Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

NO.103 High frequency electromagnetic blade

? Gu Zhan led the two of them toward the collapsed ruins behind. Following the information in front of them, the three quickly found No. 8, who was half-buried in the ruins.

"Have you seen No. 5?" Gu Zhan asked.

"Report, sir, he should be not far from me, but he was buried two or three meters below." No. 8's face was buried under the facial armor, so he couldn't see the other party's expression, but even if his entire lower body was smashed into pieces Even though his voice remained steady, it seemed that the injury that was enough to make him a cripple could not cause the slightest emotional change.

This is the reason why Zhang Heng abandoned the feelings of the clone army. The army without feelings will be banned, and it is the most qualified killing machine!

"Then give up No. 5. If you are rescued, how much fighting power will you have left?" Gu Zhan's tone was cold.

"At most 10%, my body loses a lot of blood, and my eyes are temporarily blind. There is a 70% chance that I will lose consciousness within the next ten minutes and die within thirty minutes."

"Understood, No. 8, you and No. 5 are too injured and the cost of rescue is too high, so we have to give up on you, do you have any opinion?"

"No, sir!"

Gu Zhan nodded and said nothing, but led No. 9 and No. 10 back to the front battlefield. At this moment, everyone suddenly warned and fired one after another, and for a while, countless breaking sounds rang out, interweaving into a world of bullets and bullets!

There is no gunpowder explosion in the pulse rifle, only the electric current on the gun body and the slight buzzing of the liquid nitrogen cooling system, and then the screeching of the air piercing after the ammunition is fired!

"What happened?" Gu Zhan didn't dare to stop, and quickly rushed to the front, but before he could take a few steps, a blood mist suddenly exploded on No. 4's chest not far away!

No. 4's body trembled slightly, the firearm in his hand fell weakly, knelt on the ground trembling, and then kept twitching on the ground!

Number 4 killed!

The look in Gu Zhan's eyes was even more solemn. He saw a form pop up suddenly in front of him. The avatars of No. 1, No. 4, and No. 5 were all turned gray, while No. 8 was dark red, and the avatars kept flashing red. Light, and the other No. 3's avatar also began to flash a faint red.

Gu Zhan raised his head and glanced at No. 3, but saw that No. 3's entire right arm was torn off by a huge force, and the initiator was the enemy who kept flashing fire in the distance!

"No. 3 needs first aid, and No. 4 replaces No. 3 for fire suppression." Gu Zhan immediately gave an order, and then dragged No. 3 to hide behind a broken wall.

He took out a roll of bandage from the rucksack hanging from his body and quickly and skillfully wrapped it around No. 3's arm.

After doing all this, Gu Zhan's expression became even more solemn. He simply came to the front, and the pulse rifle in his hand made a screeching sound and kept shooting towards the route that the enemy might pass!

The camera's line of sight is completely transformed into a thermal imaging line of sight, because the eyes change from direct to indirect reception, so his viewing angle at this time even reaches 270 degrees, and he can even see a part of it behind him, which is very magical.

Soon, he discovered the enemy who attacked him. A slender and flexible figure quickly flashed past his eyes and plunged into the ruins on the side. The speed was so fast that Gu Zhan's series of bullets fell one by one.

The other party didn't even wear exoskeleton armor!

Gu Zhan's expression changed, if so, with the power of the modified pulse rifle in his hand, even if it is not as good as the pulse sniper rifle, as long as four or five bullets are fired into the opponent's close range, the air shock caused by it can shock his life to death. !

But at this moment, suddenly, a dark oval object flew out of the ruins and flew towards the position of everyone! Gu Zhan's expression became more solemn, "Everyone, pay attention, the other party has a shock grenade!" After saying that, the pulse rifle in his hand shot into the air like an arm, and the grenade exploded in the next second!

boom! A lot of fire spread in the air!

This kind of marksmanship is considered appalling in the armies of various countries, but everyone does not show any strange colors. For them, this kind of marksmanship can only be regarded as a relatively strong level.

However, before the flames of the explosion receded, several grenades flew out of the ruins like lightning. With the scorching temperature in the air, Gu Zhan was almost blinded for a moment!

"It's hit!" This was Gu Zhan's only thought at the moment!

In the next second, several concussion grenades landed directly at the feet of everyone, and Gu Zhan shouted "Lie down!" Everyone suddenly fell to the ground without even thinking about it, and protected the helmet part!

Boom boom boom boom!

Countless deafening sounds sounded in the ears, but fortunately the exoskeleton has a shock absorption mechanism, which can absorb a lot of kinetic energy, preventing the situation where the armor is not broken, but the driver inside is killed and injured.

Gu Zhan only felt a golden light flickering in front of him, and strong vibrations kept coming. Even the exoskeleton with shock absorption function could not counteract such violent vibrations. concussion!

"System, inject me with a central stimulant!" After the earth-shattering vibration, Gu Zhan shook his head and suddenly said that this set of exoskeleton armor has an intelligent core, which can assist the wearer with some help, such as injections. Military stimulants, pain relievers, etc.

After Gu Zhan issued the order, suddenly, he only felt a chill in his neck, and a coolness rushed straight to his brain from his veins. Suddenly, the dizziness in his head was swept away!

Not only that, but he has become more sensitive to all sensory organs such as vision, hearing, smell, etc. This is a military stimulant synthesized from piracetamide mixed with caffeine and other central stimulants. It belongs to the alien plane Wilan. One of the munitions of Detanggu Company, it only has certain side effects.

But at this time, no matter how big the side effects are, you have to survive to bear. If you can't even survive, then there are no side effects.

Gu Zhan staggered to his feet, and through the gunpowder smoke, he saw that his feet were completely scorched, and the heads of 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 9 had all turned gray. Four of the next No. 6, 7, and 9 are still alive.

"Everyone gather!" Gu Zhan's hoarse voice was transmitted through the radio to the headsets of the remaining three people. The next moment, three people with incomplete armor appeared in front of Gu Zhan, and the armor of No. 9 and even half of his body was broken. When he opened, there was only a piece of charred black, which was the injury caused by an electromagnetic sniper rifle bullet that flew past his body, and he was also supported by military stimulants to stand up.

"Prepare!" Until now, there was no emotion in Gu Zhan's eyes. He just stared coldly at the smoke that was constantly drifting in front of him, while raising the pulse rifle in his hand!

In the smoke of gunpowder, a footstep came slowly!

Gu Zhan's expression suddenly froze. The intelligent core of the exoskeleton armor directly determined the location of the opponent through the sound. He immediately ordered, "Shoot!"

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

The four electromagnetic pulse weapons poured out a large amount of ammunition. Although there were only four guns, there was a kind of power that could move mountains and fill the sea. Countless earth flowers burst out on the ground, making a sharp, muffled sound that pierced through the soil! Within a few seconds, almost all the land within a radius of 100 meters was plowed!

"Abandon the gun and fight in close quarters!" Even so, Gu Zhan's eyes still did not relax, he suddenly threw the gun in his hand, waved his hand gently, and a bayonet that kept buzzing and low-pitched directly from the inside of the arm armor Pop out, slashing into the air in front of you!

At the moment of passing through the air, there was a piercing scream!

High frequency electromagnetic blade!

High frequency refers to electromagnetic waves with a frequency greater than that of the blade. The vibration frequency of the blade is extremely high and the temperature is extremely high. With high frequency vibration, it can cut all substances in the world!

At the moment when the knife was drawn, Gu Zhan saw out of the corner of his eyes that a figure suddenly emerged from the gunpowder smoke, dodging the knife with a very relaxed attitude, and at the same time a dark and slender army stab in his hand A perfect arc was drawn in mid-air, piercing fiercely from the weakest part of the gap in his armor!

In the next second, there was a chill in Gu Zhan's lower abdomen, followed by a severe stinging pain!

The figure's steps were extremely strange, and it was impossible to predict the opponent's line at all. I saw his foot swipe, and the next moment, he appeared in front of No. 6 in a mysterious way, and then the army thorn in his hand was sunk in and pulled out, and No. 6 was like above. Like the body fixation technique, it was completely nailed in place!

No. 7 and No. 9 were like enemies, and they rushed out waving the high-frequency wave blade, but because they were wearing exoskeleton armor, although they strengthened their defense, their flexibility was completely unable to keep up with the figure. An afterimage crossed under the figure's feet again, passing between the two at a tricky angle, and the military thorn in his hand completely penetrated the vital points of the two!

It took less than three seconds for the figure to rush out to kill 4 clone fighters wearing exoskeleton armor!

Team of ten, all defeated!

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