After that, Zhang Heng again test-fired three intercontinental missiles loaded with nanobombs.

The first one, like before, disappeared over London again, and I don't know what time period it ran to.

The second one successfully hit London, but after the nano beetles devoured several blocks, those nano beetles disappeared strangely, and those swallowed blocks and buildings slowly recovered again, as if time had entered Backflow, and finally everything is restored and there is no movement.

The third one still disappeared over London.

"Up to this point, our foundation has determined that the cursed dead zone is indestructible. At least until the foundation's technology reaches enough to affect memes, there is no way to destroy the cursed dead zone for the time being."

At the Five Nations Holographic Conference, Zhang Heng said with a flat face. Behind him are the various data and image files of the previous nanobomb explosions.

"Then what should we do?" Except for the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the expressions of the heads of the other four countries flickered, and the President of the United States simply looked at Zhang Heng, "Tell me, what do we need to do to completely eliminate this damn thing? "

"Are you sure you want to hear it?" Zhang Heng raised a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth, and at the same time looked at the British Prime Minister with a gray face.

"Okay, since everyone wants to hear it, then I will tell you this method." Zhang Heng saw that no one answered, so he said again, "Actually, everyone has thought about it, since it is impossible to destroy the cursed dead zone, then , we only have one way left to suppress the spread of the cursed dead zone. However, how can we suppress the spread of the cursed dead zone? Then there is only one way, and that is..."

"Remove the source of infection along the way of the spread of the cursed dead zone, and let him lose the conditions for spreading!"

" can't do this!" Prime Minister Churchill suddenly stood up and shouted, "I knew this, you can't do this!"

"Mr. Zhang Heng is right." The President of the United States interrupted Churchill's words, "Suppressing the curse is our only way out!"

"You!" Churchill grabbed the President of the United States with a gaffe, "Bernie, you are!" However, he grabbed an empty hand with both hands!

"Your Excellency Churchill, please pay attention to your words and deeds!" The President of the United States dodged back subconsciously, and then realized that what he saw was just a phantom before frowning, "What we bear is the future of the entire human race!"

Churchill was stunned for a moment. He slowly lowered his hand and was silent for a while, but looked at Zhang Heng with hope, "Mr. Zhang Heng, you must have other methods, right? For example, emergency evacuation. "

"Sorry, emergency evacuation, we don't have that kind of time anymore." Zhang Heng said coldly, he abruptly got up and pointed to the map of the UK behind him, "If an emergency evacuation is carried out, we probably need to evacuate half an area of ​​the UK and 3,000 people. With a population of more than 10,000 people, it will take us at least half a month, but after half a month, the cursed dead zone has spread to an area as large as covering the whole of Europe, so what is the so-called emergency population evacuation? What's the meaning?"

"But, but..." Churchill said sullenly, "Is there really no way to memorize it?"

"That's right, there is only one way." Zhang Heng stretched out his arm and drew a large circle outside the location of the cursed dead zone marked on the map behind him, his tone gradually cold, "North to Peterborough County, south to Newport City , to Norwich in the east and Swindon in the west, this is today's critical area of ​​safety. If you use nano bombs to kill all life in this area today, then there is an 80% chance that the dead zone and the dead zone will be cursed. The stranger's area is isolated!"

"That's half of England!"

"Of course I know it's half of England." Zhang Heng spread his hands innocently, "Of course, Mr. Churchill can continue to hesitate and continue to delay, then three days later, what we need to clear is the whole of England, and even more Including part of France.


"Then what are you waiting for?" Hearing the words, the French president on the side couldn't help sitting up straight, "Let's go to the voting session, on behalf of France, I will clear Peterborough County in the north, Newport City in the south, and Promise in the east. Ritchie, West to Swindon's Safe Critical Area Plan, vote for it!"

"Agree!" The Russian president immediately interfaced.

"Second!" The President of the United States hesitated, but finally said.

"Second!" Huaxia No.1 also nodded.

The British Prime Minister looked at the venue dejectedly, and finally sat down in his seat limply, while letting out a sigh like a sigh...



On April 25, the nano bomb was completely launched with the unanimous consent of the five major countries. At the same time, this was the first time in the history of human civilization that a super weapon that went beyond the scope of nuclear weapons and reached the atomic level was used...

On this day, the whole of England seems to be able to see the dark clouds over Scotland that are so thick that they almost cover the sun and the moon. These dark clouds are like swarms of insects, roaming the sky wantonly, swallowing everything, and making a creaking sound.

It wasn't until one day and one night passed that those dark clouds dissipated completely. Until this time, the entire British population, probably more than 20 million people, had disappeared forever in this world and would no longer exist.

At the same time, in order to completely remove the hidden danger, the five-nation coalition used heavy troops and began to evacuate the remaining half of Scotland's population. These people were quickly taken out of the city and sent to the north of the UK. Until this time, the entire southern part of the UK, the entire Scotland has basically become a desolate ruin.

On April 27th, according to Yuehua's global secret observation, only 560 cases of disappearance occurred, and they were quickly investigated by the police of various countries. Among them, 530 cases were natural disappearances, and the remaining 30 cases were reported. The clone troopers were sent to secretly block the building, and the United Nations personally notified the local government of the country.

On April 28, the number of disappearances due to curse memes in the world was reduced to three, which were successfully suppressed by the Stellar Foundation before causing a larger infection.

On April 29, there was only one case worldwide.

On April 30, the world completely returned to calm.

Perhaps cursed memes still slip through the net, but as countries around the world are gradually being jointly acted by the United Nations, these memes have finally been completely controlled and limited to an acceptable range.

Among them, the worst loss is the United Kingdom. The loss caused by him is more than 100 times that of the 69 incident in the United States. The loss of population exceeds 30 million. About a quarter of the country has become a cursed dead zone. These areas seem to be indelible. The scars are ugly and lie on the surface. Even after thousands and hundreds of years, I am afraid it will still stay here, telling people what a tragic scene has happened here...

Moreover, in these areas, the United Nations invests tens of billions of dollars every year for the five-nation joint forces to be stationed at the border, and no one is allowed to enter them. After all, although these cursed dead zones are stagnant due to the loss of resources that continue to spread around them, even if the past For a million years, the so-called cursed dead zone is still infectious. Here, it is like a big time bomb of human civilization, and it may be detonated again at any time!

Moreover, no one can guarantee that when the next detonation is detonated, there is no chance that it can be stopped.

Moreover, although there is only one such cursed dead zone, there are more than 8,000 houses infected by the curse meme! There are more than 900 cities in more than 100 countries around the world, and people need to be locked down here, and no one can be allowed to enter. Otherwise, the second shock will likely be manifested in this form.

However, in any case, the first shock that was enough to obliterate human beings around the world seems to have finally been crossed due to the intervention of the Stellar Foundation...


All this is like a dream. Until May, in the early summer, when there was no abnormal disappearance case, Zhang Hengcai had to admit,

That shock, which was enough to make one's face change, was actually spent by himself...

Although there are also reasons why the impact of this impact is not strong, and there are still many hidden dangers, it is not completely eliminated the threat, but in any case, the impact is still overcome by himself.

Inside the hive, Zhang Heng took over a report from Yuehua.

"This is the whole report of this meme." Yuehua's eyes flashed with joy, and he said lightly, "Actually, this time we almost relied on your strength to win. If it wasn't for your prophetic ability, I'm afraid we would be reluctant now. Just figure out the regularity of this meme curse, let alone blockade London. I am afraid that the cursed dead zone formed at this time is definitely not in London, but blooming all over the world. At that time, our foundation will be a big one. strength, nor can it restore the annihilated humanity that has stepped into it."

"So, you saved the entire human race!"

Zhang Heng rolled his eyes, ignoring Yuehua's flattery, but looked at the report in his hand, then suddenly raised his eyebrows, took out a black pen, bent down and smeared on it...

It wasn't until two or three minutes later that Zhang Heng stood up, exhaled a sigh of satisfaction, and handed the report to Yuehua again, "From now on, the Foundation will keep this tradition. Any future preservation of paper files must be compared with others. Important data is hidden, like this, only you can know all the data, and in addition, only people with specific permissions can find all the data.”

"Understood." Yuehua nodded.

Seeing Yuehua agree, Zhang Heng just lay down on the chair beside him and entered the virtual space with peace of mind...

At this moment, Yuehua carefully looked at the information modified by Zhang Heng, and saw that it read:

"Item Number: SLS-018

Object Class: Keter

Description: SLS-018 is a memetic effect discovered by the Foundation in the ██ area on ██/██/██. It belongs to the ghost curse category in the curse memes. The meme level is phenomenal. Source It is suspected to be the ██ plane, which is now unverifiable.

SLS-018 is extremely terrifyingly contagious, with the house as the source of infection, any human life entering the house will be 100% infected. The infected person does not have any abnormality at first, but as time goes by, they will gradually see that they are only themselves A white woman and a white child that can be seen violating the rules of physics. Among them, the white child is the plot character Saeki ██ in the ██ movie, and the white woman is the plot character Saeki ███ in the ██ movie.

Analysis: SLS-018, as a phenomenon-level ghost-like curse meme, is temporarily in a state of no solution. The mortality rate of any infected person is 100%. From the analysis of thousands of infection tests, it can be concluded that the infected person has Infection until death, the average cycle is 48 hours, of which the shortest is 30 minutes. Because of staying in the house where the infection source is located for too long, he was directly attacked by Gaya and died. The longest example is 186 hours, and the infected person is a mentally retarded patient who has lost the sense of fear.

The infection is divided into an incubation period and an outbreak period. During the incubation period, the curse will not kill the infected person directly, but will reduce the sanity of the infected person through some hints or supernatural events. The more the infected person is afraid, the more convinced they are of ghosts. The faster the curse erupts, and vice versa.

Experiments: In order to learn more about SLS-018 and prevent the spread of memes in the ██ area, the Foundation conducted thousands of infection experiments, the largest of which was an observation experiment on a temporary base on the ████ islands in the Pacific Ocean.

The valid conclusions from the final experiment are as follows:

1. When curse memes affect life forms, there cannot be a third-person observer.

2. The more fearless people, the longer the incubation period of memes, the more fearful they are, the shorter the incubation period of memes.

3. Cursed memes do not affect unconscious life forms.

4. When the number of affected lives in a certain range exceeds a certain threshold, the meme will form ████ with a higher infection rate.

5. Inside ████, it has the ability to distort time and space, and rejects all artificial and natural objects that have the possibility of destroying ████.

Containment Procedures: SLS-018 is a special meme, without a carrier, and can only block all sources of infection. Prevent any human exposure to the source of infection that could lead to the phenomenon of infection. After losing the human transmission route, SLS-018 automatically loses its threat, and it has not been found that SLS-018 has any effect on life other than humans.

Achievement: SLS-018 has destroyed vicious cases in which more than 30 million people died, including London, England, and formed a permanent ████ with an area of ​​60,000 square kilometers around the world, and more than 8,000 houses around the world. become a permanent dangerous house

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