Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

NO. Six hundred and twenty-five Marvel Supreme

Four-dimensional space is a very wonderful world.

Here, humans still look like two hands, two feet and one head, but they are different. For example: If there is a human being in the two-dimensional world, then his appearance looks like a thin piece of paper, and he can only move on the paper, and cannot go beyond the paper to achieve reality. Although he also has a body and corresponding outline, there is absolutely no concept of 'thickness'.

If humans in two-dimensional space come to three-dimensional space, they will find themselves thicker, because only by thickening can they break through the original dimension and stand up from paper.

But now, Zhang Heng's state is similar to that of humans in the two-dimensional world. His body has grown a bit toward the fourth dimension. If you look at it in three-dimensional space, Zhang Heng is still Zhang Heng, and his appearance has not changed at all, but they are not. Knowing that what they saw was just Zhang Heng's projection in three-dimensional space.

The three-dimensional space could no longer accommodate Zhang Heng's body.

A flash of emotion flashed in Zhang Heng's eyes. He still remembered that when he first got the Dimensional Star, through the hole of the Dimensional Star, he saw the appearance of the four-dimensional space, but that look completely exceeded his brain load, but Now, he has completely reached the fourth dimension and is above all sentient beings!

However, just when Zhang Heng was savoring the beauty of the four-dimensional space, he suddenly saw that in the Marvel universe under his feet, there were infinitely powerful figures, and these figures were constantly moving towards him in the three-dimensional space. The projection of the universe is approaching, aggressive!

"Finally can't help it?" Zhang Heng raised a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth. Obviously, his actions finally alarmed the supreme beings in the Marvel Universe. These beings saw that Zhang Heng had gathered them all. The six gems, unable to sit still any longer, actually united together, ready to attack themselves!

Zhang Heng looked into the distance from the projection of the three-dimensional space. Hundreds of strange-looking monsters rushed over here. These monsters are all living beings formed by a group of unknown non-material forms of energy consciousness!

God group!

Zhang Heng made it clear that this group of people claimed to be one of the earliest life races born in the universe. Each of the weakest is powerful enough to destroy thousands of galaxies at a time, and the strongest can easily destroy millions of galaxies, with quasar-like power!

And behind the deity group, there are five existences whose energy is about to spill out. One of them is a humanoid creature wearing red armor and looks very similar to a human being, and the other is a skeleton in a black trench coat. There are two men and one woman. The man's body is almost entirely made up of endless galaxies, as if the entire universe exists in his body, while the woman is more normal, similar to humans!

And finally,

One is wearing a purple cloak.

With the appearance of these five people, even Zhang Heng couldn't help but applaud, "Planet Devourer, Death, Infinity, Eternity, and Annihilation. I didn't expect that the five creation gods of the Marvel Universe would come."

Planet Devourer, as one of Marvel's five creation gods, is known as the sum of the energy of all universes in Marvel's main multiverse. His existence transcends strength and weakness, good and evil, and all logic, all time, All strengths and weaknesses, all highs and lows, all laws, all metaphysical, all metaphysical, all levels, all spirits, all literature, all spaces, all written descriptions, all definable and indefinable, all concepts, all thinking understanding and beyond thinking understanding, All boundaries, all origins, all phenomena, all logics, all ideas, etc.!

And death represents the source, creator and manipulator of all life and souls in the Marvel universe, and represents the specific manifestation of the termination of all life in the universe and even the ultimate of the entire universe!

And infinite, can arbitrarily manipulate the timeline of the Marvel multiverse, and create new branches on the timeline. An extremely trivial point in any one of its bodies is equivalent to the energy that restarts and destroys infinite times in infinite dimensions!

There are also eternity and annihilation, which are even more powerful than the first three. These five existences are almost at the conceptual level.

Even Zhang Heng was a little surprised to see these supreme existences of the dragons in the Marvel plane, but it was just a surprise.

"If the five great creation gods can still let me take a look, what are you guys?" Zhang Heng looked at the group of cosmic gods that were overwhelming and wanted to shred Zhang Heng almost immediately, and bent down directly. Four-dimensional space reached out to these monsters!

"Hand over the Infinity Gems!" In the Heavenly God group, a blue-colored being suddenly shot. Suddenly, the space in front of Zhang Heng erupted with violent fluctuations, and even the space itself shook! If Zhang Heng was just an ordinary person, then in the shock of this space, I am afraid that he would immediately be smashed into the most primitive particle structure and no longer exist!

However, what really shocked the members of the deity group was that Zhang Heng stood on the spot, almost motionless, but instead showed a mocking smile. The next second, the space where countless deity group members were located suddenly burst into a gust of wind. The thunderstorm is coming!


Almost in an instant, a pitch-black crack appeared precisely around the members of the Celestial Group. In an instant, countless members of the Celestial Group were even wiped out of thin air along with the disappearing space!

If you look from the four-dimensional space, you will see Zhang Heng stretched out his hand and ripped it hard above the space of the Marvel Universe! Immediately, these celestial groups and the space in which they existed were like pieces of paper, torn apart by Zhang Heng from the original space, and then easily crumpled into a ball, crumpling all the life inside into the chaos before the heavens and the earth opened. !

Suddenly, the gods group, which was enough to destroy half of the universe, was completely wiped from the Marvel universe in Zhang Heng's tearing and rubbing, and it couldn't die any longer...

Seeing this scene, the five gods of creation stopped at their feet, and everyone's faces showed a look of astonishment. They looked at Zhang Heng in shock, but they couldn't understand why Zhang Heng could even wipe this most basic space. go!

If they just destroy this space, they can do it at will, but what follows is an endless burst of energy, and countless chain effects occur, but it will not be like it is now, quietly, without a trace of it. movement……

Zhang Heng's power was beyond their understanding and scared them.

"How did you do it?" The five stood 50 kilometers away from Zhang Heng, vigilantly on guard. Although it seemed far away, at the level of the universe, there was not much difference between fifty kilometers and fifty centimeters.

"Of course you can't understand. The ants that can only live in three-dimensional space, no matter how strong they are, how can they understand the power of four-dimensional existence?" Zhang Heng's projection in the three-dimensional space opened his mouth lightly, and at the same time, Zhang Heng's body again turned towards Grab the space where the five people are, after all, they are in a higher dimension. Even if the five people are the existence of the creation gods, they still cannot sense the situation in the higher dimension!

"Shut up!" The female figure of 'infinity' came out and said sharply, "My existence represents the concrete phenomenon of the sum total of the entire universe, and all the spaces in the entire multiverse can be manipulated arbitrarily. Countless dimensions are within me. I'm in control! How dare you do this with me..."

Before the 'infinity' was finished, he suddenly felt that Zhang Heng had disappeared directly in front of him. Everyone's expressions changed. Just as he was about to chase, he found that the starry sky around him suddenly changed, and countless stars dimmed quickly. It became pitch black!

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