
Time passes between your fingers little by little, just like a handful of fine sand. The tighter you hold it, the faster the fine sand will pass. When you open your palm completely, you will find that everything you cherish is, All in silence, mercilessly passed away.

After a touching speech, the whole country was boiling, and the whole world caused a strong economic pain. Just like the 9/11 incident of that year, this is no longer a war of the United States itself. As the center of human civilization politics and economy, this Everything has become a war for all mankind, whether true or false, after more than 30 years after the US-Soviet hegemony, the dark cloud of nuclear war has once again shrouded the heads of mankind like the sword of Damox.

The United Kingdom and France were the first countries to respond. The British Prime Minister immediately called the US President to express condolences and fully supported the US anti-terrorism plan. Regarding the emergence of cyber terrorism, the UK is willing to join hands with the United States to jointly create a cyber defense platform, sharing some cyber defense technologies.

Then, China and Russia called the United States one after another, expressing sympathy for the experience of the United States, and resolutely opposed cyber terrorism. In the future, all mankind should unite to resist the terror of fandom, fandom society, and anti-moral dehumanization. rampant behavior.

However, no matter which country it is, it does not take the so-called nuclear strike to heart. There are only seven or eight countries known to have nuclear weapons in the world. Even if North Korea, which is suspected of possessing nuclear weapons is added, the total number is only nine. There are only four remaining permanent members who have the ability to strike and threaten the United States. If these countries dare to throw nuclear bombs on the United States, then the rhythm of the third world war will immediately start, unless it is all the high-level collectives of that country. Go crazy, otherwise, the probability of a nuclear strike on the United States is basically infinitely close to zero.

However, the emergence of this new type of crime has already begun to have an impact on the economy and finance of the United States. Stocks across the country have begun to fall in a small range, countless factories have shut down, and countless employees have left their jobs. Just a few hours, right The damage caused by the United States has reached hundreds of billions of dollars!

Not only that, the appearance of the 'god incident' has caused panic among many people, followed by several times the crime rate, and the chaos of law and order has brought more difficulties to the transfer of residents in these cities .

At this moment, on the other side of the earth, Zhang Heng was already standing on the newly renovated square on the b8 floor.

In the empty b8 floor, the lighting has not been turned on, and it is dim, only the bright light on the screen shines on Zhang Heng's cheeks. He stared blankly at the huge screen above his head. On the screen, President dt's dignified appearance continued to flicker. The breeze was blowing, and his fascinated blonde hair showed extremely wonderful changes, like tentacles. Open like a flamboyant, as elegant as a clear radiance...

Zhang Heng watched this speech, which could drive the whole nation to share the same hatred, with a calm expression on his face.

Just from the point of view of the speech, this political show was a success. Although it did not play any role in Zhang Heng, who was hiding behind the scenes, at least this speech successfully stabilized most of the panic and riots in the United States, and made everyone feel sorry for him. The whole of America regained some confidence.

Sometimes people are easily satisfied creatures. They don't pursue too much. As long as they can live a peaceful and prosperous life all their lives, that is God's best gift.

"Your Excellency Commander..." Yuehua's figure emerged from the darkness behind Zhang Heng and reported softly, "I have broken through the dead-hand system of the United States without anyone noticing, and let the dead-hand system Completely ineffective. Even if we wipe out all the top U.S. leaders in a subsequent nuclear strike, it will not trigger the dead-hand system to activate the nuclear bundling strategy.”

"It's hard work." Zhang Heng didn't look back, but just stood there quietly like a sculpture, but there was a coldness in his pupils, "So, are the nuclear bombs ready?"

"I have secretly invaded a missile base in the United States through the turnover of several military satellites, and controlled thirteen megaton nuclear missiles that are in 'service' state." Yuehua nodded, "These are all Ballistic intercontinental missiles, with a very low probability of being intercepted, and with maneuverable orbit changes and inflatable camouflaged warheads, will definitely give the United States a surprise once launched."

Hearing this, Zhang Heng raised a cold smile on the corner of his mouth. No one could believe that missiles fired from his own country attacked him.

"It's just..." Yuehua hesitated for a while, "Although you did this because you destroyed the dead hand system and avoided the danger of a world nuclear war, as for those American citizens, many people insisted that this was just an intimidation. I don't want to leave my city."

"What do you want to ask?" Zhang Heng raised his head, his expression unusually calm, "There may not be absolute fairness in this world, but everything in the world is trying to develop towards a relatively fair worldview, and I have given them a The choice - life or death, is all in their own thoughts, so what does their life and death have to do with me?"

"Besides," Zhang Heng continued without waiting for Yuehua to speak, "Do you think that I fired these thirteen nuclear bombs just to satisfy my desire for revenge? If you think that's just the case, then you are very wrong. My purpose, retaliation can only be counted as one, and the second is that if I want to make my company grow faster, it is also essential to break the dominance of the United States as the center of the world economy.”

Yuehua lowered his head and smiled bitterly, "Your Excellency Commander, I didn't mean that, I was just afraid that this incident would affect your mood. After all, you are the only hope of mankind. If you can't keep your senses, then the whole of mankind's Destruction is almost inevitable... However, I am completely relieved to hear your words."

Zhang Heng gave Yuehua a white look, "Don't think of me as too fragile, in the virtual space, I don't know what it's like to be tortured by you, even if it's a big blow, I've experienced it, how could it be because I'm about to die for hundreds of years? Ten thousand people are shaken?"

"Besides, people who are not of our race must have different hearts. The white people themselves regard the yellow and black people as livestock, and don't look at the words of those western countries and white people, no matter how nice they are, what freedom, what kind of utensils. Cook, what's not racist anymore, they say that because they're still at the center of the world."

Speaking of this, Zhang Heng couldn't help sneering, "Whether it is military, technology, or culture, white people are leading the world. Although the emergence of Stellar Technology has brought back some bonus points for Huaxia, on the whole, this The forefront of the world is still led by white people. Besides, why do you think my Stellar technology will be suppressed in Europe and the United States, and why is Stellar helmet-vr banned?"

"It is nothing more than that the emergence of Stellar Technology violates the pride and domination of the white people. The white people are afraid, so they need to suppress all existences that threaten their status. If they can't suppress them, they simply think of killing me, even if I My existence is extremely important to the entire human race, but they are afraid that my rise will allow Huaxia to gradually catch up with them, or even surpass them! So, they would rather human beings not progress and kill me to keep them ahead The dignity of the world..."

"This is human nature, so dirty and selfish... but it's ugly enough." (To be continued.)

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