Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

NO. Two hundred and twenty-nine robot wreckage

The Terminator plane was once a plane that was almost the same as Earth's history.

But later, a company called Cyberdine was quietly established to create a defense system called Skynet. This system is highly intelligent, with far stronger logic and analysis capabilities than humans, and was eventually used by the U.S. Air Force. used and became the weapon system that took over the American war.

To put it bluntly, Skynet is an automated war machine. After taking over the U.S. defense system, because the U.S. military tried to power off it after it was out of control, Skynet concluded that humans were a threat to itself, and they were war opponents. Net launches Judgment Day.

In this year, the trajectory of history began to deviate from the rest of the human world, and then fell step by step. Humans at the top of the food chain fell into the mortal world and could only turn to underground wars under the suppression of the robot army.

In 2018, more than ten years have passed since the Judgment Day. Human beings have gradually been tempered in the daily underground struggle. In the perennial battle, human beings have not seen the slightest light of hope, and internal divisions have begun to arise. .

Everything seems to be heading towards the worst outcome.

This is the history of the Terminator plane. At this time, Zhang Heng was sitting in the Falcon fighter, looking at the screen on the warehouse wall. The screen projected the outside world. It was a wasteland world that was even crueler than the end times.

Zhang Heng's goal this time is to get the plane shuttle technology from the resistance army. This technology is available to Skynet and humans. It is hundreds of times easier to get this technology from humans than from Skynet. .

Of course, the only difficulty is to find the base of the resistance army of human beings. No one knows where the base of the resistance army is. These are not mentioned in the movie at all. There are even rumors that the headquarters of the resistance army is actually in a nuclear submarine. False, then only God knows.

Ten Falcon fighter jets passed by at an altitude of 3,000 meters. This is the limit of visibility. The air visibility of the Terminator plane is extremely poor. If you fly higher, you can't see anything at all, let alone search for human survivors.

The stealth technology on the fighter plane has been turned on. Zhang Heng doesn't know whether this stealth function can escape Skynet's detection, but thinking about it, Skynet can't even wipe out the remnants of human beings who lost most of their land, industry and agriculture. The ability to detect should not be strong, Zhang Heng is relatively assured of the stealth technology of the Eagle fighter.

The Falcon fighter was cruising at a high altitude at a speed of Mach 5. At the same time, the terrain mapping technology was constantly scanning. By comparing it with the real terrain, it quickly compared the location at this time.

Today, Zhang Heng is located in central Texas in the United States, with Louisiana and the Strait of Mexico to the east, and is now heading northwest, with New Mexico in front.

Knowing the location is easy, and the Falcon will cruise at a higher speed and then blanket scan the United States in search of human survivors.

If you find the survivors, you should be able to find the headquarters of the human resistance army.

As the Falcon fighter speeded up its sailing, soon, the fighter's scanning system found a small number of humanoid objects in front of it. With the strengthening of the scanning lock, dozens of robots with the appearance of human skeletons appeared on the camera. These robots were incomplete and lying quietly. There, there was no sign of activity at all.

"All fighter planes stay here, keep stealth hovering state, let's go down and get those robots up to have a look." Zhang Heng ordered.

The performance of the Eagle Falcon is very powerful. Following Zhang Heng's order, the high-speed fighter immediately slowed down, lowered its altitude, and was suspended at a low altitude of 100 meters, while Zhang Heng's fighter continued to descend, and finally stopped at the wreckage of the robots. s position.


The rear of the Eagle Falcon fighter opened the hatch, and ten clone fighters walked down vigilantly. Although the scanning equipment inside the armor and the scanning of the fighter did not find the enemy nearby, they still did not relax at all.

After confirming the safety of the outside world, Zhang Heng stepped off the fighter plane, only to see him crouching down and gently touching the wreckage of these robots.

The wreckage of these robots did not seem to have been damaged for a long time, only a thin layer of radiation dust fell on the surface, and the red light in the eyes had gone out. Their limbs are somewhat incomplete, and the fractures are twisted and torn, as if they were shot by some kind of powerful weapon.

On the body of the robot, there are dense craters. I don't know what alloy these robots are made of. It can be seen from the craters that the robot's body is extremely tough. inflicts effective damage.

Zhang Heng wanted to find out how these robots were wiped out, but he searched for a long time and couldn't find any clues. If the only clue was that there was a black bullet hole in the robot's chest.

Zhang Heng checked other robots again, and sure enough, he also found the same bullet holes in the chests of other robots.

Zhang Heng's arm was slightly forced, and only a click was heard, and the high-frequency electromagnetic blade was ejected. Zhang Heng stroked the robot's chest, only to hear a harsh noise, a lot of sparks splashed, Zhang Heng directly on the robot's hard metal A large gap was cut in the casing.

Zhang Heng looked at the gap, and saw that all kinds of equipment inside the robot were burned to black, some high-precision parts were even burned and deformed and melted. The short circuit of the line caused these robots to be completely damaged and shut down. It seems that this is the reason for the damage to these robots. .

Zhang Heng saw a fragment inside, and suddenly his heart moved. He saw that he gently twisted the fragment and observed it for a while, and suddenly showed a clear color.

It was a fragment of a uranium alloy.

Obviously, in the battle at that time, someone played a role similar to a sniper - that person had a high-power rifle with depleted uranium as the core of the bullet, and it was with this depleted uranium armor-piercing bullet that he forcibly penetrated the opponent. The alloy armor sends the bullet into the robot's body, and then the bullet triggers the fuse and explodes in the robot's chest cavity, ultimately achieving the purpose of scrapping the robot.

"Transport all these robot fragments into the cabin, Zhishang, take a few people to search around to see if there are other useful clues." Zhang Heng stood up and gave the order.

"Yes." Zhi Shang nodded, followed by pointing a few people to spread out in all directions, while the remaining clone fighters transported the wreckage of these robots into the cabin of the fighter plane one by one.

About ten minutes later, Zhishang brought people back, "Your Excellency Commander, human footprints were found in the east. It was about a few days ago. Do you need to track them?"

"Go, go and have a look." Zhang Heng nodded, and everyone returned to the interior of the cabin. The Eagle Falcon was as invisible and invisible as a mass of gas floating in the air, but the intelligent scanning device on the fighter immediately found it. The footprints in front, then compare the two, and fly forward along the footprints.

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