"This curvature drive, the shape is too large, Xiaolong still has a way to optimize it."

Wang Hao stared blankly at the eyes of a huge starship. The size of this starship was much larger than that of any vast research center.

And the shape is not the same as the battleship researched by the previous vast research center.

"No, the curvature drive can only be achieved to such a degree. No matter how small it is, there is really no way, otherwise it will reduce the magnitude of gravity and the top speed will drop.

Dragon Brain shook his head and said.

And Dragon Brain's words made Wang Hao's face helpless, and he glanced at a huge starship over the vast research center.

The shape of this starship, in addition to the large flat flagship of the previous Haohan Research Center, is also installed in the direction of the front, a huge hollow device, which is the curvature driver Wang Hao researched.

After spending a lot of methods, it was found that it was impossible to rely on the device itself to get into the state of gravity. Therefore, Wang Hao specially researched a curvature-driven gravity self-service device.

This kind of curvature device will generate a strong gravitation autonomously. It creates its own gravitational force. Although this gravitational force has a limit, it has a great bonus to the propulsive force. After reaching a limit speed, the effect of this gravitational force Will decrease.

As far as the current Haohan Research Center technology is concerned, this curvature drives the gravitation generated independently, which is of great help to increase the speed of the starship engine. At least it can increase the engine speed by five times, not to mention, this curvature drives the gravity device Wang Hao believes that there are still great possibilities for optimization in the future.

Although it can only be increased by five times the speed of the starship engine now, in the future, Wang Hao believes that ten times, twenty times, or even one hundred times are conceivable. After all, technology has been improving, since Such curvature-driven gravitation has been discovered, and even flying at the speed of light is possible in the future.

Just like a streamlined and smooth curve structure, this kind of curvature drive is also a similar principle. The hollow in the middle is used to create a front gravitational force field. After this force field appears, it is matched with the propulsion force of the starship engine. Combined, it can achieve a speed much higher than the achievements of existing technology engines.

"Ling Zhan and Ling Clan, how are they now."

Wang Hao seemed to think of something and said involuntarily.

"There is no danger at present, and the world of Tianyan is being quickly accepted, which is much shorter than our estimated time, and it will take about three months."

Dragon Brain calculated the speed and looked up.


Wang Hao nodded gently, then picked up a phone and pulled the permit.

"License, you can sell the battleship ... You can deliver it in three days. Ask them when the resources will arrive. When the resources arrive, they will immediately pay the money in one hand and deliver it in one hand. I need these resources now."

Wang Hao said with a bit of eagerness, he really needs the resources of the Meiwen Alliance and the Apocalypse Empire. Now the resources of the Earth Star are approaching the limit, and they want to collect resources from the Earth Star. It's reality.

Therefore, we can only find ways to solve the problem of resources from the outside. After all, the shortage of resources has made him want to produce a new type of vast curvature-driven warship.

Among the Yanhuang Alliance, Tao Hongguo was incredible.

"what did you say...."

Tao Hongguo, with strong disbelief, listened to Ye Lao's speech, and immediately received some information from Ye Lao's hand, and looked at it seriously.

"Wang Hao, this is to prepare for the sale of existing warships ... This is not in the universe, is this not a self-cutting way forward?"

Before looking at Tao Hongguo, a look of disbelief appeared on his face, because in his view, Wang Hao could not do such a self-cutting future. After all, in the universe, the dangerous coefficient is very high, if there is not enough The strength of self-preservation may bring destruction.

"I don't know what to do, I don't know, but I know that what Wang Hao is going to do is not that simple. Look at the sky above the vast island. Wang Hao once again started to assemble the reliefs, as if they were forming A larger starship, and the shape of this starship is completely different from the previous one, so, I think, it is very likely that Wang Hao studied the new starship. "

Ye Lao did not like Tao Hongguo thought, but said his own ideas, because according to his understanding of Wang Hao, the sale of warships must have Wang Hao ’s own plan, and the most likely One is that Wang Hao has developed a new type of warship.

"How likely do you think this is?"

Tao Hongguo was stunned, with serious thoughts on his face. He felt that this possibility was still very high. Otherwise, it would be impossible to understand why Wang Hao did it. After all, in the universe, Wang Hao is dangerous to the universe Recognition must be above them.

Judging from his instincts, he did not believe that Wang Hao would do such a loss of his own strength.

"The possibility is 90% ~ www.readwn.com ~ or even 10%, because now Yang Lu, the Yanhuang Alliance Migration Research Center, has returned to the vast research center, most likely to break through some key technologies."

Ye Lao said, the Migration Research Center is actually an extension of the Earth Star transformation plan. So far, Earth Star has been undergoing transformation, and the speed has been much higher than it was at the beginning.

The head of the migration research center is Yang Lu, and the deputy head of the research center is Chen Tang. This senior researcher at the vast research center has also made researchers in all countries realize the horror that these two people have. Research strength.

At the same time, it also made Ye Lao and Tao Hongguo clearly realize how terrible Wang Hao's research strength is, even if the number of people in the vast research center is very small, but the research strength is not comparable to so many people in the country.

"Go, let's go to Wang Hao."

Tao Hongguo thought for a moment and said with a serious expression on his face.

He still wanted to listen to Wang Hao ’s real thoughts, and at the same time, he wanted to communicate with Wang Hao seriously about the future development of Earth Star. After all, Wang Hao is now the promoter of the Earth Star universe era and the core of technological update.

"Well, we set off immediately."

Ye Lao thought, in fact, it was similar to the other party. After hearing Tao Hongguo's words, he nodded in agreement and said.

And the two did not hesitate, they immediately summoned some assistants and flew directly to the vast island. Because of the update of the aircraft, the speed of flying among the earth stars was extremely fast. It can even be said that as long as half an hour later, they can definitely reach any planet. a place.

After all, Earthstar is now in the interstellar age, and there is a strong technological update in technological updates, whether military or civilian.

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