"Rather than giving it to me, it is better to give more people who need help." Li Quan whispered this sentence after driving away from the villa and driving the car.

After he read it a few times, he always felt a familiar feeling when he watched Wang Hao before.

"Wait, Wang Hao .. Wang Hao." Li Quan's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of a person. He didn't continue to leave and left, but stopped on the side of the road.

After pressing the double-flash lamp, he quickly took out his phone and checked it. After a while, a news appeared on his phone and a picture of a person.

"Actually Wang Hao." Li Quanmu murmured to himself. There was a head picture of Wang Hao on the phone, like a news, with the words "Xijiang Province No. 1 King Hao".

Li Quan didn't think that this, in his opinion, was Mr. Wang, a big enterprise, and was actually the top champion of Haojiang in Xijiang Province six months ago.

Before I just saw Wang Hao, I was familiar with it. Until just now Wang Hao said that he had such a heart. It is better to give the money to those in need. Li Quan pondered along the way and had a familiar feeling.

The sensational Wang Hao half a year ago, and the president Wang saw today, there is indeed a big difference in change. This is not a change in face, but a change in temperament, so that he did not recognize it for the first time.

"Give more people in need." After Li Quan groaned slightly, he started again.

A flash of Mingwu flashed in his eyes, combined with the news about Wang Hao he had seen before, he knew what to do, yes, to more people in need.


Wang Hao, Fang Bing, and Ling Yan, after coming out of the villa, drove towards the Nantian Factory. After solving the lunch, Wang Hao continued to shut himself in the No. 3 factory building.

Ling Yan saw some landscapes today and felt something in her heart, staying in the room to paint, while Fang Bing was staying in the No. 3 factory building and had a wordless chat with Wang Hao.

"Huge brother, when will the Nantian team be established?" Fang Bing asked curiously.

"Wait for Ma Qing to have time for him to decide." Wang Hao thought for a while, this team does not necessarily have to wait for Nantian Motor to be listed before it can be registered, you can register in advance.

However, Wang Hao is not very inclined to register a team, because registered teams, in order to qualify for the competition, unless you buy some qualified team qualifications, or you can only start from scratch.

According to Wang Hao's idea, directly buying a mature team is the most energy-saving method.

But just a few words, he was interrupted by a knock on the door.


"The door is not closed, come in." Wang Hao glanced at the monitor and found out that it was Ma Qing and said.

"Boss ..." Ma Qing felt a little hesitant on his face, as if he had encountered something difficult.

"Something happened, just say nothing." Wang Hao looked at the expression on Ma Qing's face, turned around, and looked at Ma Qing and said.

"That's it. Now that Nantian Motor is gradually taking shape, the management system now feels very complicated and bloated. My idea is whether to carry out some splits and separate the management of Nantian Electric Vehicles and Nantian Motors. I really can't help it." Said distressedly.

Nantian electric vehicles are now on the rise, and Nantian Motor is gradually taking shape, making Ma Qing's management pressure unprecedented.

Finally, he thought left and right, and finally thought of a feasible solution, that is, to split the Nantian electric car, and then he specially managed Nantian Automobile, and took out this Nantian factory that serves the boss.

After listening to Ma Qing ’s words, Wang Hao moved slightly and thought of an idea that appeared before. The current Nantian development is actually divided into three parts.

First of all is the profitable Nantian electric vehicle, which can be said to be the economic backing of Nantian Automobile. The income of Nantian electric car allows Wang Hao to continue to invest follow-up funds for development without giving Nantian Automobile.

"Well, you don't need to split, you still plan to arrange the entire Nantian and group Nantian." Wang Hao thought about it and said, originally he wanted to integrate the following companies to form a large group.

But this idea was not long before it came into being, and it was wiped out. Wang Hao knew that these companies under his company had a too large business scope.

And each company has reached the standard of grouping. According to Wang Hao's idea, there is no need to put these four companies together.

"Group, doesn't that need five companies under it?" Ma Qing said immediately after listening to Wang Hao's words.

"A workaround, just register a few." Wang Hao rubbed his head, Ma Qing's other things were good, but it was a bit rigid, which may be related to the previous factory manager's experience.

Wang Hao now also sees Ma Qing, who is transforming from a factory manager into a president-type character. This is what he is happy to say.

"Boss, I'm too stupid." Ma Qing looked slightly red, as if to feel ashamed that he hadn't thought of such a simple question.

"The establishment of Nantian Group, you do it yourself, and the management mechanism is up to you. You can give me a report at that time." Wang Hao didn't care. In his view, since Ma Qing can manage Nantian electric vehicles , As well as the newly established Nantian Automobile, you can definitely manage Nantian Group.

What's more, Ma Qing is still studying hard, and the speed of improvement is in his eyes, and he has not changed Ma Qing's mind.

"Okay, I will implement this matter as soon as possible. Boss, then I will go first." Ma Qing's eyes flashed a scorching heat, and he felt Wang Hao's strong trust. He could have said that this time he was full courage.

Let Wang Hao assign a manager to take charge of the management of Nantian electric vehicles, but did not expect that it was the boss's founding group ~ www.readwn.com ~ and the group president was still responsible for him.

He knows his disadvantages. Just as Wang Hao thought, Ma Qing also knows that he has his own shortcomings in commercial competition and company management because of his previous experience.

Ma Qing is working hard to improve related content.

"Don't worry, I happen to have something to tell you." Wang Hao looked at Ma Qing who wanted to leave and hurriedly stopped.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Ma Qing stepped in, he was originally worried about disturbing Wang Hao, because he could see that Wang Hao was busy.

"Since it is a car company, it is impossible that there is no own team belonging to Nantian. According to my ideas, you can set up a team as soon as possible. You can register or buy. You can see which way to register and try to ensure some events. Qualifications for the competition. "

Wang Hao said the idea of ​​the team. Car companies naturally need to have their own team.

"Boss, I will do this car company as soon as possible." Ma Qing's eyes lighted up. He had thought of the team before, but this idea was suppressed by him shortly after it appeared.

Because there are few car companies in China, his newly established car company is a little bit less confident.

"Okay, you can arrange it as soon as possible, and I will give you the car design drawings as soon as possible. You will arrange the assembly as soon as possible." Wang Hao thought about it, and the drawings are naturally his design for the car after the current model changes. drawing.

"it is good."

Ma Qing saw the look of his boss, and he felt a sudden heat. Since the boss was willing to help him design the car, there would be no problem with the formation of Nantian's car.

PS: I hope that all book friends can subscribe and support the walnuts. I am very grateful.

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