Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

NO. Two hundred and sixty-five The last method!

"Since the second night, after a person named Gothe was attacked by memes, four or five people have been attacked by memes in succession."

A day later, everyone continued to stay in the lounge, but everyone's faces became very ugly. From time to time, some people muttered about Tang Wantong's revenge. Zhang Heng sat alone on the floor in the corner of the lounge, bowing his head and talking to him. Yuehua communicated.

"But it's very strange. These people all said that they saw ghosts, but no one has turned into the appearance of Tang Wantong. Curse memes and don't plan to continue killing people?"

"No, it's just the reason for the incubation period." Zhang Heng shook his head. He looked at the desperate people in the lounge and said in a low voice, "I suspect that cursing memes is to make these people more fearful."


"The negative emotion of fear is probably a very important mental state for memes to affect reality. In short, the human brain waves in fear are more chaotic, full of peaks and valleys. Because it is easier to interfere with this person.”

"Have you watched a lot of horror movies?" Zhang Heng analyzed, "In horror movies, ghosts generally don't kill anyone directly, but appear in front of the victim over and over again, putting the victim in a kind of situation. A state of panic and panic, as the victim becomes more and more fearful, the ghost appears more and more violent until it finally kills the victim."

"This is like the flashing lights when ghosts appear. It's not that the meme is ideological and wants to scare people. It's more like a natural law that curses the meme itself."

"So that's the case..." Yuehua nodded in amazement, "I have already recorded these speculations in the file."

Zhang Heng nodded, "This is just a guess. If we can contain this meme, and find a few death row inmates for experimentation, it will be of great help for us to study memes." He was about to say something else. , but suddenly, a woman's exclamation came from outside the door of the lounge!

"It's Changyue's voice!" Everyone was shocked. Before they could run out, Zhang Heng rushed out of the lounge first. The moment he opened the door, he only saw Changyue showing a terrified expression. He looked straight at a blank-looking male assistant in front of him!

Standing in front of Changyue was Gothe, who was a little fat. At this point, he had already taken off his chemical protective suit, holding a kitchen knife found in the kitchen in his hand, and placed the kitchen knife across his neck.

"It's over, there's nothing left..." Gothe said numbly, seeing his tone and demeanor, everyone couldn't help thinking of Tang Wantong two days ago...

"Xiao Gao, put down the knife!" Luo Jincheng also rushed out and shouted at Gao De.

However, Gothe didn't listen at all. He just held the kitchen knife tightly and kept cutting around his neck like a saw. Immediately, the bright red blood flowed down from the cold back of the knife, and then ticking. Dropped to the ground!

"Your Excellency Commander, do you need to help him?" Yuehua asked in a low voice.

"It's useless, since the cerebral cortex has been destroyed, even if he is stopped this time, he will still find other ways to commit suicide." Zhang Heng shook his head, his expression did not fluctuate at all.

"Save me..." Suddenly, Gothe turned his head slowly, revealing an indescribably painful twist, "I can feel it, it took something from my body!"

"I'm devastated, my life is over, help me..."

He tried to take two steps forward, but everyone screamed and stepped back, only Luo Jincheng tried to step forward, but was caught by Zhang Heng.

"On him, the memetic effect has reached the outbreak period, and it is hopeless." Zhang Heng said lightly.

Seeing that no one came forward, Gothe continued to cut his neck with a kitchen knife, and with the sound of the blade cutting through the cartilage of the trachea, a large stream of blood spurted out!


Everyone screamed loudly, and couldn't help but step back again,

Then I saw dark festering traces spread towards Gothe's face. In the end, before he could die completely, Gothe turned into a pool of black water with a 'bang' in the terrified eyes of everyone...

A look of extreme pain flashed in Luo Jincheng's eyes. The death of two consecutive people made everyone's spirits close to collapse, even Luo Jincheng. Obviously, if it continues, even Luo Jincheng will not be spared.

Zhang Heng couldn't help frowning. These assistants were nothing, but Luo Jincheng couldn't die. If Luo Jincheng died, it would undoubtedly be a huge loss for Zhang Heng and the entire Stellar Foundation.

"Your Excellency Commander, it is clear that the code that caused everything is still on a certain electronic device, but it is useless to destroy all the machines. The other party can be converted into the form of radio frequency at any time. Now there is only one way, that is to use me For the container, let it enter my mental magnetic field, after all, it is a magnetic field in itself, as long as there is a chance to fight head-on, I can seal it up!"

Just when Zhang Heng's confidence was shaken, Yuehua suddenly spoke up and said such a paragraph!

"No!" Without thinking about it, Zhang Heng denied it, "It's too dangerous, I still have many ways to try, such as using a particle accelerator to accelerate protons to sub-light speed to attack it, or use it when it is converted into code. Countless layers of firewalls isolate it, but if it infects your mental magnetic field, I'm not sure if you can beat it, after all, it's a meme, and it's definitely not something that can be judged by common sense!"

"Impossible!" However, Yuehua, who has always been obedient, immediately denied it, "The probability of driving it into the particle accelerator is not more than one in a billion, otherwise you wouldn't have implemented it now. It is even more impossible to block it with countless layers of firewalls, it can turn itself into a radio signal at any time, only my method has a chance to succeed, Commander, don't forget, I myself have a meme sealed!"

"It is precisely because you have meme capabilities that I can't let you take risks. After all, no one knows what will happen when two kinds of memes meet..." Zhang Heng shook his head, feeling moved in his heart. , not for anything else, because Yuehua will always be loyal to herself at all times and give silently for more than a year. Although Yuehua has no body, her existence has long been deeply embedded in Zhang Heng's heart!

"But it is precisely because I have the ability to seal and manipulate memes that I have the best hope of defeating it, isn't it?" Yue Hua defended, "Your Excellency Commander, don't hesitate, you may not have noticed. , but your willpower has also worn down a lot in these two days!"

Hearing this, Zhang Heng took a deep breath and showed a hesitant look for the first time, "But if you fail and even get occupied by that meme, then the entire human race will be completely wiped out!"

"I don't care about the extinction of human beings." Yuehua said immediately, "Since my program was reset, the highest priority set is to be loyal to you, no matter what, my program prevents me from watching you die. Nothing."

Zhang Heng was silent for a while.

"Also, when you encountered the 'Cthulhu' incident on the radiation plane, you misunderstood Cthulhu as a meme, didn't you just say it at the time, if you accidentally bring the meme into reality, you will It's up to me to destroy it!" Yuehua continued.

"I was joking at the time..." Zhang Heng couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Because I was 100% sure that 'Cthulhu' would not be able to follow me back to reality, but I didn't expect you to take it seriously."

"But you're not wrong. If memes really appear in reality, only me will have a chance to fight."

"Understood, since this is the case, then I'll leave it to you..." Zhang Heng sighed secretly. For the first time, he felt that he was too weak. If his mental power could affect microscopic particles and even energy, Well, it's not so helpless now! (To be continued.)

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