The sun shines into the building from the sea blue glass windows, reflecting a faint blue light in the corridor. A crow infected with the T virus is hovering in the sky, making a 'quack' cry, looking for everything to eat. thing.

The whole city was dead silent. As early as many years ago, when human beings were almost extinct, those zombies had fallen into a deep sleep, waiting for one day in the future, a hapless human would break into their restricted area.

Zhang Heng's eyes were full of exhaustion. It had been eight hours, and he had been anxious for eight hours. He was careful not to make any sound, which made his whole body and mind become exhausted.

At this time, he had already climbed to the 30th floor, less than half the distance from the data room on the 53rd floor, and behind him, there were zombies who were killed by a single knife and died in their sleep.

He didn't know how many zombies he killed along the way. At first, he counted them one by one, but as the number of zombies he killed exceeded one hundred, he finally couldn't continue counting.

This is the result of only removing the zombies in the corridor. If the offices on each floor are also removed, it is estimated that it will not be completed in a week.

"That's it for today."

Zhang Heng shook his dizzy head, smeared the black blood of some zombies on his body again, and then walked towards the bottom of the building with the stench all over his body.

So far, no lickers have been encountered. Perhaps those big guys have long since left. After all, their mobility is far superior to that of zombies, and they can hunt everywhere, so there is no need to be trapped in the building.

After returning to the security room safely all the way, Zhang Heng climbed into the iron cabinet again, and then took out the instant noodles and mineral water that he had been reluctant to eat and devoured it. The noodle was eaten dry, with mineral water, but after a while, a piece of noodle was swallowed into the stomach.

Looking at the half remaining mineral water bottle and the empty instant noodle box, Zhang Heng secretly vowed that he must bring enough food for the next mission, and then closed his eyes tiredly.

1. No dreams at night.

The next day, Zhang Heng woke up at eight o'clock in the morning. Strictly speaking, he was woken up by hunger, and his stomach kept growling. In desperation, he had to light a cigarette. You can stop eating, but you can't stop smoking, but when I was really hungry, I realized that smoking is sometimes not a panacea...

After he finished smoking the cigarette, Zhang Heng sternly slammed the cigarette butt out, and then started cleaning the Umbrella Building again.

Fortunately, the density of zombies became sparser as we went upstairs, but in the afternoon, Zhang Heng set foot on the data room on the fifty-third floor.

As a huge business empire, Zhang Heng had a hunch that Umbrella's reference room would not be too small, but he did not expect that the reference room would occupy an entire floor of space. On the door on the fifty-third floor was a door with numbers, A triple combination lock consisting of fingerprints and iris. The top of the gate reads in English: The company is a strong place, and idlers are not allowed to enter.

"Damn it! How should this be?"

Zhang Heng was dumbfounded. He did all kinds of calculations, but he didn't even calculate that the reference room was still locked, and looking at the metal door like a bank safe, he knew that the door could not be opened by violent means. .

"Yulian, come out for me!" Zhang Heng was anxious, and immediately contacted the auxiliary system of Dimensional Star.

"Hey, it's rude, Julian is still taking a nap!" Suddenly, a two-dimensional loli in a printed nightgown, rubbing her sleepy eyes, appeared on Zhang Heng's retina.

"Sleeping, your sister, explain to Lao Tzu what's going on?" Zhang Heng said angrily. If the door couldn't be opened, how could he go to the reference room to obtain information on the T virus?

Julian glanced at Zhang Heng with an idiot look, and then said slowly, "Did Julian say that the mission target is in the reference room?"

"...Nima!" Zhang Heng heard the words and almost fainted. It must have taken him nearly two days to do it.

All in vain?

Calm down, calm down!

Zhang Heng took a deep breath, suppressed his feeling that he was on the verge of collapse, and then thought about it carefully. It was not useless. If you want a sample of the T virus, you can only get it from the laboratory on the fifty-fourth floor, so it is still Zhang Heng felt comforted immediately after thinking of the need to clean the zombies in the entire building. But... if the data room can't be opened, where else can the data on the T virus be obtained?


Suddenly, Zhang Heng thought to himself, if the virus suddenly broke out in this city, what would be the first thing those researchers would do?

It is absolutely impossible to flee immediately, because as a senior Umbrella, abandoning a company is different from abandoning a position as a general, and it is inevitable that he will be angry with his immediate boss. Therefore, at the moment of the crisis, the first thought of those people is definitely to escape here with the most valuable information!

Therefore, those materials are probably not in the reference room!

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng had already made up his mind. He turned his eyes to the ceiling and walked straight to the fifty-fourth floor.

The higher the floor, the less the number of zombies. After all, after the crisis broke out, the first thought of ordinary people is to go downstairs and escape. Therefore, the density of zombies is sparse as you go up. This is also the case. Zhang Heng on the last few floors Didn't encounter a single zombie at all.

And he walked from the fifty-third floor to the fifty-fourth floor, which is absolutely clean.

However, when Zhang Heng walked towards the corner, he was startled. In the center of the stairs, there was a pool of shredded corpses whose shape could not be clearly seen appeared in front of him.

This mass of shredded corpses has long been dried up. The minced meat and bone stubble are mixed together. After more than ten years of air-drying, it has completely turned into a dark-brown bacon pie. However, when Zhang Heng saw this mass of shredded corpses, Zhang Heng But there was a deep heart palpitation.

Ordinary zombies eat people into skeletons at most, and they can never have the power to make people into meat sauce, even a group of zombies can't do it!

So, what is the culprit behind all this, the answer is self-evident!

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Heng slowed down again and walked towards the top with a cautious attitude.

The staircase is a corridor structure. As long as he walks halfway, he can see the overview of the upper floor at the turning point. When he saw the open laboratory door, his tense heart relaxed slightly.

Fortunately, the laboratory on the fifty-fourth floor was not locked, otherwise he really didn't know how to complete the task.

However, when Zhang Heng walked up two or three steps again, his breathing stagnated, and a nightmarish figure was lying not far from the door of the laboratory, blocking his way!

Through the half-closed door, Zhang Heng saw that the figure was about three meters long, with sharp claws about a foot long extending from his forelimbs, and his whole body was flushed red! It's like a skinned beast with no skin at all!

Only the developed muscles are exposed to the air, rising and falling with the breath!

On the head of the creature, there are no organs such as eyes and nose at all. Only a huge mouth is placed across the face, and the hideous appearance is like a monster that only appears in a nightmare!


Zhang Heng's heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably. Sure enough, there was a monster that he didn't want to see hidden in this building!

If a zombie is a beast with only instinct, then the licker is the king of beasts! Although the predecessors of lickers and zombies are both human, their strengths are very different - zombies are defective products born after the death of human beings after virus infection, while lickers are directly injected by humans while they are alive. T virus stock solution, and then put it into the biological weapon cultivated in the incubator!

Compared with those zombies who look disgusting but actually have no fighting power, the danger level of lickers is undoubtedly dozens and hundreds of times that of zombies!

At this time, the licker was holding his head and sleeping in front of the messy laboratory door. Because he could not find humans to serve as food, he could only choose to sleep like many zombies to reduce energy consumption. And behind it, is an incubator-like instrument, and a completely destroyed window.

The box-like instrument should be the delivery room where it was cultivated, and the hole was the entrance and exit for it to go out to find food.

Damn Umbrella, who dared to breed lickers in the downtown area, no wonder the entire human world was destroyed.

Zhang Heng stood in front of the door of the laboratory in horror, looking at the lickers more than ten meters away, for a while he didn't know what to do. He looked at the dagger in his hand, and at the monster that only appeared in nightmares. He didn't even believe that he could kill the opponent with this broken dagger for dozens of dollars.

Just thinking of this, Zhang Heng's eyes suddenly lit up. Yes, although it is impossible to kill the licker, but there is no need to fight with the other party, just lure the other party away, right?

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng suddenly had a plan. He slowly exited the fifty-fourth floor and returned to the fifty-second floor. This time, instead of staying in the hall on the fifty-second floor, he chose an office at random and walked in carefully.

This office is messy, a lot of materials are piled up on the desk, but there are no zombies. He looked at the furnishings on the desk, and four desktop computers were sitting upright on the desk.

It's you!

Zhang Heng narrowed his eyes, thought about the plan in his heart, and then resolutely opened the window and threw the four computers out at the fastest speed!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four shattering sounds that are not too loud but not too deep sounded one after another, sending a long distance in the dead silent city. Then, Zhang Heng hurriedly closed the window, hiding behind the wall at the same time, and looked out the window carefully!

In about half a minute, four or five zombies walked out of the dark corners and limped towards the four shattered computers. There was no sign of the licker.

Just when Zhang Heng thought that the lickers didn't hear it, a black shadow suddenly passed through the window, and the speed was so fast that there was almost only an afterimage!

Zhang Heng almost cried out, but by coincidence, the licker flew past the window where Zhang Heng was! Fortunately, he thought that lickers would climb and wall, so he created a window that was closed immediately after the movement, otherwise he might have been discovered at that moment!

Now that the licker left the laboratory, Zhang Heng didn't hesitate, and quickly opened the door and ran towards the top floor. Sure enough, the licker in the laboratory had disappeared, and without saying a word, he rummaged through the three- or four-hundred-square-meter laboratory...

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