"Hao Brother, you are really not nervous at all." Fang Bing looked at Wang Hao, and after saying a few words with Ma Qing, he was not in charge. Instead, he sat in front of the computer and continued to get some design drawings.

"What's so tense, this is not a big deal. The enterprise's development process, finally encountered all kinds of things, this matter is not too big, at most it is just the result of an accident."

Wang Hao looked at the computer seriously and was doing the design of the car. This was just an episode for him. He was not worried that Nantian would collapse.

The biggest problem encountered by Nantian now is that netizens think that Nantian Automobile is actually a shelf. In addition, some relatively bad netizens took the rhythm.

As far as content like this is concerned, as long as the authenticity of Nantian Automobile is proved, this storm is nothing at all. Instead, Nantian Automobile's reputation is struck out.


In an office building in the center of the Yanjing business circle, a dozen people are sitting in the water-blue and environmentally friendly conference room and are discussing.

"President Feng, we have looked at the purification plan in Shanghai City. Most of them have no problems. There is only one point. We would like to discuss it with your company again." A man about 35 years old, wearing a black suit, slowly Slowly put down the plan in his hand, discussed with the two people next to him, and said.

"Director Zeng, you said." Feng Wei nodded gently. Since Yanjing's air purification was successful, it has now formed a scenic spot in Yanjing.

Shanghai City has found it. As the commercial center of China, Shanghai City may not have much heavy industry, but the number of cars is as amazing as that of Yanjing.

Even the car exhaust caused by these cars has a considerable impact on Shanghai's environment.

"It's about the carrier design of the zodiac signs of Yanjing, can you let the designers of your company personalize the design based on the image of Shanghai City." Director Zeng had seen the design of the zodiac signs of Yanjing, and he was greeted The strong Chinese characteristics of the zodiac are attracted.

However, Shanghai City does not have the cultural heritage of Yanjing. They naturally do not want to use the zodiac signs as a carrier. Especially since Yanjing has adopted such a design, Shanghai City does not want to use the zodiac signs as a carrier. Want to redesign.

Shanghai City does not have the cultural heritage of Yanjing, but in the construction of modernization, it is not comparable to Yanjing.

"This is no problem ..." Feng Wei had already recruited some designer designers for his human resources, but he just stopped speaking, stopped, turned to look at the door of the meeting room, and suddenly opened and walked into a Beautiful professional woman.

"Sorry, there may be some urgent matters. Let us discuss with you first." Feng Wei said apologetically, because it was Guo Jing, his right-hand man.

I believe Guo Jing is also a decent person. If it is not an urgent matter, it is estimated that he will not come in so eagerly.

"Okay, Mr. Feng." Director Zeng didn't feel much displeasure, because Feng Wei came to receive him, and it was already considered to be of high specifications. Now the water blue environmental protection is not a big domestic enterprise.

"What's the matter?" Feng Wei led Guo Jing out of the meeting room with some curious eyes from Director Zeng, representative of Shanghai City. As soon as he came out, he asked.

"General Feng, Nantian Automobile was leaked, and there is now considerable public opinion on the Internet, which has a very big impact on Nantian Automobile, and even Nantian Electric Vehicles." Guo Jing said anxiously.

Nantian Automobile is not an enterprise that has nothing to do with Shuilan Environmental Protection. It is under the same boss as its own company. Now Guo Jing has a strong sense of belonging to Shuilan Environmental Protection.

After discovering Nantian's news, she came to the meeting room for the first time and wanted to tell Feng Wei about it.

"Maybe it's a good thing." Feng Wei walked into the office and looked at the news that appeared on the computer, but Guo Jing was not as anxious in his eyes.

After reading it calmly, he didn't even appear anxious anymore. Unlike Wei Feng, Feng Wei had been engaged in sales since he graduated.

Slowly marketing manager, marketing director, sitting up step by step, in the judgment of such things, naturally more keen than Ma Qing.

If Nantian Automobile is false, such news is good for Nantian Automobile and Nantian Electric Vehicle. It is definitely a devastating blow, but it is all based on Nantian Automobile which is not self-developed.

As an insider, Feng Wei can be said to have witnessed Nantian Automobile from scratch, so he was not worried at all.

Bell Bell Bell Bell

Feng Wei glanced at the phone on the desk and picked it up with a smile.

"Mr. Chu, did you see that too?" Feng Wei said without tension.

"I see, is this Ma Qing's self-hype? If so, Ma Qing is getting more and more refined." Chu Tian laughed from the phone, and his expression was also very relaxed.

"I don't see it. Nantian Automobile didn't do security measures. One day is quite normal. It is estimated that the boss is not in a hurry. If you are busy or not, we will organize a group to brush the boss in Gancheng. Feng Wei said with a smile.

"OK, I will take care of things and leave today?" Chu Tian is not a person with ink. Tianfeng Technology and Shuilan Environmental Protection are not like Nantian, but also a car, an electric car, and so many workers. Need management.

Moreover, the management level of Chu Tian and Feng Wei is much higher than that of Ma Qing, a semi-hanging monk, and was established longer than Nan Tian. In terms of management talents, the two companies are more efficient than Ma Qing ’s Nan Tian.

"Yes, I will let Guo Jing book the ticket now, and we will meet at the airport." Feng Wei, who is also very popular, said quickly.

"Okay, I need an hour and a half, and three hours later, see you at the airport."

Guo Jing looked at Feng Wei speechlessly. She felt that she and President Feng, as well as President Chu, were not on the same plane at all. They were not in a hurry about their own worries.

"Feng, this matter ..." Guo Jing asked Feng Wei as he watched Feng Wei hang up the phone.

"Well, this matter is very big, so now you hurry to book a flight ticket with President Chu and company affairs. You can deal with it first. If you ca n’t handle it, you can call me. The boss must be sad when he encounters such a thing. I have to go to Gancheng to comfort my boss. "Feng Wei hung up the phone with a serious expression on his face, as if it was not him who talked and laughed just now.

"Mr. Feng, don't act in front of me, I didn't hear what you just said, really, I'll book tickets." Guo Jing rolled her eyes, although she was not as keen as Feng Wei, but If she doesn't know that, she is not worth becoming one of the important management.

"Eh, I said Guo Jing, why are you so faceless now ~ www.readwn.com ~ Be careful I deduct your salary." Feng Wei looked at Guo Jing's back and felt his authority was shocked, he was not angry Said.

"Catch it, Feng, let me remind you. I have the boss's phone number. Be careful of my real name report." Guo Jingyang raised her mobile phone. After getting acquainted with Feng Wei, she didn't have so much fear of Feng Wei.

In fact, whether it is water blue environmental protection, Tianfeng technology, or Nantian and Feixi, affected by Wang Hao, the working environment is very relaxed.

"This Guo Jing ..." Feng Wei listened to the threat and a smile appeared on his face.

As the boss, Wang Hao always jokes with these people. CEOs like Feng Wei don't think that joking is to challenge his authority.

It has gradually formed the current corporate culture, relaxed and harmonious. It is this environment that gives employees a strong sense of belonging. In any company under Wang Hao, the loss of employees is minimal.

PS: When Double Eleven is here, how many people will chop hands, looking forward to it, but walnuts ca n’t be controlled, you ca n’t code words after chop hands, so you book friends recommend more, monthly tickets, rewards, let walnuts If you add more code words, there is no chance to cut your hands.

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