"Mr. Zhang, may I ask a question?" Suddenly, an elderly man in a dirty white coat with a blank expression said.

Zhang Heng nodded, "Mr. Thompson, you are famous in biomedicine, please tell me."

This old man named Thompson is a well-known person in the biological field hired by Zhu Fugui before. Unlike other staff members who are swaying with half a bucket of water, he can be regarded as a real scientist, and he is also the only scientific researcher in the entire company who can do it. .

"Can you tell me which aspect of research the new project is about? Is there a mature research plan?" Thompson asked calmly.

"I can only tell you that the new project is related to biological cloning." Zhang Heng thought for a while before answering, "Moreover, the new project has a complete research plan and a mature and feasible solution, so it can be said that it is a must-have project. A successful project, and not just you, and in the near future, I will hire more scientists of your caliber to work on this project with a high salary."

"Okay, I understand." Thompson nodded, silently putting away the shock in his eyes. He really did not expect that the company's new project turned out to be about biological cloning, and it is no wonder that such a huge investment is required.

In fact, cloning technology is almost equivalent to a bottomless pit. There is no money to spend, and it is no wonder that a non-disclosure agreement is required. Where can a small company with tens of millions of people afford this kind of project?

In fact, there are no more than 1,000 companies in the world that can afford this project, and the ones that really make progress are often the national institutions among the research institutes.

Putting away the greed in their hearts, everyone fell into thinking, Zhang Heng did not need to deceive them in this regard, so the choice was very important.

On the one hand, it is to maintain the status quo, to have freedom, but to remain calm.

On the other hand, he is participating in a new project of the company, but his family has to move, but he has a lot of research funds and huge opportunities. Whether it is to maintain the status quo life or to challenge new opportunities, everyone is a little uncertain...

In the end, only three of the dozen or so researchers expressed their willingness to join the new project research team.

Among them, there was Thompson, and Smith, who was clamoring for human rights and the law, wanted to join, but he never dared to speak under Zhang Heng's cold eyes.

The reason why there were only three people was that everyone had already sensed Zhang Heng's hint.

In fact, what Zhang Heng said to Smith was not just a threat, but a hint to everyone - Stellar Technology is not an ordinary private company, if you don't want to get too deep, then don't join new projects Otherwise, once you betray, you will suffer unbearable consequences!

This type of high-tech industry itself has many gray areas. These researchers may not be very good in terms of academics, but in other aspects, they are all the same as people. Once Zhang Heng hinted, everyone will understand.

This project seems to have many benefits, but it is not so easy to join.

Therefore, the last three people who joined either needed a lot of money, or had a strong interest in cloning research and were very courageous. Among them, the white-bearded old Thompson undoubtedly belonged to the second category.

In addition to Thompson, there are two Asian men among the three. One of them is Japanese, named Nanye Shuichi, and the other is also Chinese, named Zhao Qing. Both of them are in their thirties. Maybe It is precisely because the young dare to fight and fight that he dares to join this plan.

After the meeting, Zhang Heng brought the three of them to the company's laboratory in Qi'ao Biomedical Park. In the laboratory, Zhang Heng took out three prepared confidentiality agreements and asked the three to sign before they exchanged a little greeting. two sentences.

"I hope you can abide by the agreement. In addition, please inform your relatives tonight, because tomorrow I will start the first round of new project experiments.

Please prepare when you go back. "

"In such a hurry?" Thompson frowned, "Just the three of us?"

"No, there's me too." Zhang Heng pointed to himself and smiled, "I'm actually a researcher, and I'll conduct the experiment with you. This experiment may take more than a week, so please inform everyone in advance. family and friends."

"I'm fine." Zhao Qing and Nanye Xiuyi looked at each other and nodded excitedly, "By the way, BOSS, since we have signed an agreement, can you tell us what the new scientific research project is?"

"I can't say it yet." Zhang Heng smiled mysteriously, "but I believe that tomorrow will surprise you."

Zhao Qing nodded, but did not ask any further questions in order to avoid suspicion.

In fact, the three of them were like Der Spiegel in their hearts. The reason why the other party didn't tell them was actually a sign of distrust. The so-called non-disclosure agreement is actually like the 'nomination letter' in the past. It's fine if you don't sign it, but once you sign it, it is tantamount to being tied to the company's interests.

If someone leaks company secrets, what awaits that person will definitely not be just a court summons, but retaliation, intimidation, and even assassination from the underworld behind the company.

However, this time, the three of them were wrong...


The next morning.

Thompson, as usual, stood in front of his wife subconsciously after eating. The wife smiled and served him diligently, putting on a dark blue tie.

Like Thompson, his wife is no longer young, and her sagging skin, deep crow's feet, and brown age spots are constantly complaining about the merciless passage of time.

However, for some reason, today's Thompson suddenly felt a little emotional. He looked at his wife who was still carefully sorting out the wrinkles in his suit, and kept thinking, how long ago did he develop this habit?

It seems, is it the wife's hair color or when it's beautiful and dazzling blonde?

Or, is it when the wife's skin can be broken and her face is like the most beautiful angel?

Or, when I was poor and my wife could only eat brown bread with me every day...

Time is like the most naughty running water, inadvertently, it rushes by fingertips and cannot be captured. I still remember the youthful beauty of my wife, but once I regained my senses, I and my wife were already covered with hoarfrost...

Subconsciously, Thompson touched his wife's wrinkled face, then kissed her deeply, and finally left the door with a laugh under his wife's stunned eyes, and drove towards the laboratory.

"It's time to retire after finishing the company's project." Thompson looked at himself in the rearview mirror and shook his head.

Years make people grow old.

When I came to the laboratory, the young boss was already waiting at the door of the laboratory. Sometimes even Thompson would feel envious of the young man's energy.

"Three, because of the need for confidentiality, you may stay in the laboratory for more than a week. If you haven't notified your relatives, please notify immediately, and then I will take away your mobile phones and all electronic devices on your body. You are ready Ok?"

Zhang Heng clapped his hands when he saw that the three of them had arrived.

"No problem, I was ready last night."

"I'm fine."

Zhao Qing and Nan Yexiu nodded, and then the three looked at Thompson together.

"Me too, although I'm old, it's not a problem to stay in the lab for a week or two." Thompson nodded and replied while changing the lab coat.

"Very good, Mr. Thompson is really old and strong." Zhang Heng nodded with a smile, closed the door of the laboratory under the watchful eyes of the three, and opened all protective devices.

At this time, no one can enter or leave the laboratory unless he personally authorizes it.

For some reason, Thompson's heart suddenly felt uneasy, as if something was wrong. He looked around subconsciously. At this time, the laboratory was no different from before. If there is any difference, it is ...In the sterile laboratory, there is an additional piece of equipment that has never been seen before.

That piece of equipment was like a seat, but unlike other seats, there was a complicated steel shelf on the seat, like a torture tool.

Behind the seat, there is a set of complex and sophisticated machinery, which hangs down dozens of slender mechanical arms from above.

"What is that?" Thompson asked through the tempered glass, pointing to the piece of equipment in the sterile room.

"It's an automatic surgical device, enough to perform surgery with nanometer-level precision." Zhang Heng smiled, "It was airlifted from the head office yesterday."

"I don't find this joke funny." Thompson shook his head and did not continue, while Zhao Qing and Minano Shuichi also looked at the strange but technologically beautiful device.

"Can we go in and have a look?" Zhao Qing asked with bright eyes.

"Of course." Zhang Heng made a gesture of invitation, and led the three of them into the sterile laboratory's disinfection channel. After some disinfection, they put on the chemical protective suit again, and then walked into the sterile laboratory.

Thompson was the first to enter the sterile laboratory, and his enthusiasm for biology made him immediately fall in love with this equipment. I have to say that although this equipment is designed without aesthetics, it is as if it was removed from other equipment. The parts are reassembled, but from the perspective of the mechanical arms and other parts, the degree of sophistication of these mechanical arms has almost reached the realm of art! For Thompson, who was used to seeing precision instruments, he was secretly amazed.

"What exactly does this instrument do?" Thompson couldn't help but ask again.

However, what responded to him were two dull falls to the ground.

Thompson couldn't help but look back, but saw that Zhao Qing and Nanye Xiuyi were lying on the ground without knowing when, and in front of them stood the expressionless Zhang Heng.

"You..." Thompson said in a stunned voice, but just after uttering a word, Zhang Heng suddenly moved his foot, and the figure appeared behind him like a ghost, and at the same time stretched out his palm and slashed lightly on the back of Thompson's neck.

The next second, Thompson only felt his neck sink, and then he turned around and completely lost consciousness...

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