The Warp has a power that Zhang Heng cannot understand. They can make lifeless things gain life from the folded other dimension. That is how the 'Horizon' became a living being, and Zhang Heng was entering. After here, I saw the living Universal Studios Hollywood and Edwards Air Force Base.

So what if the Earth that was pulled into the warp also produced life?

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng turned his head slowly.

At this moment, he was already standing outside the atmosphere of the earth hundreds of kilometers high. When he turned his head, he only saw a huge dark red planet quietly suspended in the chaotic void, like a Volcanoes, constantly exuding greed and madness.

Zhang Heng could even observe that the other party was staring at him with those two black holes, like an evil ghost covering the sky!

No wonder, I feel that when I see the dawn in the morning, I always have an unreal illusion, and those dark shadows between heaven and earth are actually not radiation-like life at all, but the earth after being infected by chaos, which emits radiation. Malice in the form!

This loving mother who gave birth to human beings, after degenerating into a member of Chaos, personally killed the children she raised for thousands of years, and set the entire human civilization to the flames!

Everything is clear!

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng took a deep breath. He quietly looked at the planet in front of him that was no longer beautiful, and was filled with emotion. But at this moment, Xuanyuan's voice came from the quantum communicator in his ear canal.

"Your Excellency Commander, we have cracked the database, and the leap engine technology has been successfully obtained."

"Very good, then, let's go back!" Zhang Heng showed a smile. He felt his mind a little, but found that his mental power was running out. Once he left the protection of the mental power barrier, it was worse than the universe environment. A thousand times the warp will grind him to a pulp in an instant!

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng resolutely stretched out his hand and covered the fingers of both hands over his eyes. At the same time, he bent his fingers hard, and blue veins protruded from his forehead!

The next second, an extreme pain came!


Zhang Heng let out a suppressed roar, and the intense pain caused his whole body to tremble like a sieve! At this moment, he brutally dug out his eyes with his fingers, and suddenly, purple blood spurted out like a waterfall!


But at this moment, in the depths of the warp, there was a sudden roar like a rage! This roar seemed to have penetrated the barriers of space and time, with a phenomenon that Zhang Heng could not understand, and rushed towards here quickly!

At the same time, after hearing the roar, the mighty Earth's will actually sent out bursts of fear, as if a mouse heard the cat's voice and was so frightened that it even completely forgot to escape!

In the warp, there seems to be something stronger than the earth!

However, all this has nothing to do with Zhang Heng. At the moment of losing his eyes, the world in front of him did not fall into darkness. Instead, he 'sees' more substances that cannot be observed with the eyes. Blood-red, dazzling light clusters full of distortion and chaos, the entire space is filled with countless dense substances that are difficult to describe in words, and even Zhang Heng seems to have seen a warship that was ruined and decayed, completely distorted by the subspace. Traveling from afar...

And in the distance from the voice of the warp, a larger and more indescribable distorted matter is rushing at an incredible speed with the momentum of destroying everything.

However, before the distorted existence approached Zhang Heng, the soft fluctuations directly tore the barrier of the subspace, and a golden light swayed down the sky, like the rising sun of the morning, instantly penetrating the obstacles of time and space shrouded Zhang Heng, and even more shrouded Clone warriors on Earth!

Dimensional star!

In the next second, a huge suction surged out, and Zhang Heng only felt as if he had been shattered into countless particles.

Even his thoughts became blurred, and when he came back to his senses again, the cold and mechanized voice of the Dimensional Star was already in his ears——

"The time-space transformation is complete, start the scanning mission."

"The plane task of "Black Hole Surface" is completed, the main task: to obtain the leap engine technology - the main task is completed."

"Optional quest: Obtain any technology of this human civilization - optional quest to complete."

"Urgent Mission: Discover the truth about this world - Urgent mission accomplished."

"Final judgment: The plane task of "Black Hole Surface" is completed. The progress of the host authority is two-thirds of the B level!"

The moment Zhang Heng returned to reality, his eyes immediately plunged into darkness, which was due to the change in the rules of the universe. In the warp, human vision is a burden, but it is easier for the blind to see the essence of the world, which is why Dr. Will dug out his eyes and said, "The world I will go to does not need eyes. "That kind of thing.

But in reality, losing both eyes is equivalent to losing vision. This is a difference between physical laws. After all, the so-called subspace is closer to the spiritual level of idealism. Human beings cannot explain all this with their own cognition and scientific system. The level of science and technology of human beings can't even understand one ten thousandth of the universe, let alone understand the world outside the universe.

The 'blind' here does not mean that you can avoid the rules by closing your eyes. For Zhang Heng, everything there is simply an unsolvable mystery.

Because he lost his vision, Zhang Heng could only use his mental power to scan his position, but fortunately, he had already returned to the battleship, but when Zhang Heng scanned the interior of the entire battleship, he was stunned, and then Turned into a secret sigh.

During the time when Zhang Heng left the atmosphere, the clone fighters seemed to be attacked by the shadow-like will of the earth again. The number of clone fighters who came back at this time did not exceed one hundred...

"Your Excellency Commander, your eyes..." At this moment, Yuehua's worried voice suddenly came from his side. After Zhang Heng's return, he has regained contact with Yuehua again. Through quantum consciousness projection, Yuehua can Control the body of any robot.

Zhang Heng turned his head subconsciously, and suddenly realized that he was blind, and it doesn't matter if he turned his head or not, so he shook his head, "It's okay, I've fused with Xenovia cells, and my body is very active. It doesn't take long for this to happen. The eyes will grow again."

"Okay." Yuehua sighed, she looked at the two eyeballs in Zhang Heng's hand, and smiled bitterly, "In any case, you have survived successfully, and survived on the surface plane of the black hole with the difficulty of five stars, this is enough. It's over."

"That's right." Zhang Heng applauded. He raised his head with emotion. "Many times, everyone is discussing what the end of the universe is, but the truth tells us that the end of the hell."

Yuehua's expression changed, revealing a faint comprehension.

"Yuehua, do you know?" Zhang Heng said again without waiting for Yuehua to answer, "I may have understood that even the dimensional star is afraid of the tiger-like curse, what is it, in fact, the so-called curse... is What human beings have lost, the fear of the unknown! Science was originally intended to prove that there is no hell in the world, but it is precisely because of the progress of science that human beings have entered hell step by step..."

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