Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

NO. Four hundred and twenty-four Xinghe launch vehicle

Today is a special day. network

After several months of construction, Stellar Technology finally built the first-generation Galaxy carrier rocket. As the only empire-level enterprise on earth, this incident itself has attracted considerable attention, but on the day of the launch, Stellar Science and Technology reported When the rocket data was released, the whole world was in an uproar in an instant!

The Galaxy launch vehicle has a diameter of 25.8 meters, a length of 2o9 meters, a take-off mass of 159oo tons, a low-Earth orbit load of 1ooo tons, and an escape orbit load of 8oo tons!

In addition, Stellar Technology has never disclosed any data, but the above numbers have made the Galaxy Rocket instantly become the global focus, gaining unimaginable shock and attention!

"Is there a mistake? The diameter of the rocket indicates the level of manufacturing technology of the rocket. The diameter of 26 meters is more than five times thicker than that of the Long March rocket!"

"I am technologically illiterate, can anyone tell me that there are 26-meter-thick rockets in the world?"

"The thickest rockets so far are the 'Soviet n1 carrier rocket' and the US 'Saturn 5 carrier rocket', which was even the carrier rocket of the Apollo moon landing spacecraft, but this so-called Galaxy is even bigger than They're more than twice as thick, and it's just, it's just."

"So what are the specific parameters of this rocket? How many stages? Liquid fuel or solid fuel? What kind of propeller? Who knows the detailed data? Wait online, urgent!"

"The data of Stellar Technology is fake! The US and the Soviet Union don't have this kind of technology. How can the garbage Stellar Technology do it? It must be fake! If it wasn't for me to live broadcast!"

"Stupid, go eat Xiang, how many people didn't believe it when Stellar Technology first sold the T-1, and then how many people did not believe it when it entered the electronic technology industry? There are too many people who eat Xiang. A lot!"

The Internet is booming, and Stellar Technology has once again made world headlines!

Soon, reporters from various media rushed towards the Star Aerospace Industrial Base like a swarm of fishes after smelling the fishy smell, but were quickly blocked from the gate of the Star Space Center. Hundreds of security guards Strictly guarded, even if a fly could not fly, these reporters had to wait outside the gate, waiting to see if they could meet some heavyweights and gain some unknown secrets.

At this time, across the building, everyone can see the interior of the space center. There is a towering tower with a pure white body. The tower is about fifty stories high. , The huge steel bracket supports the tower. On the body of the giant tower, you can also see the logo of Stellar Aerospace Industries and the parent company Stellar Technology.

That sky-high tower is the so-called Galaxy rocket, and it is also the most advanced rocket in the world today, no one!

At this moment, Li Yiru's Rolls-Royce Phantom was slowly approaching, and the reporters at the door suddenly lit up, surging like a zombie siege!

"General Manager Li, what exactly is the Xinghe carrier rocket carrying? Why does it need such a huge weight? Is Stellar Technology going to transport the rocket to Mars?"

"Mr. Li, please explain the incident of Zheng Baoshan's sudden death after the completion of the Stellar Space Center. Is there any other hidden reason for this?"

"Mr. Li, I'm a reporter from Bilibili, or the last question. What do you think of your ghost video on Bilibili? Just answer it!"

"Mr. Li, please answer!"

When Li Yiru heard the third question, he suddenly trembled. At this time, hundreds of expressionless security guards quickly opened a passage for Li Yiru, and the Phantom Rolls-Royce disappeared completely outside the gate of Stellar Aerospace.

Li Yiru's face was a little ugly. After parking, she glanced at the driver vigilantly, then quietly turned on her phone, typed the words 'Bilibili' on Baidu, and then looked around again to make sure that no one was there. After paying attention to myself, I entered my name on Bilibili again.


After two minutes,

Inside the expensive Rolls-Royce Phantom, a mobile phone suddenly smashed through the car window and flew out and fell to the ground. A distorted expression was faintly visible on the cracked screen.

It wasn't until five minutes later that Li Yiru walked out of the car with a blank expression. His expression was as cold as an iceberg of ten thousand years. All the employees along the way felt cold all over after seeing her expression. I don't know who angered this evil spirit.

"How are you preparing for the shoot?"

However, as soon as he walked into the building, a group of people immediately greeted him. Li Yiru glanced at the middle-aged European man Wei Wei, and then barely smiled.

"It's ready. At eight o'clock in the evening, you can shoot immediately." This middle-aged man is Louis. The flying sticks, nano-mosquito, magic furnace, etc. in the hive are all from his hands. His status in the hive has reached a level that is no less than that of top researchers such as Yan Ronghua, Kong Zhongcai, etc. It is precisely because of this that he is in charge of the Galaxy rocket from design to manufacture to the final launch.

Today, he has become the general director of the Stellar Space Center.

The crowd surrounded the two of them and walked towards the control hall. The control hall was located on the top floor of the building. The north walls were all made of floor-to-ceiling windows. As long as you stood in the building, you could clearly see every detail of the rocket launch.

When everyone came to the control hall, Li Yiru saw that there were countless consoles and control instruments that he had never seen before, and he could faintly see the shadow of a computer cabinet. Their own people cheered and returned to their jobs, familiarly fiddling with the screen in front of them.

Looking at the time, it was already seven o'clock in the evening. Li Yiru nodded to Louis and smiled, "Mr. Louis, don't worry about me, you just need to work."

"Okay." Louis also knew what was more important, so he called an assistant to act as Li Yiru's translator, then pleaded guilty and returned to his post.

"Hello Mr. Li, you can ask me if you have any questions next. I will know everything and say everything." In place of Louis, a young man, about twenty-five or six years old, was standing in front of Li Yiru. When I was at the age of 20, my eyes flashed with amazement. Li Yiru's facial features were already very delicate. After taking T-2.1, the funds in the body were optimized several times. The external performance is that the appearance and skin are more delicate, even those top stars. To be eclipsed, it can be said to be a real goddess-level character.

"Thank you, sorry to bother you." Li Yiru's eyes flickered, and an intellectual smile suddenly appeared in the originally cold expression. Suddenly, Lun felt his breathing was stagnant, as if his heart had missed a beat.

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