Of course, in the face of Zhang Heng, these civilizations in the Milky Way and even beyond the Milky Way can be destroyed with one hand, but Zhang Heng has absolutely no need to do so. He is at best the nanny of mankind, but the development of mankind ultimately depends on himself. Zhang Heng It can only be used as a hole card. Unless the human race is imminent, Zhang Heng will not take it easily.

After all, Zhang Heng's opponent is still the dimensional star standing at the same height as himself.

At this time, a star-class exploration ship belonging to human beings is sailing on the edge of the cantilever of the Milky Way, exploring the unknown blank area of ​​the Milky Way and planning the star map. Even if the Milky Way already has three third-level civilizations, no one dares to say that they have explored the entire river system. Human beings have more than 10,000 stellar-level exploration ships traveling through the Milky Way all year round, unless it is two other third-level civilizations. Otherwise, no matter where, human exploration ships would dare to pass through at will.

This kind of exploration ship has a variety of navigation methods. Generally, when exploring, the exploration ship uses a warp engine. This engine can make the spaceship compress the space and cruise in the sea of ​​​​stars at a speed exceeding the speed of light. This is the spaceship. The most basic routine sailing.

If there is an emergency, the exploration ship can also use the space jump method to open the wormhole directly in front of the spacecraft, and instantly reach the space tens of thousands of light-years away, but this kind of voyage must be an emergency mission or encounter a dangerous situation. time to use.

In addition, there is also the way of warp space navigation, because after reaching the second-level civilization, many technological civilizations can invent the space silent position, which is a space interference wave, which can prevent the spaceship from jumping in space, so the warp space Navigation is a way of escape when encountering a powerful civilization and the opponent opens a silent position.

However, the warp is not stable. As the opposite of the universe, the warp has too many unknowns and dangers. Whether it is environmental danger or the danger of supernormal life in the warp, it is enough to destroy the uninvited guests, so unless it is As a last resort, no civilization in the galaxy would choose this way of warp navigation.

At this time, in the exploration ship, Gu Zhanzheng looked at the exploration instrument with a cold expression, recording the environment within a few light years of the radius. In the four hundred years that Zhang Heng disappeared, clone fighters like him have long been eliminated. It was replaced by a more advanced biochemical warrior, and because of this, he did not die in Zhang Xu's purge. Later, with the help of Zhang Xin, he regained his feelings by modifying his genes and became a real person.

Later, when Zhang Heng returned, he once asked them if they would continue to return to Zhang Heng's command, but they all chose to give up. At this time, they already had their own lives, and Gu Zhan's hobby was to explore the entire galaxy and experience Endless universe and countless unknowns.

At this time, his exploration ship is located at the edge of the Sagittarius cantilever among the four cantilevers of the Milky Way. The material here is already extremely thin, hundreds of times thinner than the vacuum environment created by humans in the 21st century. Dozens of light-years away, the exploration ship is equivalent to completely leaving the scope of the Milky Way.

Reach into the void where matter is thinner.

If the Milky Way belongs to the forest, then the endless void outside the Milky Way is the barren desert. There is almost no matter in the space, and the number of particles per square centimeter is not even more than ten. This is an indescribable dark area. , Even the energy drawn from the void is pitiful, and because of the existence of dark energy, even opening wormholes cannot travel from the Milky Way to other river systems.

Dark energy is an invisible force or effect that causes and accelerates the expansion of the universe. Until now, human beings still do not know what dark energy is, but human beings know that dark energy is causing the universe to expand. The more the universe expands, the greater the distance between river systems. Over time, dark energy isolates river systems from the universe, making life within them ultimately inaccessible to other star clusters, galaxies, and groups.

Perhaps tens of billions of years in the future, galaxies beyond the Milky Way will be so distant that they will become difficult to detect because only a small number of photons will reach the Milky Way, and those photons will have wavelengths too long to detect.

Once that happens, no information from the outside world can reach the galaxy, those lights will disappear from view, and the universe will look dark and empty forever from any angle.

But today, on the edge of this galaxy, Gu Zhan discovered a lot of substances slowly drifting in from outside the galaxy in the radar of the environmental exploration instrument.

"What is this?" Gu Zhan narrowed his eyes and looked at the shape of the substances projected by the exploration radar, but found that those substances were like eggs, the whole was yellow-green, and the outer shell was like organic matter. The void of the universe is floating, and the gravitational pull of the Milky Way has caught it.

"Intellectual brain, scan." Gu Zhan said.

"The scan has been completed. The density of matter is about 7.4 g/cm². The outer shell is silicide, and life fluctuations have been found inside. The material library is being searched and compared..."

"Warning, no one who meets the conditions has been found in the material library. It is suspected to be a new type of unknown life. It is recommended that the captain conduct a capture analysis, and can obtain rewards from the Star City government. Please pay attention to safety. Unknown life may be dangerous."

Hearing Zhinao's warning sound, Gu Zhan gradually frowned.

"Captain!" Behind them, several crew members showed surprise, and they put down their work and came over. They also heard the analysis of Zhinao and immediately became excited. In order to encourage people to explore, Stellar City will be based on the discovery of the exploration ship. Corresponding rewards are given, and the rewards are extremely generous. At this time, these crew members swarmed like cats smelling fishy.

"Captain, this is a great discovery. Since we discovered space floating in three cosmic years, basically no new space species have been discovered. This is a great credit!" Someone said immediately.

"I know, but this kind of thing also has corresponding dangers. For the sake of insurance, who would like to explore it in person?" Gu Zhan asked back.

"I'm going!" A young man with a long camera immediately raised his hand and sighed, "Have you noticed, this creature seems to have floated from outside the river system, which is amazing, you must know that because of the existence of dark energy, The river systems outside the Milky Way are moving away from us at a speed that exceeds the speed of light, and this kind of life outside the river system was first discovered by us, maybe it is enough to become a big discovery recorded in the history of the Milky Way civilization!"

"Okay, then you can go, remember to be careful, if something happens, go back immediately." Gu Zhan nodded, watching the young man leave happily, but suddenly, deep in his heart, a flash of badness flashed. hunch.

It seems that there is some danger that is slowly approaching...

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