Taral's birthday has caused quite a bit of international controversy. network

Huaxia and Saudi Arabia already belong to the kind of relationship that is neither good nor bad, but after the fall of American power, Huaxia relies on Stellar Technology to dominate the world, and there is a faint trend of replacing the United States. , even Saudi Arabia did not dare to make a mistake. Finally, after the Huaxia Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a statement on the strict investigation of the murderer, the matter came to an end.

However, many people in the know vaguely understand that the longevity of Prince Talar may be inextricably linked with the stellar technology that vaguely controls the world. They just understand that it is one thing, but no one is stupid enough to think that someone has died. People and a dying empire offend the stellar technology of the day.

From the launch of Pangu on January 22 to now, within a dozen days, Stellar Technology has sent several exploration spacecraft again, heading towards Venus, Mercury and Mars.

Humanity's exploration of aliens has begun in the early sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. From the initial telescope observation to the first landing on the moon in the 1960s, every time human beings have had countless major achievements. But there has never been a day when human beings are so close to other exoplanets. The emergence of antigravity engines allows human aerospace technology to easily touch the sky without paying a huge price, and mature nuclear reactors allow spacecraft to Go to planets that were once out of reach at a very small price, and start an exploration of the unknown.

The unmanned exploration spacecraft to Mercury arrived at Mercury after three days of voyage at an extremely amazing speed. After exploration, this is a planet with huge iron ore. Its outer shell is made of silicate, and its center has An iron core much larger than the moon. The main components of this nuclear ball are iron, nickel and silicate. According to this structure, Mercury should contain 2 trillion tons of iron. According to the world's annual output of steel of about 800 million tons, it can be mined for 2.4 billion years.

The radius of Mercury is 2439 kilometers, which is 38% of the radius of the Earth. Eighteen Mercury combined together is equivalent to the size of one Earth, which is 5.58% of the mass of the Earth. The average density is 5.433 grams cm3, slightly lower than The average density of the Earth. Just with Mercury's high temperature of 427 degrees during the day and a strong temperature difference of minus 173c at night, Stellar Technology temporarily gave up the idea of ​​mining minerals here.

In addition to Mercury, the exploration results obtained by Venus are much more optimistic. Venus can be said to be the closest planet to the earth besides the moon, even much closer than Mars, and it is also called the earth's "twin sister". , the diameter is only 4% smaller than the earth, and the mass is 20% lighter. In theory, Venus has an iron-nickel core with a radius of about 31oo kilometers, which is very similar to the earth.

The atmospheric pressure of Venus is at least 90 times that of the Earth, and the temperature is as high as 47oc Celsius. There is basically no difference between regions, seasons, day and night. At the same time, Venus also has an atmospheric structure. The atmospheric composition is mainly carbon dioxide, with a small amount of oxygen, nitrogen and other gases. Because of the greenhouse effect, Venus is dozens of times hotter than the earth.

And Mars is the most optimistic existence of all the planets. Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system from the inside to the outside. Its diameter is about half of the earth, its volume is 15%, its mass is 11%, and its surface area is equivalent. For the sum of the earth's 6 areas, the surface gravity is about 2.5 times that of the moon and two-fifths that of the earth.

Mars is basically a desert planet, with sand dunes and gravel all over the surface, no stable liquid water body, and an atmosphere dominated by carbon dioxide, which is sparse and cold, and dust storms often occur every year in the sand and dust. The atmospheric density of Mars is only one percent of that of Earth. Although that thin layer of atmosphere can also create a greenhouse effect, it can only raise the temperature of its surface by 5c, and it is very dry. The average surface temperature is minus 55c, which can only reach summer. Only during the day will it be close to the normal temperature of the earth, about; in short, Mars can be described as the most ideal planet for human colonization.

Various explorations are still going on, and at this time, the colonies of the moon are also continuing,

After more than ten days of construction for the colony named Human City No. 1, the first batch of workers working on the moon have dug more than 50 deep pits on the surface, and buried anti-gravity facilities in the pits. These facilities It will change the gravity of hundreds of kilometers in a radius to the extent that the gravity of this area is exactly the same as that of the earth.

During this period of time, the Pangu traveled between the Earth and the Moon dozens of times, carrying a large amount of materials and equipment. Soon, a huge nuclear fusion device was also erected in the center of the colonial plan. This nuclear fusion device will Will be the source of electricity for the colony in the future.

After that, the dome is erected, and the colony will be built into a huge hemispherical sealed building with a radius of hundreds of kilometers. The interior of the building is even designed with rivers and lakes, as well as forests, as well as industrial areas and living areas, etc. With the high efficiency of the robot, these designs can be completed in only half a year.

Moreover, Stellar Technology seems to think that it is not enough. Before everyone could react, dozens of spaceships with the same scale as Pangu were built one after another, and Human City II was opened not far from Human City One. Project No. and No. 3.

Not only that, but the plan to colonize Mars has also been put on the agenda by Stellar Technology.

Overnight, like entering the future world, everyone knows that human beings already have the power to open up outer space and colonize aliens!

In human society, the first batch of colonization volunteers has also entered the recruitment period. On the official website of Stellar Technology, an announcement has attracted the attention of countless people. Stellar Technology will jointly recruit 100,000 people from the five countries in half a year. After entering the colony life, relying on the large size of the Pangu manned spacecraft, human beings have no longer needed several months of long voyages to reach the moon in the past, but now only need four oblique trips to reach it.

Just four inclines, even by plane, is only enough time to get from Urumqi to Shanghai.

This registration has aroused the interest of many people. Many people in the West are adventurous, and the new generation of Huaxia also likes these novel things, especially Stellar Technology and the five countries jointly stated that the moon colonization technology is very mature. , and even the probability of an air accident is smaller than that of taking a plane. With this kind of guarantee, just one oblique, there are over a million people filling out the volunteer form.

Of course, the colonists are not without benefits. Stellar Technology once promised that after becoming the first batch of human colonists, these people are equivalent to having the identity of Stellar Technology employees, and the monthly salary will reach astonishing tens of thousands USD, this is just the baseband. After becoming the first batch of colonists, these people will also enjoy the property rights of 200 square meters. All food and drink will be provided by Stellar Technology for free. Of course, Stellar Technology only provides basic food and drink expenses. , If you want to eat a big meal, it is not under the jurisdiction of Hengxing Technology.

And it doesn't mean that you can't return to the earth after you become a colonist. Stellar Technology promises that the colonists will still retain the citizenship of their respective countries. After the colony is established, the flight route between the earth and the moon will be completely opened. Travel between months will be as common as airplanes, and colonists can resign and return to Earth at any time.

This can be said to be extremely favorable conditions that make countless people excited, but there are also barriers to becoming colonists. Because of the emergence of T-series robots, colonies do not need low-end labor, from sanitation to planting and industry. All these robots do it, and Stellar Technology only recruits talents with unique skills.

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