Looking at the pleading gaze of the old man, Zhang Heng sighed.

"Then have you thought about letting me go?" Zhang Heng said lightly, his expression gradually became indifferent, and he seemed to have lost the mood to continue mocking. He slowly turned around and turned his back to the old man who was dying, and said in a low voice, " Ask yourself, when you sent Xu Haoyu to my company to force me to buy my shares, did you think about what would happen to me? You, a high-ranking and powerful person, have thought about if I fall in your grandson What will happen in your hands?"

"Later, when you offered a reward to me and my family, did you ever consider letting me live?"

"Today, if I were an ordinary person, when I came to Jingzhou alone, have you ever thought about what would happen to me if I fell into the hands of those foreign forces? My parents and sister, after losing my pillar of support After that, what kind of situation will you fall into, have you thought about it? Have you thought about it for them?"

Zhang Heng sneered, "You didn't, you never thought about their life or death, so I want to ask you, why should I care about your family's life and death?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Heng closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened his eyes again, a cold light suddenly appeared, "I won't kill them, but I will announce all their dirty deeds to the public, as for them What happens, you can see with your own eyes."

With that said, Zhang Heng walked out of the door slowly. The old man stared at Zhang Heng's back, suddenly looking up to the sky and laughing loudly. The laughter was full of grief and resentment!

"Zhang Heng, you have to die! Hahahaha!"

When Zhang Heng heard the words, he suddenly stopped and sneered in a low voice, "What a coincidence, your grandson already said this before he was killed by me."

The old man stared at him and sat down on the cold floor completely, his eyes gradually dimmed, like a candle in the wind, and then died...

After leaving the Xu family, Zhang Heng suddenly lost his interest in continuing. He did not go to the other families who secretly attacked him, but contacted Yuehua directly, and asked Yuehua to collect all the information about these families that were shameful. All the evidence is made public on the Internet.

Today, the whole world is completely covered by hundreds of quantum satellites secretly launched by Zhang Heng, and the communication of the entire earth is no longer hindered in the slightest, even in the depths of the seas and deserts.

After doing all this, Zhang Heng secretly sighed and walked slowly on the streets of Jingzhou. Looking at the sky covered with dark clouds, he suddenly felt tired.

I seem to be tired.

The two years of walking on thin ice and intrigue have consumed almost all of his energy. Now it supports his motivation to move forward. There is only the only goal, so that his family can survive in this world in peace. Besides, he nothing else needed.

However, it is such a simple wish, and it seems that it is still out of reach today.

The turbulent undercurrent in the global underground, and the world crisis that has already exposed a scaled claw, are like a life-threatening talisman, closely tracking him behind him, so that he can't stay the slightest, and can only bite the bullet and continue to go on.

"Your Excellency Commander, I have posted all the information of these five major families on the Internet. Without my permission, no one can block it." Yuehua's voice came, "Not only that, because of your arrival, I have already Follow the clues to find out more than dozens of organizations that are hostile to you. Among them, the most eye-catching is an organization called 'Dark Night'. The Xu family and other families, the hidden Freemasonry, and even There are also senior executives of several pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, who are on the list of this organization."

"It's a reasonable name," Zhang Heng laughed at himself. "My company is Jiaozuo 'Star', and their organization is called 'Dark Night'. This is the rhythm of my anus."

"They are at most a small role." Yuehua smiled sweetly, "The real big forces should actually be the Italian Mafia, and Japan's Yamaguchi-gumi, especially the latter, which even has the government's support behind it.


"Then let them disappear." A cold light flashed in Zhang Heng's eyes, "For a long time, I have only been on passive defense, and I have dispatched only a handful of times. Stellar Technology has been holding back for too long, and it is time to shine. Time for fangs."

"Understood, I will dispatch D.S.F troops to deal a devastating blow to these organizations that participated in this operation." Yuehua nodded, and in one sentence, more than tens of thousands of lives were decided.

After doing all this, Zhang Heng suddenly felt a sense of boredom. He walked aimlessly on the street, and finally he simply rose into the sky in front of everyone's eyes, ignoring the exclamations of passers-by, and flew to the kilometer. from the sky, looking at this bustling ancient city.

At this time, it was already evening, and the lights of thousands of houses in the distance gradually lit up. On the road, the cars also turned on the street lights, like a stream of light that snaked and crawled, depicting the interlaced streets, faintly, the sky was a thick flower The dark clouds are slowly approaching.

This is civilization, like the embellishment of the planet, the jewel in the universe that shines like a diamond, irreplaceable.


At this moment, the Internet has already exploded. Suddenly, there are countless messages and posts that have been highlighted on the major websites and forums of the Internet. These posts are related to generations of people in Jingzhou who have participated in politics. There is a lot of criminal evidence and information listed above. When they saw these videos, audio recordings, photos and even documents, everyone showed deep shock.

Assassinations, frame-ups, and political struggles are inevitably filled with various gray areas. Usually, these areas are hidden from the public eye, but now, they are completely exposed to the public by a powerful organization. in front of.

It is like dropping a nuclear bomb of tens of millions of equivalents on the Internet. In an instant, people's grievances are boiling on the Internet. The relevant departments quickly clarify and will give the masses a reasonable explanation at this time, but even so, they do not forget to emphasize their eyes. Protest against the crime of this mysterious network force infringing on the privacy of others, and hope that people in the know can provide relevant information about this mysterious network force.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Zhang Heng. Everything he wants to do has been achieved. Next, there is only one left to eradicate the dark night organization, as well as various organizations that are overtly and secretly fighting against Stellar Technology. mechanism.

Zhang Heng has decided to speed up the integration of global forces and improve the pace of civilization as soon as possible, in order to fight against that curse in less than a year...

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