy teams such as Stra and Dahaku seem to have just been in the sky, but evacuation started when the battleship appeared. On the way, we found members who escaped from sanctuaries such as Serra and Lion, and both escaped from the main cavity.


The swords of the west and Nagua who were defeating the monsters that crawled up outside the cave were making a break in their work as the cave greened. Because dahaku carnivorous plants feed on monsters before they crawl up. This is a natural consequence. Still, it seems that the vigilance continued until the battleship appeared.


Considering the positional relationship of all these teams, the meeting place was outside the large cavity in the middle, northwest of it. Angers is sprinting towards it.


“Oh, everyone is there. Proceed as it is — No, can I take it down before that?


“Well, what should I do?” Is it okay for me to keep this?


Angers seemed to be mischievous with grinning, and for the time being, he was thinking about it. And it is transparent.


“… What do you want?


“Please touch your neck as much as you can later!”


…… It ’s a niche.


Accept the request of Angers and ask him to release the hug. At this point, the influence of the wind from the battleship is weak, and I can fly safely. Above all, I don’t want to show that to Toya or Nagua. definitely!


When I arrived at the northwestern part of my destination, there were all those who missed me and Angers. While being greeted by everyone, put your feet on the ground.


“I’m sorry, Kel! I was worried because I couldn’t connect my tale, so I was going to help, but it didn’t seem to be in time …”


“I’m sorry. Only in that place my esoteric powers haven’t been reached for some reason and the sanctuary has begun to collapse …”


“I couldn’t see my mother …”


“What is that white, Mr. Kelvin! No way, there is a mother over there !?”


“… Please ask me one by one because I ask”


As soon as I arrive, I’m crying by Lion. I apologize to Collette. Sylvia is depressed. Calm down according to the order of each person.


“I ’m a big brother, I told you once in a memorandum, but this dahaku is a wonderful dragon king!”


“Successfully” is missing. It will not change to being a dobe.


“Anda Chibi assistant!”


“Oh, oh, fighting is not good …”


The dragons, which have been in a long time, will not change even after becoming a dragon king. The difference is obvious if it is a dragon, but it does not change much if it is a person .–


“–Kelvin, hard work. Are there any injuries?”


“… Who are you?”


“Eh? Shu, I’m Stra. Did you forget it?”


No, I’m usually surprised. I’ve been chasing butterflies with Alex as a young girl, but I’m surprised that I suddenly changed to the original princess mode. Or, if that happens, I ’d like you to tell me in advance.


“Did you mean that your memory has returned?”


“The details will be explained later … Now please show your face to Efil’s sister, Efil”


“… Oh, that’s right”


Passed through Stra, and visited the bottom of Efill. Efil was laid down by Kroto as a substitute for bed. On both sides, Sera and Gerard refrain from watching. Efil’s complexion is a little bad, although he sleeps quickly. I hold Efil’s hand quietly so as not to wake up.


“What about the condition?”


“The work of Colette and the Pope seems to have overcome the trap somehow”


“Still, I’m going to sleep in the bed for a while. I’m absolutely rested outside of work!”


“Yes …”


I can’t say it’s safe, but I thank Efil’s life. However, the other burden that has come to me is still showing no signs of being removed. There is no response from Melfina who became a magical body after canceling the summons.


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