In the plot details of Final Fantasy 7, when Shinra got the Xenovia cell, he also fell into the same thinking dead end as Feng Lun and Kong Zhongcai. In their opinion, the healthier the experimental body, the better, so they prepared The experimental subjects were all injected with Xenovia cells in a healthy state, and the final result was that all the experimental subjects had a severe rejection reaction, which eventually led to the failure of the experiment.

However, there are also special cases, such as the protagonist Claude, who belongs to another situation.

When Claude was transplanted with Xenovia cells, Claude was not completely healthy, but in a dying state. In this case, Claude had lost his mental resistance and was physically weak. It was not enough to reject and resist foreign objects, so he was parasitized by Xenovia almost without resistance, and finally gained power beyond ordinary people!

However, in addition to Claude, there is a special case, that is Sephiroth.

At that time, Shinra did not have mature biological replication technology, and could only cultivate from embryos. But since there is no Jenova embryo, Shinra scientists have come up with a method: that is, to cultivate the Jenova individual by "grafting".

The so-called advanced life is mostly born from the mother's uterus, so the researchers came up with a method, that is to use the uterus of the female creature as a petri dish, and the embryo in the uterus is used as a grafting device. Development to drive the development of Jenova cells, through this method to obtain a complete Jenova individual. At the same time, because Xenovia's research is mainly military, it is most suitable to use people as experimental equipment.

It was in this way that Shinra Corporation finally created this god-like man Sephiroth!

Because Xenovia grew up with Sephiroth, or in other words, it existed when his own immune system had not yet developed, so Sephiroth did not reject Xenovia as a foreign object at all , In the end, the two are completely integrated, Xenovia is Sephiroth, and Sephiroth is Xenovia.

It was the two special cases that made Zhang Heng understand that the resistance of human beings was the real reason for the failure of the experiment. On the contrary, the seriously injured people could completely integrate with Xenovia.

These two methods are the only two methods known to Zhang Heng that can allow Jienova cells to successfully parasitize their hosts, and as far as Zhang Heng knows, these two methods also have certain risks. Nova's consciousness will also invade the host's brain and completely assimilate the host into Xenovia's consciousness, but there is also a way to fight this, that is, soaking the magic.

According to the explanation in the final fantasy plot, the magic energy is the will of the planet. This energy can well protect the host's consciousness, and at the same time eliminate the attack on the host's consciousness after Xenovia invaded the host's body, just from the plot. It seems that this method can only alleviate Xenovia's attack on the host's consciousness, but it cannot cure it.

However, the issue of consciousness occupation is not something that Zhang Heng can think about now. His research on Xenovia has only just started. It is like a newborn baby who has not even learned to walk. How could he think about running?

Next, the assistants quickly found three guinea pigs. Two of the three guinea pigs were too old and had reached the age of old age, and the other one was seriously ill and was dying. Under the instructions of the three mice, all three mice were injected into the 1/1000 concentration of the Xenovia cell solution, and then they were compiled as subjects 7, 8, and 9.

At most, Zhang Heng can only provide some ideas for everyone.

Although he graduated from the Department of Biology, he couldn't even match the assistants here because of his half-hearted level, so he just observed it for a while, then said hello to everyone, and left the laboratory.

It's just that Zhang Heng didn't know that shortly after he left, the ninth experimental body had some unexpected changes.

Every hour, the assistant in charge of the experimental subjects will collect the blood samples of these mice and hand them over to the assistant who is in charge of the observation. However, after an hour passed, the assistant who was in charge of the experimental body suddenly let out a small chuckle. He only saw that the No. 9 guinea pig seemed to be more active than before, and was no longer dying as before.

No. 9 was the seriously ill white mouse. Originally, this white mouse was on the verge of death, and all the organs were failing. However, one hour after the injection of Xenovia cells, the white mouse slowly opened its doors. He opened his eyes, and at the same time, he crawled to the food with his four short legs and started to eat.

This assistant saw such a scene.

"How could it be!" The assistant was a little bit incredulous. He looked at the mice No. 7 and No. 8 next to him, but he was surprised to find that these two mice, like the previous ones, had already been repelled and kept twitching. His body fell into a state of collapse.

"Professor Feng, look!" The little assistant quickly called Feng Lun over.

At this time, Feng Lunzheng and Kong Zhongcai were discussing some properties of Xenovia cells. After hearing the report of the assistant, they rushed over without saying a word. Just in time, the No. 9 white mouse had finished eating and began to wiggle its little nose and open it. Wu Liuliu's eyes curiously observed the environment in the isolation cabinet.

"Subject No. 9 is recovering!" Feng Lun seemed to have thought of something, and at the same time he turned his head and hurriedly urged, "Xiao He, come on, give me some blood from this little white mouse, I want to see what happened in its body. what!"


The assistant known as Xiao He understood that it was a big deal, and quickly pulled out a syringe with tweezers, took a blood sample from the mouse in the isolation cabinet, and skillfully smeared it on the glass slide and placed it under the electron microscope.

Immediately, everyone only saw that most of the red blood cells in the body of the No. 9 mouse were replaced by a new type of cells! It was a kind of cell that had never been seen before, and it had the characteristics of a mouse cell, but more, it had the characteristics of a Jenova cell!

Seeing this situation, Kong Zhongcai exclaimed, "Understood, this kind of life called Xenovia, its cells really have the ability to fuse and transform host cells, but the premise is that the host can give it time, not to it. Rejection!"

"In this case, Director Zhang's method is indeed correct," Feng Lun nodded, his eyes flashing with emotion, "As a parasitic life, judging from the current performance of this cell, it does have the ability to transform its host. Ability, obviously, comes from the instinct of mutual benefit. After all, if the host dies easily, it is not a good thing for parasitic life, just like the relationship between rhinoceros and rhinoceros bird, rhinoceros bird eats for rhinoceros parasites, while the rhino acts as a sanctuary for the rhinobird from predators.”

"But the only question now is, will this cell change the host's brain cells? If it does, then after the change, are you still you? If not, then this cell is no different from the dx1118 virus. "To be continued.

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