Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

NO. Three hundred and six authority promotion!

Of course, the premise of no worries is that the nosy alien Kratou will not use any means to fight back against him.

In Zhang Heng's view, this alien messenger is undoubtedly a restless master. From the series of counterattacks he carried out after being caught by the US Secretary of Defense, it can be seen that he is very clear about what he needs to do. The will is also quite firm. Although he was finally persuaded by the heroine, it was definitely not because of the heroine's eloquence, but because he subjectively realized that destroying mankind was not the best choice.

Just as the movie wants to convey, although human beings are stubborn, they are by no means static. Only when the crisis of life and death is reached, human beings will change.

But even so, he still destroyed all the electronic devices of mankind, and he did not care what kind of blows mankind would encounter after losing civilization. In Zhang Heng's view, Cratu's deprivation of human civilization in order to prevent the earth from being destroyed by humans is almost the same as the complete extinction of human beings.

After losing the fire of civilization, human beings will once again be reduced to savagery, just like the end of the world, at least 50% of human beings will die in the next series of pain relief from losing civilization, and the rest will die. , it will return to the barbaric era of slash-and-burn farming.

What Cratu has done is tantamount to cutting off the hope of human civilization and making the technological development of mankind for thousands of years to come to nothing.

This is evident from the ant-like contempt and life-and-death deception that aliens have towards humans.

At this time, Cratu didn't do anything that Zhang Heng didn't want to see. He just checked the bodies of Helen and Jacob, who had passed out in a coma. After confirming that neither of them was in any danger, he raised his head. Looking at Zhang Hengdao, "You haven't said who you are."

"I said, I'm just a human, just an ordinary human." Zhang Heng spread his hands, showing a curious look, "Is this question important?"

"It's very important. If the United Nations knows that there are remnants of the Gendaya civilization on the earth, then even at the cost of destroying the earth, you must keep your human beings." Cratu said seriously.

"It seems that the Gendaya civilization is very popular." Zhang Heng's eyes lit up, and the other party finally revealed some useful news. He thoughtfully said, "Is it because of spiritual power?"

"No comment." However, Cratu shook his head. "But I still hope you don't stop me. Now every second, hundreds of people of the same kind die because of your stopping."

"Don't blame others for the fault." Zhang Heng sneered and immediately retorted, "It was you, not me, who gave the order to exterminate human beings. Even if these people died, it was because of your actions. Besides, you don't feel that using this Is it boring to attack the enemy in this way? If I can stop you, I already have the consciousness to bear the fate of thousands of people."

Zhang Heng's expression gradually turned cold, and he said slowly, "Do you still remember that where you met your peers at McDonald's before, there was an old saying in Huaxia where your peers lived: "Where the Tao is, although there are thousands of them" If people go against it, I will go."

Cratu was obviously taken aback, although the last sentence was spoken in Chinese, but with the super IQ of the alien, Cratu, he instantly understood the meaning of this sentence.

"Do you understand?" Zhang Heng continued, "When you have your own path, even if you go against thousands of people, you have to go on alone. This kind of determination can't be shaken by someone else's two or three words."

"I see." Cratu nodded, showing a calm look, "I should have thought that blocking me for twelve hours would cause a huge blow to mankind, but you would be able to gain some kind of benefit from it, so you Will try to stop me, but what would the benefit be? That's my only question."

"No comment." Zhang Heng said this sentence, imitating Krato's tone.

Cratu fell silent for a while,

He turned around and walked to Jacob's side, then sat on the wet ground, checked Jacob's body again, and then looked up, "Can I use your phone?"

"No." Zhang Heng said lightly, "Manipulating electronic devices is your best ability. Giving you a mobile phone is as dangerous as handing you a gun."

"I thought the real powerhouses were very confident." Kratou was a little unwilling to give up.

"I always have confidence in myself, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid, are you insulting my IQ?" Zhang Heng raised a cold smile, "Shut up for me from now on, if you say more One word and I'll kill one person in front of you, two words and both, and three words and I'll kill you directly."

Cratu frowned, until this time, the paralyzed alien showed an angry look for the first time, he opened his mouth, but looked at the two people around him, and finally chose to close his mouth wisely.

Time flies, one hour, two hours, three hours...

When the twelve hours were about to pass, Krato was still shut up, and Jacob woke up once, but before the unlucky little black boy could open his eyes, Zhang Heng used his mental power to make him unconscious again. In the past, there would be some kind of mess that Zhang Heng didn't want to see.

Zhang Heng hated trouble. When the Yamaguchi group's Ai Yinghui found him, and before the other party used any force to coerce him, Zhang Heng rushed to Osaka and killed everyone who knew about his situation, and let the news of t-1 directly pressed down.

Later, his parents were put on a reward on the international killer website. Zhang Heng didn't even wait for the other party to send a killer, so he immediately attacked and killed the killer organization that offended him.

Also, when the United States began to use secret troops to target him and his family, he didn't even say a word, and directly threw more than a dozen nuclear bombs at the other party's country. While diverting the United States' attention, he also reaped enough benefits for himself. .

All kinds of cases show that Zhang Heng's mentality is to strike first and be strong. It is like cutting through a mess with a quick knife, strangling all crises in the cradle, and would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let go of one!

Zhang Heng is not a hero, although he bears the mission that only heroes have, but if he has to give him an evaluation, the evaluation of Xiongxiong is undoubtedly more suitable for him.

It is with this kind of unscrupulous means that Zhang Heng can survive the mission of the Dimensional Star. Otherwise, his grave grass is estimated to be three feet high.

Just at the last moment of the last twelve hours, Zhang Heng suddenly had a hazy look in front of his eyes. He smiled at Kratu, and then quickly faded and disappeared under Kratu's astonished eyes. When Zhang Heng came back to his senses, he had already Successfully returned to the hive!

"The time-space transformation is complete, start the scanning mission."

"The mission of the plane on the day when the earth stopped, the main mission: to obtain nano-robot technology and escape the 'Great Flood' - the main mission is completed."

"Optional mission: Save the plane - optional mission not completed."

"Emergency mission: unknown - no urgent mission yet."

"Final judgment: The mission of the plane of the sun when the earth stops spinning is completed. The progress of the host authority is three-thirds of the C-level!"

"Power promotion!"

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