After that, Li Jianguo immediately ordered someone to prepare light food for Fang Hao. After all, he was a patient who had just recovered from a serious illness. His stomach function had deteriorated too much and needed to be taken care of slowly.

In fact, Fang Hao has not eaten for a long time because of stomach cancer. He relies on hanging needles to survive, and even walking is difficult. But now he actually said that he was hungry, which really shocked everyone.

Then, during the preparation of the food, Fang Hao used X-ray, CT, B-ultrasound, MRI, blood test and other equipment to check it all. Soon, a researcher was shocked and said, "The tumor in the patient's stomach has disappeared. Now! Only a few tumor fragments were found in the patient's esophagus and intestines!"

"The tumor markers have disappeared too!" Another researcher's eyes widened, looking like a ghost, "The carcinoembryonic antigen index in the blood has decreased, and it has become negative!"


Hearing this news, the crowd suddenly exploded!

"I'm not dreaming!" A researcher was disbelieving.

"My God, the cancer has really been cured?" Another researcher picked up the potion and placed it under the microscope like a treasure to observe again.

"Wife, come out and see God!" This is one of Zhang Heng's classmates.

"Impossible!" At this moment, Liang Chao suddenly took two steps forward in the crowd and grabbed Fang Hao's collar, "How can cancer be cured so easily? You say, are you a trustee from Zhang Heng? !"

"I'm Tuo?" Fang Hao rolled his eyes at the other party, "You are Tuo, your whole family is Tuo!"

"Fuck!" Liang Chao was furious, and he was about to hit Fang Hao with a punch!

But before his punch hit Fang Hao's face, all of a sudden, he only felt his wrist being grabbed by a strong palm, he struggled hard, but that hand was like iron pliers Usually, the more you break free, the tighter the clamp, and finally you have to groan in pain.

"Young Master Liang, what a powerful official." Zhang Heng grabbed Liang Chao's arm and said lightly.

"Let me go!" Liang Chao twisted his face and gritted his teeth, "You dare to touch me, are you tired of living?"

Zhang Heng smiled without saying a word, and turned to look at Li Jianguo, who was shocked by the side.

Li Jianguo's face was very ugly at this time, but he still reluctantly reminded Liang Chao, "Nephew Liang, this patient was brought by our company in person."

Liang Chao just woke up like a dream. Just now, under his excitement, he completely forgot that Fang Hao was not from Zhang Heng. He said that the other party was entrusting him, but in fact it was slapped in the face of Li's company. No wonder Li Jianguo's expression was so ugly.

"Uncle Li, I-I didn't mean that..." Liang Chao's face suddenly became hot, and he quickly apologized.

Li Jianguo shook his head and ignored Liang Chao again, but turned to look at Zhang Heng, "I said Xiao Zhang, does this biological agent have a name?"

As Li Jianguo spoke, everyone gradually quieted down, looked at Zhang Heng solemnly, and no longer looked down upon him.

Although Zhang Heng didn't care about what others thought of him, he would not feel comfortable being despised by others. It was not until this time that the drug was tested to be effective, and he completely raised his eyebrows.

I saw him smiling at everyone, "Uncle Li, my potion is called...Tyrant-1."

People with poor English suddenly whispered to each other, and some did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Tyrant means ruler in English, and when translated into Chinese it means... tyrant!" Fang Hao reminded everyone ironically.

"Wait..." Fang Hao was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Zhang Heng, "Tyrant? T virus?"

"Yes, I said that my medicine is a virus." Zhang Heng spread his hands innocently.

"Why is the name T virus so familiar..." The crowd whispered again.

"Okay, no matter what it's called, it's enough for everyone to know that this drug can treat cancer." Li Jianguo suppressed everyone's muttering,

He made a gesture of invitation towards Zhang Heng, "Xiao Zhang, let's go to the conference room and talk."

Of course Zhang Heng knew what Li Jianguo wanted to talk about when he asked him to go to the conference room, and immediately smiled, "Okay, Uncle Li, please go first.

When passing through the crowd, Zhang Heng walked up to Liang Chao with a playful look, "Don't forget, you owe me a bet now."

Liang Chao's pupils shrank, and he said a little dejectedly, "What do you want..."

"The bet will be carried out as usual, is there any problem?" Zhang Heng sneered, "I'll wait for you." As he said that, the two passed by.

Watching Zhang Heng walk away slowly, the crowd became noisy for the third time.

"Is it true that from now on, cancer is no longer a terminal illness?"

"Didn't you listen to what Zhang Heng said before, this biological agent starts from the body's immunity, not to mention cancer. If it is fully developed, it can cure other terminal diseases!"

"Bah, see what you call affectionate, I don't know who said that Zhang Heng was grandstanding and ready to hype?"

No one cares about meeting the ashes of Liang Chao anymore, because they know what a deputy mayor is. If this drug is made public, then Zhang Heng will be enough to be on the Forbes Rich List!

"Zhang Heng..." Li Yiru also looked at the not tall figure in shock, not knowing what it was like for a while.

But at this time, Zhang Heng couldn't hear everyone talking.

In the conference room, Li Jianguo rubbed his hands, not knowing what to say for a while. Even as a business giant, he felt panic in the face of this potion that was enough to change human history.

Zhang Heng was nothing, he just calmly drank Jin Junmei in the cup, waiting for the other party to speak.

After about ten minutes, Li Jianguo finally thought about his words and said with a smile, "I said, Xiao Zhang, it's really... an honor for the medical world to have such a heritage and strength at such a young age."

Zhang Heng waved his hand, "Uncle Li, I am a straight person. I don't like cornering and politeness. If you have anything to say, just say it directly."

"That's good!" Li Jianguo nodded and became serious, "Have you ever thought about working in our Li Group? Our Li Group also develops various medicines. If you come, I am willing to give you % of the group. Thirty shares!"

Zhang Hengyi grinned, secretly saying that you really dare to say such a thing, "Sorry, Uncle Li, you have to know that I have my own team, so let me join your company."

"Okay, young people really should break out of the world by themselves." It seemed that Zhang Heng would not be able to subdue, Li Jianguo immediately came up with his second set of plans, "Then the patent for this Tyrant-1 biological agent What? Our company is willing to buy it as much as possible, and you can pay whatever you want." Li Jianguo thought for a while, and said again, "Of course, the name of the founder is yours."

"Uncle Li, it's not that I'm not polite." Zhang Heng shook his head, "It's just that you think the value of this medicine, can your company really afford it?"

Li Jianguo was stunned for a moment, and suddenly smiled bitterly. Although Li's company is also a well-known international company, its real estate is only one billion US dollars. Once this kind of medicine is announced, it will not be enough to make tens of billions of profits.

However, Li Jianguo did not intend to give up, "We can be responsible for costs, pharmaceuticals, publicity and sales! How about 50 to 50 percent of the profits? You know, what your team lacks most now is start-up capital, and it needs to develop step by step, time It will take a long time, but our company has mature manufacturing workshops and sales channels, which can minimize the time for your drug to be promoted to the world."

Zhang Heng sneered secretly, although this condition sounds very moving, but in fact he still suffered a lot, so he continued, "Uncle Li, I have a few conditions for you to consider."

"You say." Li Jianguo sat up straight, not afraid of the other party's negotiation, but afraid that the other party would not have to. No matter what conditions Zhang Heng put forward, he decided that he must win the right to sell this medicine!

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