Black Summoner

Chapter 493


―――― Kelvin House, Underground Training Center


“A gown of heavenly thrills? Is there a thunder dragon king there?”


Rion leans his head while wiping with a towel the sweat he shed in the simulated battle. Gerrard thinks that he can go for a lot of rice with just this gesture, but after all, as one of the people who loves Rion, he stretches his hand to stroke his head.


“Oh, I’m finally able to identify the place. I want you to go there and scold me for protection from Thunder Dragon. Can you ask?”


Boiled and boiled.


“Yeah, I’m good! I feel like I’m lacking in ability and I think it’s necessary.”


“Lion, would you like to go? Then I’d like to go to see the water dragon king. Kelvin asked me”


“Yeah, both of us are gone !? I’m lonely and I’m dead! I’m dead!”


Serge, who knew that Rion and Sylvia would disappear, was saying my jealousy, flapping his limbs. This is the strongest in the world, this is …


“Serge, don’t worry! Can you train yourself?”


“Eren says that, the truth of the world is that if you don’t have a cute girl, you won’t feel like it.”


“I’m sorry to say that again … I’m sorry, Mr. Kelvin”


“No, no problem. Serge, if you want to train with such a cute girl, why don’t you go to a gown with Lion?”


“In the gown?”


Serge’s ear reacts to the word cute child. This guy really likes girls up to the bones …


“The heroes of this generation are training in gowns. Don’t help Rion take care of them while meeting Ryuo. The same hero’s goodness.”


“Nh … I’m welcome to go with Rion, but is there a man called Toya, who is the current hero?”

“Hey, what are you talking about? Surely Toya is a man, and there are 3 beautiful girls in the rest of the party?” Isn’t it overwhelming! ”


“… Sure!”


Do you agree?


“If Serge goes, should I go? There must be no mistake”


“Ellen-san, thank you”


Well, I’m always in the current gown and I think it’s okay. ……that? I don’t feel like forgetting something. What is it?


“Ah, what do you tell Gera to do? Sure, you’re heading over here?”


Ah! Yes, Gerard is coming! Thank you, Rion. Was it still dangerous from yesterday’s fatigue? Let’s get Efil to massage later. But what about Gerard? Hell ( Gordiana ) , Delamis with a mud Hell ( Estria ) I feel like it.




―――― Gowns and Tiger Wolf Dojo


This is the main hall of the dojo that is placed in the gown by the tiger wolf, the user of swordsmanship. It is usually a place where the beasts who put themselves in this dojo shake their swords, but for the past few days it has been translated to lend the dojo to others. They are those.


“Yes, I feel good. Yes, one-two-one”


“Wow, Wan … Tsu …!”






“Hey, isn’t it? Sabo is not good”


“I can’t … I can’t …”


The Delamis heroes, led by Toya, are Nana elegantly. And Gordiana Pretiana who teaches their training.


“Umm, I don’t get along very well. The most important thing is balance ぅ. Gordia’s physical remodeling, basic training that focuses on the lack of muscles, but it takes a little more time.


“But this is overkill. It’s not the training that humans do …! And what is my focus …?”


“Well, Masa-chan is the one who doesn’t have enough meat overall. Oh, isn’t it a story about your breasts?”


“I was hurt, my heart was hurt now”


YA who has roots in Gordia muscle training. Beside that, Toya and Nana are somehow training themselves while they are about to die.


“Only the moment is ugly …”


“Ah, Suna-chan has a teacher. It can’t be helped.”


“That’s right. The reason for this tiger-wolf style dojo is that if you follow the original, there will be Nito’s uncle. And this training is not necessary for Sana-chan. Well-balanced body shape, body The one who is doing “


“That’s because it was both Bumbu and Michido …! This is the end!”


After finishing the last set, Toya falls down on the floor of the dojo. The floor has a little puddle with its own sweat, and the moisture from the sweat is absorbed into the rented outfit.


“Hello, good work. Nana and Masa-chan are both a little more so please do your best. When you’re done, I’ll treat my special dish. Break the meat once and eat rice. I do n’t eat it even if I vomit. ”


“Uh, I’m going to vomit but I can eat …”


“I can’t believe it …” I really can’t believe it’s lined up with Efil’s cooking taste … “


While saying so, they squeezed their last power and worked hard on the muscle training. Gordiana’s discretion and prejudice discipline, in fact accurate.


“Oh, I’m doing this too”


At the end of the muscle training of two people, Roma, the current main dojo, appeared and called out to everyone.


“Oh, Roma-chan. I’m going to have a meal now, how are you?”


“It’s a fascinating invitation, but you can see the customers. Would you do it first?”


“Are you a customer? … Oh, oh?”


Goldiana notices. Behind Louma, a little black-haired head continues.


“Pretia-chan, it’s been a while!”


“It’s not Rion-chan! It’s cute again!”


The customers who came to the dojo were the Lions. Lion who is supported by the arm of Gordiana’s big tree and flies in the air like a merry-go-round. It’s a touch of excitement, but the picture is dangerous.


“Sorry for you”


“Yahooo, I’m also there. Isn’t there a moment?”


“If you’re going to be doing a one-on-one training with Daimoto at another dojo? I should have told you to teach a mystery that we haven’t even taught”


“Oh, I’m with survivors. I wonder if it can’t be helped …”




Tosun and the swaying Lion were lowered to the floor. Rion and Roma notice that the two people are strange, and meet each other. Only Ellen standing beside Serge seemed to understand something.


“I ’m sorry, Lion. I ’ve discovered a good practice partner, so I may not be able to guide the braves.”


“I’m sorry, Toya-chan, Nana-chan, Masa-chan. I’ve found the perfect partner to transform myself today more beautifully.


The two who scatter sparks that can be seen with a bee pierce through the immobility while staring at each other.


“Oh, I see. I understand.”


“Well …”


“Ro, Roma-san, what do you mean, do you know Ellen-san?”


“The strong guys are attracted to each other. The two guys have finally found a partner that can truly do their best. Are they the good fighters?”


“Yeah! The idea seems to be in Kel !?”


Kushun, I felt like a battle mad sneezes somewhere far away.


“The strongest battle between the ground and the world … I want to see with this eye, but the dojo is important. Do it somewhere in the mountains”


“I know”


“I understand”


While Kelvin’s party continues to make efforts, others will continue to train for the day of the decisive battle. And they will be encouraging friends for Kelvin. By the way, the training of the Toyas was later taken over by Gerard who headed for the gown, and indirectly, Gerard was also saved from the hands of the devil.


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