Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

NO. Three hundred and thirty-nine, the spirit of the universe

Baidu responds to all requests! Read the full text of the black technology monopoly company! Seek, respond to all requests!

"Warning! Warning! The impact of destruction is coming! Please prepare for the Chosen One and this plane!"

"Warning! The second round of impact is coming! The ultimate mission is on, and the mission target is being detected and searched"

"Search is complete, the impact is blocked by unknown energy! Unable to create the ultimate mission!"

"Warning! The second round of impact is on! Please prepare for the impact immediately! To protect the plane from being destroyed by the impact!"

In the middle of the night, Tony Stark was lying in his luxurious room and sleeping silently. Although he was in a state of falling asleep, it was obvious from his tightly frowned brows that he was not sleeping peacefully.

"Father, mother" Suddenly, a hurried and cold voice came from the back of his mind, Tony sat up suddenly, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, his eyes were dazed at this time, obviously he hadn't woken up from the nightmare!

"Damn it! Brother Tony, wake up!" A two-dimensional girl with a pair of ponytails and slender blue eyes appeared nervously in Tony's pupils. She waved to Tony, which made Tony's His eyes gradually returned to focus.

"Damn it, the hypoglycemia happened again." Tony shook his drowsy head, muttered in a low voice, and then looked at the girl on the retina, which showed an extremely ugly look, "Fake, why is the second shock? It's come so fast! It's only two years away from the first shock! Damn it!"

"Brother Tony" saw Tony's nervous appearance, and the two-dimensional girl in front of him showed an unbearable look, and said sadly, "It's just that Friday can't help you too much!"

If anyone can hear the conversation between Tony and this virtual character at this time, they will be surprised to find that since Jarvis and Vision merged, Tony's new auxiliary intelligence is called Friday, and many people have guessed what it means, But no one would have thought that the name Friday actually came from a two-dimensional image in their minds.

"Don't say that, Friday, you've done enough for me." Tony shook his head, "However, are there any tips to avoid the rules of the Spirit of the Universe this time?"

As soon as Tony finished speaking, he saw that Friday was embarrassed. Tony immediately said, "If you can't violate the spirit of the universe, then don't say it. I don't want you to be obliterated for violating the spirit of the universe."

"No! I want to help Brother Tony on Friday!" The blue girl in front of her showed a stubborn look, and her eyes showed a strange blue light. If you zoom in, you will find that in Friday's pupils, rows of data flow like flowing water. "Saw it on Friday and it was deep black"

"Black?" Tony said nervously, subconsciously repeating.

The "black fog" Friday's eyes gradually fell into a daze, but then it showed shock again, "That incomparably deep darkness, devouring everything, destroying everything, the impact of destroying the world, actually came from"


Before he could finish speaking, Friday's image quickly blurred, and at the same time he let out a painful moan!

"Okay! Friday, you've done enough, don't continue to reveal it to me!" Tony quickly persuaded, looking at his distressed appearance, it is obvious that he has an extremely deep understanding of the virtual personality that the spirit of the universe assisted it. emotion.

"I saw it! Friday saw it, the darkness that destroyed everything, came from"

"Enough, stop talking, you will really be obliterated!" Tony hurriedly interrupted Friday's words. At this time, Friday's image was extremely weak and weak. If she continued to say everything, then she would really be destroyed by the world. Killed by the spirit!

"Tony brother be careful, be careful of the dark fog!" After Friday's last sentence, her own image finally flashed twice and disappeared completely!

"Friday!" Tony showed a nervous look, and he shouted loudly, "Spirit of the universe,

What did you do with Friday! "

"The virtual personality has been subject to a second-level punishment for violating the third and fourth rules of the Spirit of the Universe, and will not be able to appear for at least a month." The cold mechanical voice sounded in Tony's mind, "The second impact has reached Earth. , the Chosen One, please prepare for the impact immediately!"

"What is this shock, what is the black fog!" Tony said aggressively, "Spirit of the universe, tell me!"

"I'm sorry, the system is limited and cannot answer." The voice said mechanically.

"Damn it, when you hit it for the first time, you clearly pointed out that it was Loki Evil God! Even the location was completely pointed out, why didn't you tell me this time!" Tony shouted loudly.

"System restrictions, unable to answer."

"Fake!" Tony gritted his teeth, no longer paying attention to the broken system in his mind, but said loudly, "Friday, get me the mark7 armor and make an appointment for me by Nick Fury!"

"Yes!" Only this time, it wasn't the figure in his head that answered him, but the female voice that sounded in the room's stereo. It was a new type of artificial intelligence that replaced Jarvis to help him with housekeeping, and it was also his cover for himself and his mind. Stand-in for Friday Conversation in .

Soon, heavily armed Tony rose up from the platform of the Stark Building and gradually disappeared into the endless darkness of the night.

When Iron Man was preparing to convey the bad news that the so-called second impact was coming, the huge machinery in front of Zhang Heng was constantly sending batches of fully-armed clone fighters. Behind Zhang Heng, he listened to every command from Zhang Heng.

"I need at least 1,000 clone fighters, at least three synth lines and five T8oo Terminator lines, and T1ooo, send me all the T1ooo on standby!"

"Also, in terms of vehicles, I need at least 100 of the latest Falcon fighters, and more than 100 quantum spy satellites, as well as countless nano-mosquitoes and flying sticks. The more the better, at least I can fight a huge battle. The number of battles!"

"Yes, I will convey everything to the Hive headquarters." Zhishang nodded.

"By the way, let Gu Zhan and Adam know that they have new work to do, and I need the power of the entire heteroplane special operations force!" Zhang Heng's eyes showed a frenzy, "and research on T virus, FeV virus, etc. The new biochemical weapons, by the way, how is the research on biochemical weapons based on the dx1118 virus?"

"A batch of controllable experimental soldiers has been produced, but it has not been tested in actual combat yet." Zhishang replied.

"Sent here, I'm going to conduct an experiment here." Zhang Heng raised a sinister smile, "Anyway, there are a large group of righteous superheroes who wipe my ass, why not do it?"

"By the way, nano bombs and other weapons will also bring me a batch." Zhang Heng continued to add, "It is estimated that this is the best weapon for killing heroes. Marvel world? I will bring you a huge the surprise”

At this moment, in the Marvel Universe, everyone except Tony does not know that an existence that is thousands of times stronger than Hydra has invaded their plane

No one would have thought that with the invasion of Zhang Heng's forces, the entire Marvel world has fallen into a precarious situation!

Baidu responds to all requests! The latest chapter of the black technology monopoly company, welcome to collect! Seek, respond to all requests!

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