Three days later, Thompson, Feng Lun and Kong Zhongcai were discussing something in the B7-2 laboratory with the highest level of containment. ≯一≥novel ≦<≦﹤≤﹤≤﹤≤≦≦﹤﹤≦﹤<≤

During these three days, Thompson took the time to perform nerve bundle connection surgery for Yan Ronghua's daughter. The operation was extremely successful. Coupled with some body-optimized adjuvant therapy, Yan Ronghua's daughter could stand up from the wheelchair in less than a month. become a normal person.

Afterwards, the three of them officially launched the 'organic biological weapon' research project.

At this time, Thompson was frowning, and while discussing fiercely with the two, he looked at the huge columnar cultivation bin in front of him.

The shape of this cylindrical cultivation chamber is almost the same as that of the cultivation chamber for cultivating clones. Both are cylindrical and completely transparent. If the only difference is that the size of this culture chamber is much larger than that of the cloned culture chamber.

The diameter of this cultivating warehouse is about three meters, and the height has reached seven meters, which is more than twice the size of a normal cultivating warehouse! But the incongruity is that in the huge space in the training warehouse, there is only a zombie the size of an ordinary human, whose whole body is rotting a little bit, and it is kept suspended in the culture medium of Lan Yingying. Stable proliferation in the body of the experimental body will not cause a tragedy due to excessive metabolism.

"The proliferation is not stable enough, and the experimental body is rotting." Feng Lun frowned, "Is it because of the culture medium?"

"No, there is no problem with the culture medium, I think it is the problem of the experimental body." Kong Zhongcai shook his head, "This experimental material is just an ordinary death row prisoner with insufficient physical fitness. The only way is to inject a large amount of T virus and see if it can make If the other party becomes the carrier of the virus, there may be salvation."

Said, the two looked at Thompson. After all, this project was led by Thompson.

"Agree, inject more T-virus stock solution." Thompson thought for a while, then nodded, "It's normal to fail the first time, everyone, don't be discouraged."

Without them needing to do it, the assistants on the side pressed a button on the console, and another tube of T virus stock solution was injected into the body of the experimental subject through a needle. Suddenly, the experimental subject in the training warehouse noticed something, opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at the people who were separated by a layer of glass with an extremely ferocious look.

Thompson and Feng Lun were both cold-hearted after seeing each other's eyes, as if they were stared at by a beast.

Soon, the pupils of the experimental subject began to turn a strange blood red, and the body that had begun to decay was recombined in the newly injected high-concentration virus, and the degree of decay was slowed down.

"very good,

The body index of the experimental subject has stabilized a little more than before, and there is hope. "Thompson breathed a sigh of relief, although because it was the first time, everyone did not hope to be successful, but it is also very important to accumulate more experience.

"The concentration of the virus is too high, the mutation has appeared, and his weight is increasing." At this moment, one of the assistants looked at the rows of data on the console of the training chamber and frowned, "The body temperature of the experimental body is also rising. Thirty-seven degrees, thirty-eight degrees, thirty-eight degrees five..."

"I need a blood test immediately, I need a data report!" Feng Lun said quickly. He walked under the training warehouse and looked up at the individual. He suddenly noticed that the experimental subject's nails seemed to have become sharper, and even at this moment, they grew four or five centimeters long...

As time passed, everyone was encouraged that the experimental subjects were indeed growing up. The originally thin body became tangled with muscles, and the skin was no longer rotten, but it turned into a zombie-like grayish white, and the hair on the whole body also changed. Completely fall off.

But correspondingly, his body began to swell rapidly, and even his bones continued to grow thicker and longer!

If these are nothing, what really shocked everyone is that the heart of the experimental body broke through the obstacles of muscles and bones, and grew out of the body from the body! It was like a huge core, embedded in the middle of the chest cavity of the experimental body, and the beating sound was as strong as a drum!

Seven days later, the growth of the experimental body was completed. Under Thompson's notification, Zhang Heng came to the No. 2 laboratory again. When he saw the figure in the cultivation warehouse, his eyes suddenly narrowed, revealing the color of surprise.

At this moment, the experimental body in the training warehouse can only barely see the appearance of the executed prisoner from the face, but its height is over four meters, its muscles are tangled, its heart is exposed, and a few parts of its body are still slightly Rotten, and one arm is directly mutated, becoming the licker's bright red claws.

"The tyrant can be brought out in seven days. Although there are some flaws, it can be successful at one time. Professor Thompson's ability is really extraordinary, much better than some people." Zhang Heng praised without hesitation, Feng Lun and Kong Zhongcai on the side couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"However it is practical, we still have to look at the specific situation." Zhang Heng changed the subject, "Stop talking nonsense, Professor Thompson, get ready to start."

Thompson nodded and gave the assistant behind him a wink. The assistant immediately began to control the console, injected a large dose of sedative into the training chamber, and then controlled the robotic arm to move to the top of the training chamber.

Afterwards, the hatch cover of the training warehouse was opened, and the robotic arm lifted the humanoid monster with a height of four meters and a weight of over one ton, and transported it to the biological isolation room for detention.

After the isolation room was completely closed, the experimental subjects were injected with neutralizing drugs, which neutralized the various sedatives and muscle relaxation effects on the experimental subjects. Everyone stood in front of the observation window, silently waiting for the experimental subjects to wake up.

After about ten minutes, with a low whine, the unconscious subject's fingers trembled slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes.

It seems that it was because he had just woken up and lost his human memory. At this time, the blood-red pupils of the experimental body were a little confused. He subconsciously wanted to hold down his aching head, but when he raised his hand, he was obviously stunned. .

His right hand has become a huge claws that are disproportionate to his body!

The subject roared in a low voice. He slowly turned his head and looked at the transparent observation window. Only then did he see that outside the observation window, a large group of people were watching him as if they were watching pandas.


Subconsciously, the experimenter let out a threatening roar, and one stepped over to the observation window, only to hear a bang, and a dull crash from the observation window, and everyone felt the ground shake obviously!

But obviously, the thickness of the observation window is by no means the tyrant's strength to be able to knock it open, it is the thickness that can trap the super-shaped queen, and the tyrant himself was a little dizzy after a collision, but the observation window remained motionless.

The recording staff on the side recorded in a low voice, "The experimental subject oo1 seems to maintain certain behaviors and habits in the human period. It is preliminarily estimated that although the experimental subject has lost the reason of human beings, it retains simple intelligence. Instinct zombie product."

"See if we can communicate," Thompson ordered.

One of the assistants nodded, walked to the console, and said into the microphone, "Hey, can you understand me?"

At the same time as the assistant spoke, the huge body of the experimental body suddenly turned around and looked at the audio equipment on the ceiling of the isolation room like lightning.

"Hey, if you can understand what I'm saying..." Before the assistant could finish speaking, the experimental subject suddenly took two steps and jumped high at the same time. The next second, the huge sharp claw on his right hand directly Swipe through the sound!


The audio equipment exploded in response!

"Okay, it seems that the experimental subject does not retain human memory and intelligence." Thompson said without thinking.

"Quickly try the defense." Feng Lun said.

Thompson nodded, and the assistant on the console immediately pressed another button, and saw a row of machine gun barrels emerge from the roof. Out of the tube, countless bullets swept down towards the experimental body!

The roar of the experimental body was covered by the loud gunshots, countless blood and water splashed everywhere, and gunpowder smoke filled the entire isolation room!

"What was the result?" Everyone looked at the smoky isolation room with some trepidation. Although tyrants are monsters who are good at power, if you know about biochemical crisis, you know that the most powerful ability of tyrants, a biological weapon, is not power. , but the defense and regeneration ability!

If it were an ordinary creature, facing the full-power strafing of hundreds of machine guns, I am afraid that there will be no slag left. As for whether the experimental body can withstand this level of attack, no one can say.

After about ten seconds, the air extractor in the isolation room emptied the gunpowder smoke in the isolation room, which revealed the situation after the thick smoke, but when I saw that the whole body was slowly healing in the isolation room, I could even see a piece of it. The warhead was constantly being pushed out of the body by the muscles, and everyone was still horrified!

At this time, the subject slowly stood up from the half-squat state, and when he stood up again, all wounds on his whole body had completely healed, leaving only the densely packed bullets on the ground... (To be continued. )

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