"Alpha, collect all the information about Subject 2 for me, and by the way, make a copy of last night's experimental video file, and I will take it with me." Zhang Heng stood up, turned and left the dimly lit confinement room. After a pause, he remembered the psychiatrist named Alexander, and immediately added, "By the way, without my order, no one is allowed to see the five members of last night including Abbott, not even a psychiatrist. "


After giving the order, Zhang Heng finally exhaled a breath. If he guessed correctly, the academy seemed peaceful at this time, but it had already reached a crisis of life and death. , the reason is that invisible and intangible thing like a meme.

However, whether that thing is a meme or not is still up for debate. After all, Zhang Heng couldn't figure out why a piece of FEV virus combined with an adaptive evolution enzyme could cause a memetic phenomenon, and it was definitely not an ordinary meme phenomenon. At least Zhang Heng did not find any cracking method.

This unscientific!

The FEV forced evolution virus is a biological virus developed by the United States before the war. The original purpose was to create stronger and smarter soldiers. The end result was that the soldiers did become stronger, but their intelligence was greatly reduced. The nuclear war broke out before virus research was completed. The virus leaked during the nuclear attack and mutated due to radiation, eventually forming a mutant race in the wasteland world.

Originally, FEV was just a low-level virus, far from being mature as T virus, and its efficacy could be replaced by T virus. The adaptive evolution enzymes of the plane combine to produce a virus called FEV-2. This virus has only been tested twice. The first time it degenerated a human into an ancient creature, and the second time, it He came up with such a change that even Zhang Heng himself did not understand.

With a deep unease, Zhang Heng returned to reality alone.

At the moment of returning to reality, Zhang Heng only felt his body light up, as if some kind of heavy object had been removed from his heart, as if he had endured several days of continuous overcast and rainy days, and the refreshing feeling of seeing the sun after the sky cleared suddenly. .

"Huh!" Zhang Heng didn't know if this was the reason why he was too nervous. He looked at the memory in his hand, which recorded two experimental images of the FEV-2 virus. On the radiation plane, Zhang Heng did not dare to play it directly, for fear of more unpredictable consequences, but now he has directly changed his seat, and Yuehua is the killer. You must know that Yuehua also has a meme function.

"Yuehua, help me read the information inside this storage medium, find a laboratory with stronger protection to show it, and choose...B6-19 laboratory." Zhang Heng thought for a while and chose that A spare laboratory.


"Yuehua responded immediately.

Yuehua's ability is many times better than that of Alpha on the Radiation Plane. Zhang Heng believes that if the FEV-2 experiment is repeated in reality, Yuehua will never be as incapable of discovering anything as Alpha.

It's just that Zhang Heng also has his own concerns. He must first figure out what the noise-like information is, is it a meme? Can Yuehua fight? In case even Yuehua can't fight against it, then there is no need to wait for the curse in the dark, Zhang Heng will destroy his own world with his own hands.

Zhang Heng stepped into the B6-19 laboratory in two steps. After the cleaning of the logistics staff in Cologne, the laboratory where Xu Haoyu and the others were once imprisoned was cleaned again. Now the laboratory is still vacant here, so Zhang Heng was just able to use it. Even if there is an accident in the laboratory, the crisis can be blocked under several meters of steel bars.

"Your Excellency Commander, your heart is racing, are you nervous?" Yuehua said suddenly after seeing Zhang Heng block the entrance and exit.

"Yes, this storage medium is likely to contain memetic effects transmitted through sound, so I need you to take full precautions. If something goes wrong, stop the show immediately." Zhang Heng said solemnly.

"Understood." Yuehua's voice gradually became serious, and the next second, only the eastern wall of the laboratory suddenly made a squeaking sound, and at the same time, a huge LCD screen stretched out from the wall that was automatically opened. Come out, making a chi chi sound at the same time.

In the next second, the LCD screen flashed, and the situation of the FEV-2 virus in the previous Abbott experiment began to appear.

Zhang Heng took a deep breath, sat on the seat behind him, and looked up quietly at the experiment on the screen. Although this behavior was a bit risky, after all, his willpower has been polished countless times by Yuehua. How many times stronger than ordinary people! Even the weird sound that can drive everyone crazy, for Zhang Heng, it's just a headache for a while.

Moreover, he must find out the reasons and consequences of that kind of strange information, otherwise, he is likely to lose the power of the academy. At that time, months of hard work will be in vain.

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng's expression became more serious, and he saw that the figure of the No. 1 experimental body had begun to appear on the screen...

Zhang Heng looked at the screen silently. There was not much difference in the process between the first experiment and the second experiment that Zhang Heng watched. If the only difference was that there was no strange sound, two assistants in chemical protective suits Stayed in the isolation room with Subject No. 1, but nothing strange happened until the subject turned into a pile of disgusting flesh.

"Your Excellency Commander, this FEV-2 virus seems to be able to be used as a biochemical weapon." Yuehua couldn't help laughing, "This virus can survive for a long time even in the air, if we sprinkle it anywhere, it will It can make all the human beings there look like this, it's a big killer!"

Zhang Heng rolled his eyes. If he really wanted to kill civilians indiscriminately, where would he need to drop a weapon as high-end as the FEV-2 virus, wouldn't it be better to drop a cloud bomb directly?

Next, the video began to play the second experiment. Zhang Heng showed a dignified expression, and would stop playing immediately if there was any danger.

"Very good, I hope that after a few more experiments, you will be able to fully understand this virus called FEV-2. Now the second experiment is ready to start." This is Zhang Heng's voice in the video.

"Understood." Abbott's voice also came out from the video, but because the internal communication technology of the chemical protective suit was used, the voice had a low Chen muffled sound.

As the screen continued to play, in the isolation room, two assistants carried experiment body 2 into the isolation room. At first, experiment body 2 was still struggling, and even broke free of two people, ran to the isolation window and kept tapping, He kept saying things like begging for mercy.

Then, in the sound of Abbott's impatient command, the two assistants tied the No. 2 subject to the operating table, and then injected the FEV-2 virus into the subject's body!

However, at the moment when the virus was injected into the experimental subject, subject No. 2 suddenly spoke, and then spoke again, but in the video, subject No. 2's voice completely disappeared after that meal!

"What's going on? Is there something wrong with the video?" Zhang Heng asked hurriedly.

"No, I checked the file, the file is normal, and there is no trace of tampering." Yuehua replied immediately, "Obviously, when the experiment was carried out, the microphone in the isolation room did not record the other party's words into the video at all. Inside!"

"Impossible!" Zhang Heng sucked in a breath of cold air. "At that time, his voice did pass into the isolation room through the microphone, how could it not be detected?"

At this moment, Zhang Heng could only see that the mouth of Subject 2 was moving faster and faster, and the two assistants in the isolation room also began to tremble violently, but the whole video seemed to be turned off, and there was no sound at all. out of it!

Until the end of the video, Zhang Heng only heard the shouts of the crowd, but he did not hear a voice from the post-2 experimental subject, as if his voice never existed...

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