Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 1005: Do n’t stop it for 1 click?

"It's okay to take this person down and hurt, but don't kill it. Arrange the clone of the war tribe to exercise."

Wang Hao's eyes showed a touch of light, he could see that the other party must have some status in the world of Tianyan, and even the status is not low. Now he still has a lot of research in the world of Tianyan, and temporarily I don't really want to stalemate with Tianyan World.

With Wang Hao's words, fifty clones flew up in an instant, some of them were clones of the war tribe, and their strength reached the emperor realm ...

After speaking, the Lord of the Clouds flew in an instant. In his opinion, he flew towards the so-called forbidden area. The speed was fast, but faster. Suddenly, a beam appeared in the so-called forbidden area. His eyes narrowed slightly.

"Oh, it's a bit powerful, the attack strength is not weak."

The Lord of Heaven Cloud, with a look of disdain on his face, reached out to block it. As the Ninth Emperor Realm, the person at the pinnacle of Tianyan World naturally has no need to say his strength.

"Tianyun, you come back to me."

Yan Lao said in a hurry, a panic appeared on his face, he could not see through the Yan and Huang clan, naturally he did not want to be an enemy with the Yan and Huang clan, after all, this planet, seriously, has been rented to the Yan and Huang clan, and now he does not want to Torn face.

"People who invade the Yanhuang territory, take it."

But at this moment, Tian Yun heard the sound of a loud shout in the restricted area, which made him stunned.

"Emperor Realm, all Emperor Realm ..."

Tian Yun's face was stunned, and he took out something without hesitation, and threw it directly into the sky, instantaneously transformed into a beam of light, and a row of long dragons centered on Tianyan Planet.

"Quick ... fast ... The Lord of the Clouds was attacked on the Eight Yanxing Star, and all the awakened people used to support it."

And in the center planet, a place where energy turns, with the advent of a beam of light, there appeared a majestic sound.

"It's not right ... In Bayanxing, it wouldn't be .. right with the Yanhuang Clan."

Yan Tianxing's face was a little blank, as if he had thought of something, murmured involuntarily, especially looking at the sleeping place, one by one because of this beam of light awakened, and quickly went towards the Eight Yan Star, which made him More anxious.

"Huh ... Actually want to fight, but also call people, good things."

Wang Hao also heard that many of the three star powerhouses in the Stars appeared, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Dragon Brain, put all the clones of the war tribe out, pay attention to the arrangement of ordinary clones to see if this kind of war can wake up some souls, and pay attention to collecting data."

A smile appeared on Wang Hao's face. Since he saw these powerful men flying over, he naturally did not intend to let it go, but stood behind the scenes, arranging the clones of the war clan, although the clone of the war clan appeared later , But in terms of speed, it is not comparable to ordinary clones.

Even for such a period of time, the clones of these war tribes have reached the emperor realm in the world of Tianyan, under such energetic circumstances, but because of the difficulty of manufacturing, the number of clones of war tribes is not large.

It can be said that the clones of the War Clan are far more valuable than the ordinary clones. Although it is not difficult to make ordinary clones, the training speed of the ordinary clones is weaker than that of the War Clan relying on combat promotion. Too much.

What's more, the clone of the War Clan actually extends from the clone of Xiao Tian as a model. In terms of cultivation talent, it is completely inferior to Xiao Tian's cultivation speed, and even more so to Ling Yan's combat talent.

It can be said that the War Clan is actually a combination of Ling Yan and Xiao Tian, ​​but now Ling Yan's talent is obviously stronger, so that most of the War Clan are improved by means of combat.

"Lord of Heavenly Cloud, here we come ... Who dares to attack Lord of Heavenly Cloud and die for me."

When the Lord of the Clouds was a bit overwhelmed, he suddenly heard a loud drink in the distance, and suddenly made his eyes shine.

"I am here."

Tianyun took a time to take a look, and his eyes were bright. I saw more than one hundred. His old men had already awakened. At this time, they were flying fast.

"Yan Lao, are you sure not to intervene?"

In Zhitian's eyes, he glanced at more than a hundred people who flew from a distance. He also found many acquaintances, all of whom were famous powerful men in the Tiangong at that time. old.

"Not for the time being. It seems that the people in this restricted area are not prepared to give up their hands, just let these people get a good lesson. Don't wake up and think that the boss, the second son, now the times are different. "

Yan Lao glanced at the battle and shook his head. He said that if this shot is a dead hand, he will definitely stop it, because he has no understanding of the strength of the Yan and Huang clan, and he has helped himself lead out the soul.

What's more, now that the Protoss is heading, let him have no thoughts, and then go to make enemies, but when he hasn't laid down his dead hands, he first wants to see the strength in this Yanhuang clan restricted zone, and second, he wants to let him just sleep for three thousand years Old antiques ~ ~ A good understanding, it is different now, Tianyan world, once again connected with the interstellar, can no longer think about things with the old concept.


And the clones of these war tribes, with the appearance of ordinary clones, immediately stunned the Lord of the Clouds and stunned the old.

"What is this situation, how can it have so many emperor realm strong."

The Lord of the Cloud, his eyes dull, he originally shouted that his old man came over, and he can definitely level this restricted area. After all, this restricted area dares to keep Yan Lao outside.

This old man who looked at himself as the most respected.

But when he looked at this so-called forbidden area, after the sudden appearance of countless figures, his gaze was dumbfounded, and there was a look of unbelievable color on his face.

This figure, roughly calculated, also has at least thousands of powerful emperors.

I slept for three thousand years, what happened ... how could it be so much.

The Lord of the Cloud, a look of dullness in his face, he could n’t imagine how he just slept for three thousand years, and there were so many Emperor Realm strongmen. This is totally unreasonable. It takes at least a thousand years to cultivate to become a strong man in the realm of the emperor.

This is still very talented, but now how suddenly there are thousands of emperor realm strong, this makes emperor realm complete, he can't help but doubt the life.

"Who are these people, how could there be so many emperor realms."

And the old men who shouted from the Lord of the Clouds also showed dullness on their faces, because they were immediately surrounded by dozens of emperor realms.


Yan Lao also stared blankly, looking at the scene in front of him with a look of suspicion in his life.

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