Baidu responds to all requests! Read the full text of the black technology monopoly company! Seek, respond to all requests!

This is not a whimsical idea of ​​Zhang Heng. Ever since he entered the apocalyptic worlds, he has vaguely had this idea. ????(i)?

Resident Evil, Alien, Dead Space, Prototype of Massacre... There are nearly ten apocalyptic worlds that Zhang Heng has experienced, and these planes are surprisingly similar to real movies. If all this is a coincidence, then Zhang Heng didn't want to believe it.

In fact, this coincidence is also scientifically justified-in this infinite parallel world, each world has some kind of faint connection between them, and it is this connection that leads to the stories born in the parallel world and conveyed to reality In the plane, and then turned into a movie, game and even a comic.

If explained by theory, it is that the universe is diverse, and the multiverse is composed of countless parallel universes. A parallel universe refers to other universes that are separated from a certain original universe and exist in parallel with the original universe that are both similar and different. .

It was as if Zhang Heng tossed a coin out of boredom. There are two possibilities for this coin, one is heads up and the other is heads down.

At the moment when the coin fell, the whole world showed a slight deviation. In this universe, the coin thrown by Zhang Heng appeared heads up, but in fact, in another universe, the coin was heads down.

It is this slight deviation. As the chaos theory gradually widens the gap, parallel universes continue to split, and the number is infinite, so there are infinite possibilities. For example, an asteroid did not fall on a certain plane 60 million years ago. Dinosaurs still dominate the earth today. Another example is the earth on a certain plane. More than a billion years ago, the glycine and amino acids did not merge to produce proteins and nucleic acids, or although they were formed, they were one second later or one second earlier. Then according to the principle of the butterfly effect, the world today may be completely different.

Another example is the creation of man. Maybe it wasn't you, but another sperm competed for the egg to form a fertilized egg. Then you will not be born at all. What your parents see will only be another one with them. Stranger by blood relationship.

Therefore, human beings are producing miracles every second, and among countless possibilities, your birth today and everything you have experienced are only one in a trillion.

Therefore, there is an explanation for the appearance of these illusory worlds. Maybe everything is just a coincidence, just because there are infinitely many worlds, so there is always a world that is similar or even identical to the movies and comics that Zhang Heng saw in reality.

However, this explanation is a bit reluctant, at least Zhang Heng does not want to believe this explanation.

So what kind of explanation is there other than this explanation?

Zhang Heng felt that he had caught something faintly, but when he thought about it carefully, those inspirations were like smooth swimming fish, and disappeared in the stream of thinking with a swoosh...


Time passed by, and for the next period of time, Zhang Heng just kept a low profile, constantly collecting all kinds of information about the world, about the X-Men, about S.H.I.E.L.D., and even alien life and even 'gods'. clues.

Every day, new clone fighters are born from this world, T-, synthetic warriors, tyrants, and even the newly developed dx-virus-level soldiers are also constantly experimenting.

At this time, next to Long Island, New York, in the Marvel world, there is a notorious island - Plum Island.

This is a small island located in the most densely populated area of ​​​​the United States, a seemingly idyllic pure land, but it has been a nightmare in the hearts of Americans for decades.

This small island called Plum has the most famous biochemical laboratory in the United States.

In 954, a group of mysterious guests came to Plum Island near New York, including a famous American animal virologist,

There are scientists who were the first to use anthrax as a weapon, and Nazi germ warfare leaders recruited by the United States after World War II... and a large number of experimental animals were transported to the island, and the original old buildings were renovated. One of the buildings was named 257. This is the most mysterious "Lab 257" in the United States, the biological and chemical weapons laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and the military. Because US law prohibits the experiment of biological and chemical weapons on the Big 6, the US government chose this small island.

Plum Island has been secretive to the outside world until the 1990s when it reopened to the media. But due to possible environmental threats, the island has been closed to the media since 24 years. Until 27 years, the U.S. government declared that the contaminants on the island had been cleaned up and were ready for public sale.

However, as soon as the news of the sale of the island came out, it immediately attracted numerous protests. Although the U.S. government claims that the island is non-toxic and harmless, some environmentalists are concerned that the 4-acre, pork chop-shaped island still secretly harbors disease-causing pollutants. Find a buyer.

Until one day, the island received an unexpected buyer.

The one who bought the island this time was an old man in his twilight years and the largest shareholder of a little-known Adeli biopharmaceutical company - Chester Bernstein, and the purpose of buying the island was to see The existing buildings and equipment on the island hope to continue their own biopharmaceutical experiments here.

The U.S. government breathed a sigh of relief, and finally negotiated all the conditions at the price of ten thousand dollars, and by the way, it also handled all the documents for the company, which was renamed 'Stellar Biotechnology'.

Soon, the company began to build construction on Plum Island, factories were quickly built, and experimental equipment was moved to the island by air and sea.

The experimental building on Plum Island was also installed with new protective devices, which completely concealed everything inside the building under the steel gate.

A month later, a private helicopter was ushered at the helipad on Plum Island.

The wind from the propeller disturbed Pepper Potts' Kim, who was the head of the island. She used to be a personal consultant to the famous Stark Company, and even established a relationship with Tony for a while, until later Tony The two broke up completely because they put on the armor again.

But now it seems that with a high resume, she has found an enviable new job.

The helicopter landed slowly, his head was white, and the old Chester walked down slowly with the help of bodyguards, but Pepper Potts saw that behind Chester, there was an indifferent expression oriental man.

Although this oriental man is very young, he may be the boss's partner.

Pozzi thought silently that she didn't care about the oriental man who looked very young, but showed a bright smile, took the initiative to step forward to hold Chester's arm, and chuckled, "Boss, why are you here in person? , is it enough to just give me a notification?"

"Hehe, you're old, if you don't take a look around now, you probably won't have the chance again." Chester smiled hoarsely, but Potts felt something was wrong, and she didn't say much. , but helped the old man out of the helicopter platform and walked towards the direction of the office building.

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