Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

NO. Three hundred and ninety-eight new energy cycle

"Yes, not only that, I can feel that the blood in my body seems to have become more..." Having said this, Zhang Heng suddenly frowned, and at the same time, his thumb gently stroked his index finger, and suddenly, a drop Purple blood flowed out.

"It's getting weirder..." Seeing the purple blood flowing from Zhang Heng's fingertips, even Yuehua was stunned.

Generally speaking, there are a large number of red blood cells in human blood, and the red blood cells are full of iron-containing proteins - hemoglobin. Hemoglobin transports oxygen and carbon dioxide. When it absorbs fresh oxygen, the iron-bearing hemoglobin combines with fluorine to make blood turns red.

Therefore, the color of blood depends on the red blood cells. Blood with more oxygen, such as arterial blood, is bright red, and blood with less oxygen, such as venous blood, is purple.

The change in Zhang Heng's blood seems to be caused by the very low oxygen content in his blood.

"I can feel that every time I breathe, the oxygen I need is very scarce." Zhang Heng closed his eyes and felt it quietly for a while, "The average person needs to breathe about 16-20 times a minute, and I only need to breathe. Two or three is enough, not because my lungs are expanding, but because my body needs less oxygen."

"However, human beings have the ability to breathe because the three major energy sources of sugar, fat and protein in the body need to be oxidized and decomposed. Your body's consumption should have already surpassed that of ordinary people. How could it be possible that the oxygen you need has decreased?" Yue Hua stunned.

"You also know that human energy comes from sugar and protein, so you should also understand that this low energy is no longer enough to drive my body." Zhang Heng shook his head, "I can feel that two kinds of energy have appeared in my body. One of the energy circulation systems is still sugar and protein, but this energy circulation system is at best a backup energy source, and my body’s main source of energy is…”

As he said that, Zhang Heng closed his eyes slightly, and suddenly, tiny green light spots appeared out of nowhere, and penetrated into Zhang Heng's body at the same time, and then Zhang Hengcai opened his eyes again, his eyes flashed a sneer, and said softly:

"Life on the planet..."

"Magic?" Yuehua said in shock.

"Yes, it's probably because of the influence of Xenovia cells." Zhang Heng nodded and smiled bitterly, "I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse. In this way, unless I am willing to eat dozens or even hundreds of them every day. Kilograms of food, otherwise in order to maintain energy consumption, I must absorb dozens of milliliters of magic energy."

"However, fortunately, I can also store a large amount of magic in my body. The storage capacity here will probably allow me to keep eating and drinking for about three years, but once the power is fully activated, it is estimated that it will be consumed in a few days. complete."


A day later, Zhang Heng came to another unmanned laboratory.

In this laboratory, there is also a huge cultivation warehouse, and in the cultivation warehouse, a woman is soaked all over.

This woman's skin is white, her body is extremely hot, her chest is full and full of elasticity, her buttocks are full of cells, her legs are of amazing length, and her black hair floats in the nutrient solution, which is even more mysterious and enchanting.

At this time, Zhang Heng walked into the laboratory slowly, and when he saw the spring light in the cultivation warehouse, he couldn't help whistling even though he was as steady as he was.

"Yuehua, how is her injury?"

"It has been completely healed, and there is no scar left under the immersion of the active cell fluid." Yue Hua replied, "It's just because of the possible danger of the other party,

I've been giving her a dose of sedative. "

Zhang Heng nodded in agreement.

This 20-year-old woman in the training warehouse is Tifa Lockhart he picked up from the Final Fantasy 7 mission.

At that time, Tifa was burned all over. If he hadn't rescued him, there would have been no possibility of survival. What's more, if Zhang Heng had not stopped him, the entire human planet of Final Fantasy 7 would have been destroyed long ago.

It's just a pity for the magic energy on that planet.

At this time, Zhang Heng vaguely understood why ordinary people like Tifa could have strengths far beyond that of human beings in the real world. From that world view, even if ordinary human beings have not been immersed in magic, they can have extremely high strength as long as they exercise. The powerful skills are just not as strong as the warriors who soaked the magic.

And all of this is inconceivable in reality. No matter how strong the human body is, there are limits. Just like the so-called martial arts, it is only a skill to train and exert strength. The exaggerated phenomenon of a few tons of strength and a jump of dozens of meters high.

But the humans of Final Fantasy 7 did it.

Until he found out that there is no magic energy in the real world and the earth of several other human planes, and only when the Marvel plane also discovered the magic, did he have a vague guess——

The situation of the Marvel plane and the final fantasy plane is very similar, there is some kind of supernatural phenomenon, the final fantasy plane has 'super warriors', and the Marvel plane also has the 'x gene', that is, every human being in that world. There is a genetic chain of x gene hidden in the body of the man, and this gene chain will be activated for various reasons. It can be said that every human being in the Marvel plane has the potential and possibility of becoming a 'mutant'.

Zhang Heng later went back to reality and checked that there is no such kind of x gene in human genes in the real world, and when he tried to replicate this gene or even clone superhero mutants in reality, he found that it was all in vain. , as if the cosmic laws of this world do not allow such supernatural things to appear, no matter how many times the experiment is performed, it will fail and fail again!

Now, this puzzle seems to be finally solved. Why are there so many mutants and so many superheroes in the human plane of Marvel? Why are there super warriors such as Sephiroth, Cloud, etc. in the final fantasy plane? And all this does not exist in reality?

The answer is likely to be in the precious energy of Moxuan!

Zhang Heng's eyes flashed a glimpse of clarity, he flicked the training bin in front of him slightly, and said, "Let her out, by the way, call a few female assistants, take her to cultivate, and get up to work after she has cultivated. There are no idlers here.”

"Yes..." Yuehua seemed a little reluctant, but she faithfully carried out Zhang Heng's orders. After a while, several female clones dressed as nurses came to the laboratory and began to operate proficiently. , Tifa was softly put on the mobile stretcher, and then left the laboratory. (To be continued.)

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