Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

NO. Three hundred and ninety-six injection!

Judging from the situation that Yuehua II treated Dr. Zola so rudely, Dr. Zola's life was not very good recently.

But Zhang Heng can't take these things into consideration. Zola is a capricious villain. If there is no Yuehua II restraint, I don't know how many times Zhang Heng has been trapped.

Accompanied by Yuehua No. 2, Zhang Heng began to inspect the entire Mohuang furnace. It can be seen from here that the Mohuang energy does not appear as a liquid itself. This substance itself is difficult to find and exists underground. In any corner, even instruments are difficult to detect, only the magic furnace can extract it from the soil and transform it into a bright green liquid form.

However, after many experiments on Yuehua No. 2, the particle structure of Moxie could not be detected at all, and it could only be determined that Moxu belongs to a single pure substance, which is similar to the unique Zhenjin in Marvel World. , are a substance that does not exist in the periodic table of elements.

Moreover, similar to Zhenjin, Moxu is radioactive, and this radiation can change human genes, but the effect of Moxu is even greater than that of Zhenjin. It can not only change the physical quality of human beings, but also act as an energy source. The energy is even larger than nuclear fusion, and it has extremely high stability, unlike nitroglycerin, which can be fried with a shake.

In short, it's a near-perfect substance.

Moreover, although Tianyuehua-2 has been extracting energy from the Marvel plane, it still monitors every move of the Marvel world. As far as Yuehua-2 knows, there is no abnormality on the planet for the time being, that is to say, a small amount of Mining magic energy will not have any effect on the planet, but if you mine more in the future, it will be hard to say whether it will be noticed by the superpowers in this world.

However, after determining the value of Moxuan energy, it is impossible for Zhang Heng to stop. Moxuan energy is too important. If he wants to integrate Xenovia cells, he will inevitably need a lot of magic. He is soaked, and this energy can also improve the overall quality of the clone fighters. Based on these two points alone, it is impossible for him to give up.

Thinking of this, a flash of decisiveness flashed in Zhang Heng's eyes, "Yuehua No. 2, I will soon send someone to bring you the magic furnace made by other planes, and your goal is to fully produce new magic furnaces. The more furnaces, the better."

"Your Excellency Commander, according to my analysis of the nature and structure of the magic furnace, I found that the larger the model made by the magic furnace, the higher the energy efficiency of the magic furnace that can be extracted. The amount of magic energy is not comparable to a hundred times the size of a large magic furnace that extracts one third of the amount of magic energy that can be extracted in a year." Yuehua No. 2 reminded.

"Then try to make a large magic furnace." Zhang Heng said immediately, "Do you still need me to teach you this?"

"However, the standard size of a large magic furnace is three kilometers in diameter, and the height is even more ridiculous. It is almost impossible for such a huge building to be undiscovered in the Marvel world, even if it is built underground. "Yuehua No. 2 said worriedly.

"Why don't you try the bottom of the ocean?" Zhang Heng heard the words and immediately said, "Building a magic furnace at the bottom of the ocean is really simple with our technology. I think it shouldn't be easy to find there, right?"

Only then did Yuehua No. 2 shine. Obviously, although she inherited Yuehua's ability to control computer programs, her thoughts were far less vivid than Yuehua's main body. .

After some instructions, Zhang Hengcai returned to reality again.

Now, inside the hive, there are experiments on Xenovia cells,

It has begun to enter the stage of human trials, and the results are completely in line with Zhang Heng's understanding of it. Humans infected with Xenovia cells began to show great power, but their thinking gradually began to become confused, and in the end they completely turned into Xenovia. consciousness.

Although it is not as domineering as the dx1118 virus, the group of old pedants are still very unwilling to this result, and they are constantly researching methods that can avoid the invasion of human consciousness by Xenovia cells.

However, this method is not destined to be born within a few years, unless the biotechnological power of human beings develops for more than a few hundred years.

Zhang Heng did not stop the other party's research. Although he knew that it was useless work, it was at least an experience. As the technology inside the hive became more and more developed, their knowledge and ability became more and more extensive. This kind of growth is inevitable. , Zhang Heng would not be stupid enough to destroy their enthusiasm in order to save a little money.

Although all these experimental subjects failed, Zhang Heng saw the possibility of fighting against Xenovia's will. Several clone fighters took the initiative to participate in the secret experiment. Because there was no emotion, Xenovia's will was difficult to be infected. Their minds, combined with the immersion of the Moxu, the power of these clone fighters has doubled in a few days, and they have been freed from Xenovia's influence!

After seeing the results of the clone fighter's experiment, Zhang Heng finally no longer hesitated. On a dark and windy night for a month, the b8 floor was completely closed. In the depths of the Hengxing Building, Zhang Heng came to a training warehouse. The inside is injected with a large amount of magic, and it glows with green light, which is as dazzling as agar wine!

"Your Excellency Commander, do you really want to do this?" At this time, there was no one in the room except Zhang Heng, only Yuehua was a little worried, "You are different from clone fighters, although I have to admit that Your willpower is indeed very strong, but in any case, you have joys and sorrows, and all the emotions of human beings. Based on this, no matter how strong your willpower is, it cannot be compared with clone warriors who have no emotions at all. Compare!"

"When did I have to wait until everything was perfect?" Zhang Heng turned his head and laughed, "Yuehua, don't let success blind you, I have always been walking on a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, if anything happens I have to wait until there is a surefire way to do it, I am afraid that I have already died many times, how can there still be Zhang Heng today?"

"Now I have got everything I should have, everything is ready, and I don't even owe Dongfeng, why should I be tied up?" After speaking, Zhang Heng took off his clothes and climbed to the top of the training warehouse, "I have already There is no time, and as far as I can tell, the curse will come within a year at most!"

As soon as these words came out, Yuehua was stunned for a moment, and she looked a little shocked and said, "Finally, is the curse coming?"

"That's right, the earth will soon usher in its first impact." Zhang Heng nodded, stepped into the magic energy without any hesitation, and finally said, "Inject me with Xenovia, I have not failed. Reason, this time, I must succeed!" To be continued.

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