Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

NO. Three hundred and eighty-six The current president of Shinra

Although the magic furnace in the entire Midgar City was destroyed by the Avalanche Organization and Claude three years ago, there are still remnants left. Zhang Heng is going to visit there to see if there will be any Find what technology is beneficial to you.

Hundreds of Eagle Falcon fighters went to all over the world to find those still intact but abandoned magic furnaces, and to collect the information of the magic furnaces. These materials are necessary for Zhang Hengbi to make magic furnaces in other planes. energy.

Magic water is an unknown energy source that is even more efficient than nuclear energy. It is formed by condensing the fountain of life on the planet, and it can continue to condense to eventually form a substance called magic stone.

Moxu can be used to enhance physical fitness, and magic stones can stimulate magic.

However, Zhang Heng's vision is many times higher than that of the natives of this planet. In his opinion, the so-called fountain of life that blows like a god is actually a unique substance containing extremely high energy inside the planet. The gravity of matter and the planet is closely related to climate change, and it affects the whole body. Therefore, Shinra’s over-exploitation of this resource has led to large-scale changes in the global climate, and the ecology has suffered a devastating impact, which ultimately affects the survival of human beings.

This resource comes in the form of liquid substances, and because the energy purity is too high, it contains special radiation, which can change human genes, which is why many people have mutated their bodies after soaking in excess magic water. .

As for the power of the magic stone, in Zhang Heng's view, it is more like a release of energy. The particle enters an excited state after being excited, and there is a lower energy level that can accept the particle. The excited state transitions to the low-level ground state, and at the same time radiates a large number of photons, which is why the magic stone can produce a unique physical phenomenon, and the result of this physical phenomenon and energy excitation is named a special name by this world magic. .

But in the final analysis, the so-called magic stone and laser are not much different, they both have thermal effect, photochemical effect, pressure effect, electromagnetic field effect and biological stimulation effect and so on.

Soon, Zhang Heng took everyone to the center of the No. 7 block, in front of the ruins of the No. 7 Mohuang Furnace. The remaining Mohuang Furnace there was like a dried bacon, which did not match the name of the furnace at all.

However, Zhang Heng led the crowd down the ruins of the furnace. Zhi Shang silently turned on the scanner and scanned the remaining structure of the seventh furnace inch by inch. This scanner is like X-rays that can penetrate objects and can see To the appearance of the inside of the material, these structures will eventually be recorded by the scanner, and returned to Yuehua to restore it to a plan, which is used to analyze the structural structure of the Moko Furnace.

In this Mohuang furnace, Zhang Heng was busy for a whole number of hours. In the early morning of the next day, he walked all over the city of Midgar and scanned all the ruins of the eight magic furnaces. .

Now, all he can do has been done. His next goal is to find an indispensable character in the whole game. This person once sat on the whole country, but unfortunately he was attacked by the Avalanche Organization and Sephiroth. He was knocked down from the altar, and he was so depressed that there were only two subordinates around him, and he didn't even have the strength to protect himself.

This person is the current president of Shinra, Ruuffas Shinra.

Zhang Heng walked towards the Shinra Building with the four of Zhishang. As an ambitious man, Luouphas strived to revive Shinra's former glory, and even he still went to the top of Shinra Building once a day to overlook the common people. , even if there are only ruins left there.

The Shinra Building is not a building in the traditional sense, but more like a large-scale fortress.

With a height of more than 1,000 meters and a base area of ​​2,000 acres, this is the tallest man-made building in the world. Even the Burj Khalifa on Earth is dwarfed by that. Here, it used to be the center of world power.

As Zhang Heng climbed up the stairs of the building, there were ruins and devastation everywhere. This huge fortress once suffered a confrontation of the century. Cloud and the resurrected incomplete body Sephiroth once fought here. At the place, the confrontation between the two sides further damaged the structure of the building, but even so, the Shinra Building still stands in the center of Midgar City, and will continue to stand.

Zhang Heng did not choose a simple method to quickly go to the top of the Shinra Building, but climbed up by the most common way of walking. He liked this feeling, stepping up the stairs step by step, just like his life, in step by step He continued to climb up despite the hardships, gradually getting rid of other human beings, stepping on those competitors and enemies one by one, and when he finally reached the top, it was the moment when he won the world!

Another few hours passed, and Zhang Heng finally came to the top of the building. It was like an empty square. It was cleanly taken care of, and the old floor-to-ceiling windows had long since disappeared. It kept ringing in his ears, messing Zhang Heng's hair.

At this time, it was also early in the morning, the gray sky was struggling to show a blood-red dawn, the sun stubbornly penetrated the lead-gray dark clouds, and barely spread a trace of light in the world, but this is already the limit, no matter how hard you try. , the sun can never penetrate the thick barrier.

Zhang Heng looked at his feet, and the whole picture of Midgar City was completely presented in front of him. It was indeed a disc, like a pizza, divided into eight areas. Each area had a magic furnace. Dilapidated, but vaguely, you can still see the bustling scene of the city back then.

"Your Excellency Commander, someone has come downstairs." While Zhang Heng was in a trance, Zhi Shang suddenly took a step and reminded him softly beside Zhang Heng.

"I see." Zhang Heng nodded, not looking back, but waiting for that person to come to him.


A low sound of gears turning came faintly, and in the morning light, a man with a white blanket covering his whole body, even his face hidden in the darkness, came slowly in a wheelchair. The one who pushed the wheelchair was a young man with short fiery red hair and a slightly ruffian appearance. When he saw Zhang Heng and the others, he subconsciously showed dissatisfaction.

"Hey! Who are you, is this where you can stay!" Before Zhi Shang and the others could speak, the red-haired man shouted loudly across the distance, with a pre-emptive attitude.

"Reno, don't talk about it." However, the man in the wheelchair waved his hand, and his faint voice was full of coldness, "It is estimated that those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come."

"You mean that the other party is hostile?" After Renault heard the words, he glanced at everyone vigilantly, and suddenly his pupils shrank.

Although he is not strong, after all, he has seen strong men of the level of Sephiroth and Claude, and his eyesight is still there. At this time, he saw a faint murderous aura on these people. It is definitely not something that ordinary people can have, and he has already felt a threat of death.

Not really good

Renault pouted. Even so, he was not afraid at all. Although he was only slightly stronger than ordinary people, he was a man who dared to roar forward in the face of Claude. How could it be because of this? Fear to be knocked down?

"Respected Lord Shinra, I have been waiting for you for a while." Just when Renault's face was fierce, a hoarse voice suddenly came, and at this time Renault was surprised to find that he had only seen the face of himself. The four unknown people, but completely ignored the middle of the four, the man who turned his back to himself and didn't turn around even when he spoke!

The four of them were like bodyguards, protecting the man like the stars and the moon. On his body, Renault felt an abyss-like aura that was unfinished.

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