Because he had been injected with T virus, he had an unparalleled physique, and the medical technology of the Alien Plane. However, after two days of rest, Zhang Heng's wounds began to scab and his bones began to heal.

The anti-freezing agent was also excreted little by little with urine and sweat in two days, without causing any damage to the human body.

In the past two days, Zhang Heng has not been idle. Relying on the auxiliary research and development system of Dimensional Star, Zhang Heng has classified and interpreted all the scientific and technological data brought back from the Alien Plane, and restored it into hundreds of terabytes of data.

These materials are just a few of the countless technological materials on the Alien Plane, but they also contain the core materials of the Wieland Tanggu Company.

These scientific and technological materials probably surpassed the real technology by one hundred to two hundred years, especially the 'virtual reality' and 'augmented reality' technologies.

'Augmented reality' technology, translated as AugmentedReality, or AR for short - means that through computer technology, virtual information is applied to the real world, and real objects and virtual objects are superimposed into the same space at the same time.

Zhang Heng remembers that around last year, in 2015, Microsoft released an AR device called "Microsoft HoloLens". After wearing this pair of glasses, the wearer can see the combination of reality and virtuality. For example, there is an extra screen on the table in front of him, and the screen displays the weather conditions of the day and so on. The table exists in the real world, and the screen on the table is virtual.

This is the mystery of AR augmented reality, allowing people to interact in reality and virtuality, and this "Microsoft HoloLens holographic glasses" device is the most advanced AR device in reality, but it is only limited to a pair of heavy With glasses weighing several pounds, only the wearer can see the computer-generated effect superimposed on reality.

In Zhang Heng's hands, however, there is a set of truly mature AR technical materials. Unlike virtual glasses, the technology of alien planes is the real augmented reality - no need to wear glasses, anyone can see the virtual picture that appears in mid-air , even touching it with hands, it can also interact with the hands, just like the real existence. This device can even generate a full range of scenes, making the user feel like they are in an illusory world.

Moreover, the Alien Plane also has mature 'virtual reality' technology.

"Virtual reality" technology, translated as VirtualReality, means: substitute your consciousness into a virtual world, what you hear, see, hear, and touch is virtual.

But unfortunately, the top VR device in reality is just a head-mounted display called Oculus Rift. The control of this device is still traditional button control, only visual and auditory, but there is no so-called tactile or even taste experience. Totally a fake VR.

The real VR, in fact, should be like Yuehua's virtual space, or online game novels. Wearing a helmet or getting into a game warehouse, the helmet can act on people's brain waves, allowing people to freely play in the virtual world. activity, and can even have false sense of touch and pain.

However, in the Alien Plane, this technology has already matured and popularized. For example, the sleep chamber used by Zhang Heng has this function. Users can activate the VR module to connect with their own brain waves, just like playing online games like online game novels. Although it will definitely not be as real as the virtual space set up by Yuehua, it is countless times stronger than the 3A-level game masterpieces known as "top quality" in reality.

Of course, technologies like AR and VR on the Alien Plane are just bad street technologies that have long been popularized by the people. Compared to them, Zhang Heng is more concerned about other technical materials.

For example, the technical information of the sleeping chamber, which contains the composition and production method of anti-freeze agent, drawings of automated surgical equipment,

There are also biochemical human, human clone manufacturing technology, biochip technology to control biological brain activity, nuclear energy, solar energy, biological energy and other clean energy technologies, etc.

Any of these technologies, once made public in reality, is enough to cause a major earthquake in the real scientific community, such as anti-freezing agents. This is a fully-fledged version of the application of human cryonics. people are crazy about it.

There is also cloning technology. Once this technology is used, a large number of human organs can be cloned with high efficiency and low cost, as well as new antibiotic information. The release of each antibiotic is enough to create a new pharmaceutical giant...

Looking at the high-tech items on the computer that are enough to make ordinary people have a heart attack, it can be said that the Alien Plane is the first harvest of his mission, second only to the harvest of the Divine Seal!

But after the joy of the harvest, Zhang Heng fell into distress.

Although these technologies are good, he still has to have his own life to release them. Just like the T virus he obtained before, he must be careful and careful. He has castrated the T virus twice before he dares to take it out. The mafia is eyeing, let alone these technologies that are more valuable than the T virus.

Zhang Heng shook his head in distress. He found that he was caught in that unavoidable vicious circle again. If he wanted to make the cake bigger and better, it was impossible for him to do it alone, unless he could divide the interests out of it, but The value of these benefits is too great, and he does not dare to share it with anyone.

In the final analysis, I still have no strength. If I am a giant like Pfizer Group, it would be fine, but after all I am just a new company, not to mention the country, a group with a little power can bring it down. company.

It would be nice if there was a way to borrow the power of others without letting them share too much of their own interests...

Zhang Heng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Everything is difficult at the beginning. It takes time to develop his company, but will his opponent give him time?

And, that curse in the dark... will you give yourself time?

Zhang Heng lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and silently thought about the future development direction, but no matter how he thought about it, it was hard to see these things.

In desperation, Zhang Heng had to open the webpage, rest and relax, and improve his mood.

But when he opened the webpage, several bright red current affairs hotspots came into view.

"Lee's Pharmaceutical Group has broken through cancer, and the next Pfizer Group may be born!"

"Huaxia official statement: Huaxia CDC has confirmed that cancer has been solved, and cancer may no longer be an incurable disease!"

"Gospel in the medical world: Cancer was conquered by Huaxia, and new drugs entered the clinical trial stage!"

"The Chinese medical community has developed biopharmaceuticals to eliminate cancer at the genetic level, and cancer may be expelled from human history!"

Zhang Heng was stunned, and immediately clicked in, only to see the T-1 potion he provided to the Li Group: what kind of legendary genetic potion, improving human physique from the genetic level, etc.

That’s okay, but later it became more and more outrageous, and they said that this is a miracle in the history of medicine, and they trumpeted how powerful the Chinese Academy of Sciences is, how dedicated the researchers are, and said that T-1 was jointly researched by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Li Group, etc. Wait……

Zhang Heng shook his head when he was running on the train with his mouth full. He simply pulled it directly to the comment area. Sure enough, the comment area was full of cannons.

1st floor: "I'm squatting, is it true? Cancer has been broken?"

Second floor: "Oh, the sofa!"

The third floor: "Smile and touch the dog's head on the second floor, and shoot the face on the fourth floor by the way!"

Fourth floor: "Laughing to death, cancer can be broken so easily? Which brick house is calling the beasts to shoot guns?"

Fifth floor: "Hehe, I bet fifty cents is an advertisement. In the end, it must be selling health care products. Tell me, on which floor is the advertisement?"

Sixth floor: "Trash China."

Seventh floor: "Why haven't you returned to your American father's arms on the sixth floor?"


Zhang Heng silently closed the page. The government finally brought the existence of T-1 into the public eye. After the sale starts, he will get 40% of the profit for every T-1 medicine he sells. A sum of money may give him a wealth that ordinary people can't reach in a lifetime, but Zhang Heng doesn't care anymore.

If he just wants money, he can let Yuehua directly loot the liquid funds on the Internet. There are many dark nets on the Internet that are not accessible to ordinary people. For example, the mafia uses the Internet to launder money. For example, the daily transaction information of banks is calculated by tens of millions. There are enough loopholes in this information to allow Yuehua to withdraw countless money. , but what does this mean to me?

Zhang Heng not only needs money, but also status and influence. Only with status and influence can he lead the future of mankind, accelerate the development and transformation of mankind, and finally face the curse in the dark.

However, just when Zhang Hengbai was bored and was about to close the browser, the last message caught his attention.

"The CEO of the American multinational Pfizer Group visited China, or because of China's new anti-cancer drugs."

The moment he saw this message, Zhang Heng's eyes lit up, and a crazy idea that he had never thought about appeared in his mind.

Perhaps, your own company can develop in an alternative way...

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