Black Summoner

Chapter 458


When this world was just born, there were three continents in the world. In addition to the east and west continents that are known today, there was a huge continent that could be called the North continent, in a position that would form the top of a triangle.


However, there is no record of discovery in any modern country, such as the existence of such a continent, and it does not exist even in the story. In the long history, there were many people who crossed the ocean in search of new land and new discoveries. But that was unavoidable. Even if their ship accidentally went to the place where the North Continent was, it could not be recognized by the great barriers made by ancient gods, and the space was distorted and passed by.


The great boundaries of the gods are given to encircle the entire North Continent, and not only the sky but also the bottom of the sea is within range. From the outside, all sorts of effects of concealing the existence are exhibited, and as described above, it acts on the space. Whatever force is used, it is impossible to find the North Continent from the outside world of the boundary, and that was the reason why the North Continent has become an illusion from the history of this world.


If you are asked if you can pass through the barrier from the inside, you can only answer that this is also impossible. The sea that surrounds the North Continent isolated from the outside world changes its color from blue to red and is highly viscous and opaque as if it were blood. Swimming in this bloody sea is a difficult task, and furthermore, the weather is rough all year round and the storm does not stop, so it is not possible to launch a ship. Even if you swim forcibly, the space is twisted like the outside, and you return to the original place.


The last resort is this blue sky that can only be seen in the sky. If you look only at the characteristics that change from the weather to the color depending on the continental location, it seems that you can break through if you have flying ability. But it should be said that this barrier was not so sweet. The border extends to an altitude that will never reach, even if you have the ability to fly, and you just have to climb the ridiculous distance just to see that there is a wall. A demon once confirmed this wall, the ceiling of the world, but did not destroy it. The only way to destroy the boundaries formed by God is to use power equal to or greater than that of God.


From these things, it is not appropriate to go beyond the borders and enter the outside world, and those who live in the closed north continent believe that this world is at the bottom of the ground, and someday Land of the Abyss ( Abysland ) However, the gods left the only way to connect the land with the outside world. These are the “Purgatory Flame Port” in the Furnished West Continent, “Infinite Poison Sand” at the eastern end of the North Continent, “Tengu Hisen” in the East Continent and the “Dark Prison” at the western end of the North Continent. Abyss Land ( Abysland ) When the Demon Demon King was born, It is said that they passed the path of Ryuo through this road.


So why was the North continent sealed like this? ”It goes back to the era when it is regarded as the Kojiro to talk about it. A long time ago, this world became a place for wars and decisive battles between the gods and the fallen gods, and many people in this world also participated. The battle that lasted for a long time ended in the form of victory of the gods, but even if the gods defeated the evil god with powerful power, their existence could not be extinguished.


So, as an alternative, this large-scale sealing method, a border that swallowed the entire North Continent, centered on the contraindicated land that sealed the evil god, was carried out. The brilliant first border with limited scope is the heart of the evil god. The second widening boundary, which was expanded, was then applied to the entire north continent. The second boundary is more of a prisoner for the people of this world than the god of God.


Various races participated in the war of the gods. They are humanoids, beasts, insects, and so on. The same is true for those who are on the side of the evil god, and they are forced to live only in the North Continent by the prison of the border. The gods grouped the people who lived in the North Continent as “demons” and forced to unify the races, although their shapes were different. They became the founders of the devil.


Some of the races, such as vampires who had unluckily lived in the North Continent, were exceptionally unique, but rarely held in prisons like the devil It is said to be in. Others seemed to have evolved and won their own races, but most of them were demon kings.


There is a reason why devils tend to be demon kings. This closed environment of the North Continent makes it easy for spite of malice. The climate and land that is completely changed by the ruler, they become the fires of the devil’s battle, creating a chain of hatred. The gods deliberately created such an environment of the North Continent, and sought to narrow down the candidates for the Black Book, which randomly decided who had the demon king’s qualities. The speculation of the gods was largely true, and most of the successive demon kings came from the devil.


If a demon king is born from a black book, a hero is summoned on the ground by a maiden of Delamis. The hero defeats the Demon King, stops the negative power from going to the evil god, and prevents the resurrection. As I talked to Bell before. This is the system of this world created by the gods. The structure of the world that kept the greatest peace at the cost of those who became the Demon King. From a different perspective, it may be said that they are feeding on the devils who beside the gods and betrayed the gods.


―――― Would you like to summarize Elias’s explanation?


“For some reason, Chromel hates the system of this world. The land of the abyss ( Abyssland ]) Breaking this rule by destroying the barrier on and trying to create a new world “


“… Is this possible? I think it was also in the explanation, but the boundaries created by the gods could not be defeated unless they were of equal or higher power?” Chromel still has no power at all It was like a whirlwind. ”


“While limited to the power of reincarnation, Chromel has gained power in this world that is no different from God otherwise. Power cannot be brought into the world, but she was my soul Agent ( Iris ) Mel Mel Mel Mel Mel By sending it in as , the impossible became possible. “


―――― Zudogan!


More loud noises dominate the sky. As you can see, the white battleship was forced to break through the ceiling. Whether the chromel is working, the surrounding storm walls are becoming even rougher.


“With her current power, it would be a matter of time to destroy the barrier. Usually, if the extraordinary power works, God will move … Kelvin, Did you get any response from Melfina? “


“No, nothing for now …”


elearis meditated as if he knew in advance what to answer and shook his head.


“It is the reincarnation god who oversees this world. And Melfina, the reincarnation god of the present day, was not completely absorbed and helped in the state of drowning, but became a magical body of Kelvin. It’s like a piece of skin on the neck … No, maybe Kelvin would have expected that Kelvin would return Melfina to a magical body if it was dangerous. It is easy to return to the main body itself, but in the state that is pierced by the sacrament, the soul is fixed and cannot escape, and even if it survives as a magical body, it is once summoned by Kelvin to return to the main body If you have summoned Melfina, who was deprived of the sacrament, weakened as a god, and weakened all of her status … Also expect To do. Carelessly to summon the Mel Fina is, those who sealed it with any good. “




— Gaan!


Celebrating Mel while watching the sight of boats repeatedly colliding. On this day, the third continent returned to the world, and a huge white boat was witnessed by many.


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