After that, Li Yiru temporarily replaced Zhang Heng's personnel work, rented an office building in the city center as the company's temporary office location, and then recruited several accounting and cashier staff as the head of the personnel department. In this regard, Zhang Heng The requirements are not high, a college degree is enough.

Then, Li Yiru took this group of people to negotiate with the people from the Municipal Bureau of Commerce. The purpose was Zhang Heng's request to build a company building in the Haizhou Development Zone. With the influence of Li Yiru's father, the negotiation was very successful. It went well, but within a week, the contract was signed.

Originally, Zhang Heng thought that he and the deputy mayor's son had married a son, and I am afraid it would not be too smooth. Who would have thought that the other party was also a large number of adults, or borrowed Li Jianguo's light, in short, no one embarrassed him.

After that, it was another purchase plan and another hire of a designer. Finally, a design plan for a building with a base area of ​​5,000 square meters and a 55-storey building was finalized. It was ready to be constructed at the end of the month. five months.

However, when Zhang Heng knew the time, he was very dissatisfied and revised the plan. Although Li Yiru strongly objected that it was too wasteful, Zhang Heng was still overwhelmed by the public opinion. Finally, an additional investment of 50 million yuan was finalized, and the three construction teams started work together to strive for To complete the building within six months, this speed is close to the Shenzhen speed of one floor in three days.

Li Yiru is extremely helpless for Zhang Heng, who takes money and not money, but unfortunately, who makes the other party the boss? In the end, he had to agree to Zhang Heng's request.

Looking at Li Yiru who left the warehouse angrily, Zhang Heng smiled slightly, how could she know that what she lacked was time? And the architectural drawings of this building must be checked by himself. Not only that, he secretly invited an architect to design a set of underground architectural drawings in an anonymous way on the Internet at a price of one million yuan. This is where he built the building. The ultimate goal is to build a set of unknown underground laboratories, and some hidden experiments in the future can all be carried out in the underground laboratory.

During the piecemeal preparations, a month gradually passed. On this day, Zhang Heng suddenly received a call from a logistics company to receive the goods.

Zhang Heng reported the address of the warehouse, but within half an hour, several huge trucks parked in the front yard of the warehouse.

"Hello, are you Mr. Zhang? We have your goods here. Please check them out." A middle-aged man shook hands with Zhang Heng and said.

"Yes, I am. Please ask your people to help me move into the warehouse." Zhang Heng pointed to the door behind him, "I can't move these things in alone."

"No problem, this is our company's original obligation." The middle-aged man greeted the people behind him, and used a forklift to send the huge containers into the warehouse. He was busy from morning to afternoon, and finally finished the transportation. Zhang Heng's Warehouses are also occupied more than half.

After finishing his work, he stuffed a few high-end cigarettes into the middle-aged man and chatted for a while before sending him off.

After all the unrelated people left, Zhang Heng excitedly opened one of the containers with a crowbar as tall as one person. Suddenly, the huge silver-white electronic instrument inside was exposed in front of his eyes.

"Is this a supercomputer cabinet customized by IBM in the United States?" Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows, looked around, and dragged the hundreds of kilograms of equipment to Shenyin. With the quality of Zhang Hengyuan surpassing that of ordinary people today, although these equipments are heavy, they cannot be difficult for him.

The commercial supercomputer customized by Zhang Heng has 15 parallel cabinets, consisting of 5,000 nodes. Each node has three Intel Xeon E52692 processors, a total of 915,000 computing cores, and is equipped with a liquid nitrogen cooling system. , the speed of five trillion operations per second, although it is far less than those of world-class supercomputers, but it is used as an auxiliary system for the black seal, but it is completely enough.

However, the power consumption of this computer is too high.

To this end, Zhang Heng also purchased three sets of silent generator sets, each with a power generation of 2,000 kilowatts, a total length of seven meters and a height of three meters. Like three giants.

According to the method given to him by Dimensional Star, Zhang Heng connected the supercomputer to the generator, then opened other containers again, and took out all kinds of equipment that he could not understand, even if Zhang Heng had injected the T virus. His physical fitness was also a bit too much. When he was busy with everything, a whole day had passed.

At this time, looking at the almost full warehouse, Zhang Heng couldn't help but feel a sense of arrogance. He turned on the generator set with a pilgrimage mentality, and then turned on the supercomputer. Suddenly, the entire warehouse trembled slightly. stand up.

Three generator sets with a length of seven meters and a supercomputer cabinet with a length of more than 30 meters side by side. The momentum of starting these instruments is still very big, but fortunately Zhang Heng bought a silent generator set. If it is a general generator, then This warehouse is uninhabitable.

At this time, with the sound of the computer turning on, a 130-inch 8K LCD screen on the wall at the front entrance of the warehouse also lit up.

As the screen lights up, the dimensional star system in Zhang Heng's brain also begins to transmit groups of data into his mind. What Zhang Heng has to do is to input these codes that he can't understand into the supercomputer, thereby changing the operation of the computer. mode, so that it can fit the program of the Black God's Seal.

This is a vast project. Just like programming, what Zhang Heng has to do is to change the program of this supercomputer so that it can be compatible with the program of the black god, so as to achieve the purpose of changing the program of the black figure.

As each instruction is input, the calculation program of the supercomputer is also greatly modified. If a computer expert sees it at this time, he may be completely stunned by Zhang Heng's behavior at this time, because what Zhang Heng did at this time. The thing that turned out to be writing the operation code of the supercomputer!

For so many years since the invention of the computer, the binary operation program has been used all the time. This is the result of countless people's hard work for decades, but what Zhang Heng did at this time turned out to be an attempt to modify the computer into another computer that is thousands of times more complicated than binary. kind of operation mode!

As time passed by, Zhang Heng, a layman, did not understand how the commands he was typing shocked the world, but he felt that the Dimensional Star allowed him to input almost endless commands. In the end, he found that the keyboard used by the computer was not enough. For his use, he typed several letters more like typing, creating a cuneiform and oracle-like code that he typed into the computer.

Day by day, Zhang Heng called to order food when he was hungry, grabbed the mineral spring beside him to quench his thirst, and persisted for five days. On the evening of the fifth day, after the last set of codes was entered into the supercomputer, Zhang Heng finally breathed a sigh of relief and pressed Enter. Only then did he realize that his ten fingers were completely red and swollen, and his back was sore. Back pain, embarrassed and dog-like.

"Is this the end?" Zhang Heng stood up and stretched, and asked the Star of Dimension with some uncertainty.

"It's alright, now this broken machine is finally compatible with the Divine Seal in the program, and with the assistance of the information transmitter, you can restart the Black Divine Seal and change the program!" Julian was also in his mind. A look of weakness, God knows why it will be tired after a program.

"Okay, then I'll go to sleep first, don't wake me up no matter what." Zhang Heng muttered and complained a few words, then fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.


Zhang Heng was awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone. He picked up the mobile phone beside him in a daze, and answered the call without looking at who it was. "Hey, who is it?"

"It's me Fang Hao, boss!" There was a loud noise from the phone.

"Fang Hao?" Zhang Heng looked at the time, it was already the afternoon of the second day, and then he woke up slightly and changed his posture comfortably, "What? Didn't you and Xiaoru recruit people in the company?"

"That's right, we're looking at more than a dozen people with good abilities. Boss Li asked me to ask you, do you want to come to the company to check?"

"No, you can decide by yourself." Zhang Heng said impatiently, "Tell Xiaoru that I will hand over all the affairs of the company to her for the time being, as long as you can get me the foundation."

"You're the boss..." Fang Hao complained in a low voice, "Then what about the commencement ceremony of the Hengxing Technology building? Tomorrow will be the commencement ceremony, you must come this time?"

"Construction ceremony?" Zhang Heng rolled his eyes and patted his head quickly, "I almost forgot about this, since that's the case, I'll be here tomorrow, by the way, I asked Xiaoru to order something customized by her. Okay?"

"Are you talking about the tens of thousands of alloy steel plates? It has been ordered. When the foundation is dug, it will be shipped in one piece."

"Okay, that's it, hang up." Zhang Heng hung up the phone without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, then walked out of bed slowly, rubbed his hazy eyes, and then looked at the black divine mark with a burning gaze.

(ps: Continue to ask for recommendations, there are still three updates today!)

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