Black Summoner

Chapter 491


— Angelo’s private room


Neither straddling the day nor the night. Just a little time has passed. If there was a change, it would be like I was sleeping in Angers’ bed and Angers was sleeping next to me. However, I was able to finish the arrangement in my heart. Angers is like a past resentment, no, a curse? It seemed that I was released from the past trauma. Anyway, I used the finest white magic while paying close attention during the act. The mind and body are refreshing and care is perfect.


“Wow, is this OK for Angers? Well, it looks like a cat really”


¡When I boiled the cheeks of Angers who fell asleep quickly, she returned to her cheeks. This is a pleasant touch. However, as usual, I was messed up with something important, but this time I was able to resolve the barriers to overcome without any problems. Huh, is that I ’m growing up too?


When I was immersed in sentiment like that, a sudden premonition passed through my mind. When you eat out, the store clerk puts a bottle near Serra, Géral takes out a stand at a banquet, or meets Collet by chance on the roadside.


“I don’t know why, but I feel I’ve made a terrible mistake …”


What did I miss? At least, this would be safe for Angers and fulfilled his promise with Bucket. I will definitely tell you where Ryuo is. If so, what is this premonition? Calm down and look at anything cute to calm your heart. Wow, Angers’ sleeping face is awesome.


“Nh … Kelvin-kun, what happened with such a head …?”


“Oh, bad. Has it happened?”


“That’s right. If you’re sleeping comfortably, you’ll get such a negative aura, and no matter how deep you sleep, you’ll wake up to me who is sensitive to signs.”




“Look, the customer seems to have come”


Angers pointed to the door of the room.




Listening to the sound of a machine that runs out of oil and with a gig, turn your head toward you. Hmm? Speaking of which, I bring Angers to this room and the key ( ) Did you close? Certainly, when you open and close the door while holding the Angers, it’s bad behavior, but with your feet–


“— Please close the key …!”


While I was doing a lot of stuff in the bed, the key was being fully released …! Is it stupid or stupid, me! ? There was a similar thing before! ‘Let ’s study, I ’m!


No, no, now the customer who Angers says has priority over that. I don’t know who will be in Angers’ room for what purpose or more than anything else, but it’s still in time! Well, Angers, why are you so calm? Where did you go before? ?


And my head, who was so frightened at this time, reminded me of a word, as if I was chasing me.


“Well, what’s a cold … Anne Hey, I was worried because my eyes were empty ~. Efil ( ・ ・ ・ ・ ) Hey, let ’s make a bowl! ”


…… Search for signs. Oops, ha ha ha. This is Efil. Are you waiting for the ritual behind the door? If you stay there, you will notice the sound even if you close the key, hahaha.


“I’m reproducing everything that time, I didn’t learn anything …”


“Ahaha. Kelvin, what time is that?”


[Me who passed through the surprises, faceless, and then knocked down to despair. Now, let’s think about Ephil’s feelings. I heard from Angeon that I caught a cold and made a bowl full of friendship for my best friend so that I could get well soon. If you come to the room of Angers to deliver it, and then touch the door, the room looks strange. If I look for a sign, what am I close to Angers? Efil, who has absolute loyalty, is amazed at this, and it’s like I’m attacking a sick person. Yeah what? Efil will be terribly confusing. Yes, like me now!


“Well, Kelvin calms down. Well, what the angry sister is trying to understand, I’m going to figure out, maybe it’s okay. Don’t worry, check the tip of the door.” 19459002]



“No, what are you saying? Would you like me not to look like that?”


Whatever, Angers feels more reliable than usual. I always rely on it, but now I feel more reliable! But why is Angers so calm? I don’t want to be disliked by Efil … Oh, I can’t do this forever. I know, I’m ready. Yeah, leave!信 じ Believe in Angers and open the door to the room.


“Oh, my husband! Was that all right? Are you injured?”


“… I am satisfied with all five bodies”


I was very worried for some reason.




“Well, did you hear from Angers in advance?”


“Yes. I’m sorry that I misunderstood you …”


“Now, did you say you don’t have to worry?”


Efir worried about my body was invited to the room and I was able to understand the current situation gradually after hearing the circumstances. During my bathing, Angers was talking to her best friend Efil about her determination. Apparently he asked Efil to follow that he might behave somewhere else, including himself. Efil seems to have come to a pinch after hearing about a cold from Rion, making a bowl to avoid being suspicious, and looking at the front of the door. As I just confirmed, there was a signboard in front of the door, and a signboard was installed. No, I was really saved.


“I apologize to me. No, I just want to thank you before that. The help of Angers also helped me.”


“No, I’ve been doing it as a master maid”


“This wasn’t Efil-chan, but if Sera-san misunderstood, Kelvin may have died”


“Don’t say a scary thing with a good smile, it looks like it’s really …”


Well, that sera is Abyss Land ( Abysland ) I don’t have any habits. However, there is a convenient tool called the transfer gate, so you can’t be wary.


“But it was really good. Mr. Angers, I’ve been worried for a long time …” I’m now able to grab my breasts and have a very good smile. “


“Hey, I ’m embarrassed by Angus ’s embarrassment. It smells good! Is that Efil-chan ’s porridge?”


“Oh, it’s definitely an appetizing smell. If you feel relieved, you’ve become hungry.”


“Wow, I’ll be happy with your mochi. Wait a moment. Oh, there’s some red rice.”


— Enjoying Efill special rice cake & red rice.


“It was a treat! No, I’m full!”


“I am satisfied …”


“It was a shame. I am honored to be able to eat without leaving a grain.”


Oh, it was delicious enough to know new surprises today. I feel that my physical strength and spirit have been fully recovered. No, I’m actually doing this, surely.


“That ’s why my husband, Angers, will you continue immediately? If so, can I be with you?”




“… ??”


anger and I get stuck unexpectedly. What do you mean? 】 If you look at Angers, Angers dyes her face red as if in trouble. The Efil seems to be waiting for our reply like a loyal dog and will not speak any further.


“Kelvin, maybe Efil-chan …


“In fact, it may be the most. Moreover, with no awareness ”


Apparently, the meaning was included in this bowl. It is more effective than a poor nourishing tonic dish, and I’m not going to sleep today.


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