"Void." Luo Jincheng showed a serious look, "The opposite is an endless void, almost in a state of extremely high vacuum, and we can still see the stars in the distance. We suspect that the opposite is outside the river system."

Beyond the river system? Zhang Heng frowned, this was not the result he wanted, "Can you specify a location to teleport?"

"We are still groping for these, and we can't locate the opposite position." Luo Jincheng laughed, "but I feel that this machine is very similar to the molecular transmission device, and it is likely that another node needs to exist before it can be accurately transmitted. Otherwise, it can only be sent randomly."

"In other words, I have to build the same plane shuttle at the opposite destination before I can teleport?"

"Yes." Luo Jincheng affirmed, "It's just that it has a higher technological content than the molecular transmission device. After all, molecular transmission can only be transmitted on the same plane, while the plane shuttle can transmit across planes."

Zhang Heng nodded, "Understood, let's do another test first."

"Okay!" Luo Jincheng nodded enthusiastically. Originally, they were stopped by Yuehua after one experiment because of energy problems, waiting for Zhang Heng's decision.

As the order for the re-experiment was issued, dozens of assistants were ready to work, and it took nearly an hour just to get ready.

"The preparatory work has been completed, the instrument is starting... Three, two, one!"

As the assistant's voice came out, the huge crescent-shaped instrument began to make a sound of electric current. With a faint sense of vibration, the entire plane shuttle turned on slowly, and I saw the hollow of the shuttle. In the middle of the sky, countless large and small light spots began to flicker, and these light spots merged with each other, gradually turning into a bright moon!

Then, the center of this bright moon began to burst out with a more intense light, which was the energy formed by the collision of particles. Under the high-pressure and strong magnetic field of the instrument, the reaction of this energy was suppressed to an extremely fine point, simulating the universe. The moment it was just born!

Singular point!

The pressure brought by hundreds of billions of atmospheres is to compress this energy that can destroy a city to a point the size of a pinhead! In this singularity with infinite temperature and infinite density, time and space do not exist in general, only a piece of nothingness is left!

Suddenly, a beam of light shot out from the opposite side, shone on the singularity, and disappeared without a trace in a flash!

Ultra-high-field lasers can generate 200 trillion kilowatts of power, 100,000 times the power of all power generation in the world,

Lasting only a billionth of a second, the large laser beam, which was originally several feet wide, was concentrated into a small spot, just like sunlight condensed into a spot through a magnifying glass. At this focus, the intensity of the light was extremely high, even exceeding the center of the sun. temperature!

This is an ultra-high-field laser, a force strong enough to tear a vacuum!


The ultra-high-field laser bombarded that point as if it were shooting a Sirius. Suddenly, the singularity seemed to be pressed into a sponge and squeezed into the depths of space!


A sound like a broken space seemed to resound in everyone's heart. Zhang Heng couldn't help but slowly took off his goggles. At this time, his expression was full of shock. Although he listened to Luo Jincheng's academic explanation, when all this happened When he really looked at it with his eyes, he realized that all this had already surpassed his imagination!

With the disappearance of the singularity at the center of the crescent-shaped instrument, everyone looked through the collapsed space. It was like a hole suddenly appeared there. It was so dark that no light could penetrate the hole. What it is, no one knows.

"This is the wormhole formed by the singularity. It can only exist for about thirty seconds." Luo Jincheng also showed a look of amazement. Under his order, a complex glass tube was placed in front of the wormhole. A mouse with a camera on its body and a wire tied to its tail immediately ran forward along the glass tube, and disappeared into the wormhole in the next second!

"The mouse is in!" One of the assistants said immediately, "The detection team starts to detect the opposite environment!"

Zhang Heng looked at the big screen and saw that at this time, the mouse had completely entered the other side of the wormhole, and the other side at this time was not the vacuum outside the river system that Luo Jincheng had mentioned before, but...

a city!

From the camera, the other side of the wormhole seems to be at an altitude of several hundred meters. Because of the gravitational force, after entering the opposite plane, the mouse immediately fell, and then hung in the air because of the wires tied to its tail, but Through the camera, everyone can see the modern city on the ground from the screen...

It's just that the city seems to have been abandoned for a long time, leaving only a barren land with a large number of plants flooding the city streets, and there is nothing unusual about it.

"This is...!" Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, even Zhang Heng showed surprise. Did he accidentally hit the human plane?

However, for some unknown reason, Zhang Heng suddenly had a cold war. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the big screen in front of him. For some reason, the more he looked at the ruined city, the more uncomfortable he felt.

"The wormhole will close in ten seconds!" Just when everyone was sluggish, a voice prompt finally woke everyone up, and everyone started to detect the environmental components on the opposite side in a hurry, and then pulled the mouse at the moment when the wormhole was about to close. return!

Then, Zhang Heng only saw that the wormhole suddenly trembled, and then it disappeared silently like annihilation and evaporation.

The experimental mice that were pulled back were pulled into the glass tube again, and then a large number of disinfection devices began to be sprayed on the mouth of the disinfection tube, and then the mouth was completely sealed to prevent biological contamination from happening, and the unlucky mouse It is installed in a completely closed observation box, and at the same time, a series of data are extracted.

"The data of the environmental detection has come out!" An assistant said in surprise, "The environment opposite the wormhole that was just opened seems to be a parallel universe of human beings. The gas content is almost the same as reality, but the ratio of oxygen in the air is 0.5 more. Percentage points, the temperature is 13 degrees, the wind is 7, and there is nothing abnormal!"

Luo Jincheng nodded and turned to look at the assistant in charge of microbiology on the other side, "How is the mouse now?"

"Professor Luo, the mouse's body temperature, blood pressure, heartbeat, and brain waves are all normal. The blood is being tested. The blood is normal, and no unknown microorganisms have been found. It is initially judged that there are no microorganisms on the opposite side, or the microorganisms are consistent with reality!"

"Consistent?" Luo Jincheng couldn't help taking a deep breath, "If the types of microorganisms on both sides are really the same, doesn't it mean that the opposite world is indeed a real parallel world? Does it mean that M-theory has really been verified? already?"

Although Zhang Heng already knew the existence of parallel universes, Luo Jincheng and the others didn't, but now when everything is really in front of everyone, everyone's eyes are full of shock.

However, it was Zhang Heng who was out of tune with everyone. He just frowned, looking at the mouse that was pulled back, and fell into deep thought.

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