Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 170: Wu Feng's surprise

"Fang Bing, you've been rowing for a day, why haven't you learned? I don't have seasickness, you are made into seasickness by you." Wang Hao held a drawing board and looked at Fang Bing silently, holding his head, but looking After a dozen meters from the shore, it started to turn around.

Ling Yan also held a drawing board and was ready to paint, but the boat that kept spinning around made her really uneasy to paint.

"I still don't believe in TM, Hao Brother, you will be able to get started, I can't be so stupid, I must learn this rowing." Fang Bing said with his teeth.

They have spent a day in this Lingshui Lake, but this time, he still has not mastered the country like Wang Hao, and came out again after lunch.

"..." Wang Hao glanced at Fang Bing, and he felt helpless. On the first day, Fang Bing circled for an hour or two without drawing a straight line at a distance of 20 meters.

In the end, I really couldn't see it anymore, I could only do it myself, and suddenly let Fang Bing and Ling Yan frighten to heaven, and two hand-operated boat trees quickly flicked in Wang Hao's hands.

The coordinated movement made the boat move forward quickly. Fang Bing was envious and decided to learn to row, but after a whole day of rowing, even under Wang Hao's teaching, he still didn't master rowing.

This made Wang Hao have to sigh that he taught level 6, and he was unable to save a boy without the talent for boating when he was close to level 7.

Wang Hao can row a boat. Naturally, he has a relationship with his driving skills. As soon as the sixth-level driver gets started, he masters the meaning of rowing.


"Cousin, this Lingshui Lake is really beautiful." Duan Ying sat on the tour boat of Lingshui Lake and looked at the surrounding scenery, but suddenly looked stunned when looking in one direction.

"This Lingshui Lake is one of the places we are most concerned about in Shangtong County, and it is also the place where we are building the most. The scenery of Shangtong County is estimated to be only available here." He Yun had a look on his face. One day, this Lingshui Lake can be famous throughout the country.

But Duan Ying cried out in silence.

"That's not the bragging king, it really is the bragging king, actually just a boatman, think of me almost on the bragging, was given to the PK by a boatman." Duan Ying looked at a boat in the distance, the rowing boat people.

"Yoyo, your sweetheart is also there."

"Duan Ying, who's sweetheart, again, I will have a crush on you." Lin Youyou glared, as if she was really angry.

"Okay, okay, make a joke, it won't happen in the future." Duan Ying saw Lin Youyou as if she was really angry and said quickly.

He Yun looked at Duan Ying's eyes, and suddenly his eyes were stunned.

"Do you know President Wang?" He Yun suddenly looked blank after seeing the people sitting on the boat.

"Cousin, what kind of President Wang, that is the two bragging kings, we met at the playground in Gancheng the day before yesterday." Duan Ying said somewhat puzzled, He Yun is her cousin, has been with cousin all along The relationship is good.

This time when I came to Lingshui Lake to hear He Yun's introduction, they decided to come to Lingshui Lake to see what the scenery is like here.

"How did they brag about you?" He Yun stared blankly, and said with some curiosity, he couldn't think of it. President Wang's attitude of not caring about anything would brag? If it were really his world view would collapse.

"One of them said that he had a tens of millions of supercars ... I'll go, it won't be true, the car parked at that resort hotel." Duan Ying thought what he thought and looked dumbfounded. The original normal voice slowly became a whisper.

"It's probably not wrong." Lin Youyou said softly. There must be a coincidence in the world, but the probability of such a coincidence is too small. She thinks that it is not the other party's bragging, but it is the case. .

"By the way, Comrade Duan Ying, are you talking about the hundreds of millions of special planes?" Lin Youyou looked at the unbelievable Duan Ying and couldn't help but ridicule her.

"Don't mention, grandma's, it's not bragging." Duan Ying said feebly. She had always thought that Fang Bing was bragging. At this moment, she knew that 80% of the other party had that green supercar.

"Is there a Mercedes-Benz sedan in the resort area? License plate Gan B-855XX." He Yun hurriedly confirmed towards the two.

He didn't go to the resort hotel, but came in directly from the entrance of the scenic spot. After all, he lived in Shangtong County. He came here early this morning to play with Duan Ying and relax by the way.

"I didn't remember the license plate, but there was a Mercedes-Benz car parked next to the supercar." Duan Ying thought up and said, but when she just wanted to ask, He Yun had picked up the phone and was dialing.

Duanying looked at the excited He Yun, only to swallow the words, and waited silently, Lin Youyou watched quietly, she felt things seemed a little complicated.

"Mayor Wu, I don't think we can talk for the time being. If you talk about it first, we will improve the investment plan. After a week, how about starting the investment plan of Lingshui Lake?" A fat middle-aged man , With a very thick gold necklace on his neck, said to Wu Feng.

"OK, let's discuss it again." Wu Feng nodded calmly.

Looking at the few people who left at the beginning, Wu Feng's face became a little ugly, and looked at the other people who negotiated.

"Everyone, are we making concessions, or are we sticking to the original conditions?" Wu Feng said after thinking a little bit. ~ ~ County magistrate, if we insist on the original conditions, then we will most likely lose this investment. .. "A staff member in Shangtong County hesitated and said.

"But if we give in, how can we make it." Wu Feng asked a key question at once.

This problem has made other people look at each other. This concession is already huge. If you want to make a concession, there is not much room for concession, because no one can bear the responsibility after the concession.

Bell Bell Bell Bell

"I answered a phone call, you discuss it first." Wu Feng saw that the phone rang, and when there was no good way, he didn't manage it anymore. Instead, he answered the phone in the conference room.

"Hey, He Yun, what's the matter?" Wu Feng picked up the phone and asked.

"The county magistrate, President Wang did not leave, but stayed at the Lingshuihu Resort Hotel and was on vacation with two other friends." He Yun said quickly after he connected the phone.

"What, are you sure you admit it? ... OK, I'll come over now, you are waiting for me in the resort." A surprise flashed on Wu Feng's face. The president of Feixi's battery factory didn't leave, but in Lingshui Lake lived.

He did n’t want to miss the opportunity again, thinking of Feixi ’s responsible attitude towards the environment, and the thought of initially seeing Wang Hao ’s investment of hundreds of millions .. Caring attitude.

He had a goal in his heart, and he could find an investor to invest in Lingshui Lake. It would be better to persuade Wang Hao. Wu Feng knew that as long as the other party had the will, money was not a problem at all. .


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