Thompson looked at the test tube in Zhang Heng's hand, and his eyes gradually showed a fiery look.

As a scientific madman like them, they have no pursuit in their life. The only dream is to have a laboratory of their own, the more developed the instruments, the better; to have a project that allows them to research, the more funds the better. , the more magical the research object, the better.

I don't care if I can solve it or not, it is mainly to satisfy my thirst for knowledge.

In the world, there is no one except Zhang Heng who can satisfy these points.

However, just as he looked at the test tube in Zhang Heng's hands with excitement, for some reason, an uncontrollable fear suddenly rose in his heart, as if the test tube contained some kind of extremely terrifying Natural enemies, like the natural fear of cats towards cats, is a form of suppression...

"I've already given you the 'key'." Zhang Heng handed the test tube to Thompson with a meaningful look, "However, whether you can open the door to God depends on your ability." With that said, Zhang Heng stopped talking nonsense and turned to leave.

"Yuehua, keep an eye on them. If there is any accident, immediately close the entire laboratory, and never let dx-1118 leak out!" After leaving the laboratory again, Zhang Heng said suddenly, and even brought a note in his tone. Kind of killing intent.

"Yes, but are you really willing to put Feng Lun's top biologists in such a dangerous situation?" Yue Hua couldn't help but chuckle.

"The road is their own choice." Zhang Heng nodded, "I have warned them before, if they don't pay attention, then I have nothing to do. After all, I can't put the entire human civilization in order to save them. In danger..."


At this time, Thompson held the test tube tremblingly. The shape of the test tube was extremely strange, more like an energy-saving lamp. The middle was transparent glass, and the two sides were complex silver alloy structures, about 20 cm. long.

These are nothing, what really scares Thompson is that there is a meat worm-like creature in the test tube!

This meat worm seems to have died long ago, and its body is curled up, only half the size of a finger, with a dark red body, without any tissue such as skin and antennae.

It wasn't until Thompson looked closely that he realized that this was not a bug at all, but a piece of biological meat!

However, this piece of meat gave Thompson an indescribable sense of fear. This is an instinct of life, but in any case, human beings are afraid of a piece of meat?

It seems that he is still too tired.

Thompson shook his head, he turned his head, and just saw Feng Lun and Kong Zhongcai who were looking at him, he smiled slightly and handed the test tube to the two, "You two also have a look, this is the goal of our trip. ."

The two quickly picked it up like a treasure. Feng Lun observed it for a while, then frowned suddenly, and first asked, "Who of you can see what this is?"

"It should be an animal meat infected with an unknown prion, right?" Kong Zhongcai pondered, "Didn't Director Zhang say that our research this time is a prion."

"I think this lump of meat seems to be a virus itself." One of the assistants suddenly interjected, "I don't think it's necessary for the hive to use a special piece of meat to preserve and cultivate viruses, right? It doesn't make sense at all."

Suddenly, everyone showed a thoughtful look.

After a discussion about the research, only Thompson was undecided, and finally he said, "I don't care what this piece of meat is, let's do a biological analysis first."


Everyone immediately agreed, and then one of the more clever assistants directly started to prepare various tools and took out the collection equipment, and then the team of assistants who cooperated with each other did not need three people to start, and everything was ready.

"Wang Hao, you open the test tube and extract 01 mg of sample." Feng Lun handed the test tube to the assistant.

"Wait." However, Thompson unexpectedly stopped Feng Lun's actions, he frowned, "Mr. Feng Lun, please forget the boss's words?"

"How come, but this is already a sterile laboratory, so there's no need to be too careful, right?" Seeing Thompson's unhappy expression, Kong Zhongcai hurriedly settled the situation.

"Is it worth it?" Feng Lun frowned even more.

"I'm the director here." Thompson insisted, not giving in an inch.

"Understood..." Kong Zhongcai and Feng Lun looked at each other and nodded. In fact, as a Chinese, it is indeed not as strict as European countries in terms of some codes of conduct, especially the so-called rigid Britain.

According to legend, the rigidity of the British can be clearly reflected in the food. If it is Chinese cuisine, it will take a few years to complete the filming of "A Bite of China". However, if you want to make a "British Bite of Your Tongue", one day is enough. , that is, British personalities are as difficult to change as their food.

At this time, Thompson, a British professor, showed his rigid side, and Feng Lun and Kong Zhongcai had to abide by it.

The assistant named Wang Hao had to spend a lot of effort to open the biological safety cabinet again, then put the test tube in, and then put his tightly wrapped hands into the gloves from the hole, and through the gloves, The special strange test tube was opened in the biological safety cabinet.


However, the moment he opened the test tube, Wang Hao only heard a low vibration. He was still a little puzzled, but the next second, he only saw that the piece of meat suddenly came alive, and it came into contact with the biological safety cabinet. After the air, the whole body trembled in a large area, like a suffocated person breathing in a big mouth!

"Ah!" Wang Hao exclaimed and threw away the test tube. At the same time, he pulled his hands out of the gloves and stepped back!

"What's so crazy?" Feng Lun just took Thompson's anger, and now seeing Wang Hao's performance, he was angry and immediately scolded.

"Professor Feng...that piece of meat, it..." Wang Hao's face was bitter, he didn't mean it, he was just about to say that the piece of meat had come alive, but Thompson took the initiative to move forward, when he saw After the piece of meat that started to wriggle in the biological isolation cabinet, I couldn't help but gasped!

"how is this possible!"

Feng Lun and Kong Zhongcai felt that something was wrong. The two of them couldn't care about anything else, so they hurriedly surrounded them. Immediately, the three of them were completely stunned!

"What the hell is this?" Kong Zhongcai murmured, looking at the two of them, "Is it a new type of creature? Could it be a skinned snake?"

"Impossible." Thompson said solemnly, "Don't forget, it has been sealed for at least ten months."

"I suggest to first observe it with CT to see what it is, and then we can know how to carry out research." Feng Lun also showed a serious look, he took the initiative to extend his hand and said to Thompson, "Professor Thompson, I am for the previous researcher. Sorry for the incident, I hope we can work together and have a happy cooperation in the future!"

Thompson nodded, a smile finally appeared on his rigid face, "Happy cooperation!" (To be continued.)

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