Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 618: Create new creatures

time flies.

Zhaicheng Space Center, top floor lounge.

Zhang Zhai got up from the bed, went to the desk under the window and sat down again.

At this moment, the night is still hazy, and the sky has begun to turn white.

Looking out the window, Zhang Zhai couldn't help but smile.

After thoroughly mastering the theoretical part of 'Ecological Simulation' and pushing the unlocking progress to 90%, in a state of exhaustion, he fell asleep from yesterday morning until this moment.

Glancing at the rising sun on the east horizon, Zhang Zhai retracted her eyes and stood up again.

"A1, how are the experimental materials and equipment prepared?"

"I have prepared according to your father's instructions. The relevant experimental materials and equipment have been placed in the biological laboratory. At the same time, according to your father's opinion, the comprehensive biological laboratory has been temporarily closed, and the rest are denied entry. "A1's voice sounded instantly.

On hearing that, Zhang Zhai nodded and said nothing more.

After a while.

After not staying in the lounge, after a brief wash and breakfast, Zhang Zhai went straight out of the lounge and walked towards the comprehensive biological laboratory.


Rocket building, biological laboratory.

"Wow ... wow."

The laboratory door opens automatically and then closes automatically.

Zhang Zhai re-entered the laboratory.

At this moment, experimental materials and devices stored in various containers are stacked on the laboratory's originally vacant workbench.

The experimental materials cover the cells of various animals and plants or more accurately genetic information, and in addition to the genetically modified equipment, the device is more a breeding chamber capable of spawning organisms.

Glancing at the laboratory, Zhang Zhai walked quickly to one of the workbenches.

Without directly starting the experiment, Zhang Zhai glanced at the system interface within sight.

On the system interface, the unlocking progress of 'Eco-simulation' has reached 90%, and the theoretical part can be said to have been thoroughly mastered.

The next step is the application, but the application of 'ecological simulation' cannot be avoided, that is, organisms that need to meet the theoretical model data indicators.

Withdrawing his gaze from the system interface, Zhang Zhai picked up only a stack of draft paper on the workbench and glanced at the data on it.

The data for constructing the standard model of the 'ecological cycle' are basically theoretical data. Some of the creatures put into this model exist in reality, and they are not even close to each other.

Under normal circumstances, the realization of the ecological cycle is basically stuck in the theoretical stage.

Even if the 'ecological simulation' has been successful in theory, the living creatures will not grow according to theoretical standards.

However, Zhang Zhai, who has mastered 'gene optimization' and 'the mystery of life', can completely create a creature that fits the theoretical data according to the theoretical data.

Then, using the theoretical model as a standard, like the jigsaw, the ‘ecological cycle’ is completely and accurately pieced together.

After scanning the data on the manuscript sheet, Zhang Zhai put it down again.

Take the plant cells that are set aside and contained in a special container.

Zhang Zhai started the "ecological simulation" or the preliminary preparation before the actual experiment of the ecological cycle system, and realized the foundation, using the "gene optimization" technology or transforming or creating animals and plants that meet the ideal data.


Time passes by, from sunrise to sunshine, and from early morning to noon.

Zhang Zhai is constantly busy in the comprehensive biological laboratory, using various instruments to operate from time to time.

Based on various animal and plant genes, through continuous genetic modification, optimization, and gene editing, we have created organisms that meet theoretical requirements.


In the laboratory, Zhang Zhai took the container containing the embryo out of the instrument, looked at the holographic screen in front of his eyes, and simulated the data of this biological growth after simulation.

"Basically it meets the requirements." Zhang Zhai looked at the data on the holographic screen and smiled slightly.

After 'gene optimization', based on the genes proposed on a common plant, the transformed gene data has completely disappeared from the original trace and is completely transformed into a completely new species.


Looking back, Zhang Zhai accurately placed the vessel containing the reconstructed embryo into the culture chamber, required nutrients and environment for the growth of the embryo, and catalyzed it.

After placing the utensils in which the embryos were stored, Zhang Zhai scanned the culture chambers in the eye laboratory, of which more than ten culture chambers have begun to function.

Gene plant embryos grow faster than animal embryos in the early stage. The genetic plant embryos that Zhang Zhai placed first in the culture chamber can now see root whiskers and small buds under the effect of the culture chamber and special nutrition.

Glancing at the incubator in which the embryos were placed, Zhang Zhai looked back.

Without continuing the 'gene optimization' of new plants and animals, Zhang Zhai replaced the laboratory protective clothing and walked straight out of the laboratory.

"Wow ... wow ..."


Zhaicheng Space Center, comprehensive conference room on the fourth floor.

Still hustle and bustle at this moment,

The sound of discussion and debate continued with the progress of each issue.

"... Start voting, agree to raise the palm of the fifth plan, agree to raise the fist of the eighth plan." Professor Hu stood up and said.

The voice fell, and the meeting room quieted down instantly,

The next moment, the hands of a group of responsible persons were raised.

Professor Hu glanced at the voting results,

Although the votes are not exactly equal, they are almost the same.

The opinions of the two parties are very different.

"Temporarily shelve agenda item 162 and postpone discussions. Continue to the next proposal. Regarding the problems of weather and environmental control systems, please propose solutions. Professor Ning, Researcher Yang, and Professor Yan ... elaborate on the basis of the plan." Professor Hu got up again and said.


It was quiet for a moment, and the meeting room was noisy again.

Arguments, discussions continued, and voices of leaders or excitement or anger almost turned the entire conference room over.

At the same time, along with this continuous discussion and research, each issue will be adopted either directly or temporarily.

Time passes slowly ...

"Oh! It's ridiculous! Did you get around the fatal problem in the second plan?" A responsible person slaps the table angrily, and stands up with a bang.

"Even if this problem is solved in theory, have you considered the problems that will arise in practice, in practice ..."

"It's nonsense, this is the theoretical data that we and the materials team and the mechanics team have calculated together. As for the actual problem you are talking about, we have also considered the margin." Another person in charge refused to be outdone and stood up to refute. Road,

"... For the solution to this issue, I support the third solution for three reasons. First, the objective environment ..."

In the conference room, a lot of people in charge argued fiercely. Almost all of them were red-eared and red-headed. It seemed that they would go naked in the next moment.

But the words they say are extremely professional data and theory.


On the outdoor corridor of the conference, Zhang Zhai listened to the faint arguing voices coming out of the conference room, and a smile appeared on his face.

Without stopping, Zhang Zhai pushed open the door of the conference room.


When Zhang Zhai appeared in the sight of everyone in the conference room,

The meeting room was suddenly quiet, and everyone's eyes gathered towards Zhang Zhai.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Zhang Zhai went straight to the front of the conference room.

Looking at the people in charge, there was a slight smile,

"Choose the No. 3 plan for issue 682," Zhang Zhai quickly scanned the schemes presented on the holographic screen, and directly took the road.

"Continue to the next topic." Zhang Zhai sat down in front of the conference room,

In an instant, the quiet and short meeting room was noisy again.

There was fierce argument, and the discussion continued to sound.

Black Technology Live Room

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